Love Always

The Next Morning

I wake up to the sounds of someone in the kitchen. I open my eyes slowly as sunshine through the window binds me. It takes me a minute to realize where I was. Was I really still in the same bed that Harry Styles and I fell asleep in? Did all those memories really happen? I uncover myself and reach at my neck for Harry’s necklace, but all I feel is my bare neck. “Oh crap!” Where is his necklace? I rush to the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I lean over the sink looking in the mirror closely because I had forgot my glasses on the nighstand. I quickly put in my contacts and I couldn’t believe it. The necklace was really gone. Harry was going to kill me. I open the bathroom door and run to the bed, stripping the sheets and bedspread, searching frantically for the necklace. I check under the bed, crawling up underneath it. I gave up hope. I would just have to tell Harry that I lost it and would try to find another. I washed my face and headed down to where I heard the noises earlier. I walk into the kitchen to find Harry making breakfast. I quietly sneak over to the bar and sit down without him noticing. He finally turns around, putting food on two plates, and sees me. “Good morning beautiful” he says grinning from ear to ear. I was about to reply when I noticed that Harry had his necklace around his neck, the same necklace I had on hours before. “Harry, that necklace…” He looks at me confused then he makes an expression as if he remembers something. Before I know it he runs to the couch located behind me and walks back towards me with his hands behind his back. He smiles at me mysteriously. “Love, this is for you, and I hope that you will accept it and not think that I am moving too fast.” He says moving his hands around to his stomach and a small blue box is in his hands. He slowly opens it and on a small blue pillow is an identical paper airplane necklace but it was turned upside down and had writing on it. Love Always, Your Hazza. I only gasped, and placed my hand over my mouth. “I take it you like it?” I stare up at him and nod. “Yes Harry. I love it! Why did you do this for me?” “ I thought that this would be my subtle way of asking you to be my girlfriend. I know you may think that I’m moving too fast but you don’t have to say yes right now if you don’t want to. I just want to know that a perfect girl like you would give a guy like me a chance.” “A guy like you?” “Yeah, a goofball like me. I promise if you say yes, I will always do my best to give you the world.” “Harry…..” “Please say that you will say yes to being my girlfriend.” “Hazza!” “Yes?” “I was going to say yes, don’t get your knickers in a twist.” He smiled and jumped straight up and placed the necklace around my neck. Doing it delicately as if to slowly feel around my neck. He them caught me in a hug. When he let go he locked me in a kiss. “This is wonderful! I can’t believe you said yes! I can’t wait to tell the boys! They are going to flip!” “Did the boys know about this scheme?” “Yeah! They all helped! Louis and Niall went to take the necklace and pick it up, and Zayn and Liam went and got these groceries for me to cook. They were really hoping you would say yes, they like you a lot.” “Well, I’m glad I made a great impression on them.” “You did! Now, let’s eat! All this excitement has made me starved!” All I could do is laugh. He handed me my plate and I picked it up and walked with it over to the couch, beckoning Harry to follow me. I grabbed the remote and found some cartoons. Harry had sat down next to me, as close as he could. Once he was settled he gently kissed me on my forehead, and I turned around and returned his kiss with a peck on his cheek. He smiled and laughed like a little kid. We began to eat when Louis came barging in the door. “OH! Sorry! Wrong room!” he was dressed in a wrestling attire. Zayn and Niall came in, bumping into Louis, dressed similar to him. “Lou! This isn’t Liam’s room! Sorry guys” Zayn says smiling. “It’s ok, guys! You guys are up early.” I say looking them up and down, hoping they would explain their choice of outfits. Louis steps out away from Niall and Zayn, “Well I guess we need to go find Liam’s room now, he’ll be waiting for us. You two do know that we are leaving in a couple of hours to go out on the town, right?” “Really? That sounds like fun!” I said looking at Harry. “Would you like to join us Love? We could invite Kaitie as well. It will be all us boys, you and Kaitie, and Paul. It will be totally safe.” I look at him thinking about how to answer him. Of course I would want to go and I know Kaitie would want to as well, but what about all the fans. Me and Kaitie would be attacked for being with the boys. “Besides, I want to show you off.” Harry says bringing me back into the conversation. “She said yes?! Oh that’s great! Congrats man! Rachel! Welcome to the 1D family!” Niall screams out excitedly, jumping around Zayn and Louis to run over to me and plant a kiss on my cheek. Zayn and Louis walk over with smiles on their faces and do the same, each kissing me on the same cheek. “Wow, thanks guys.” I shoot out almost nervously. “Okay, okay boys, that’s enough. She did say yes to being MY girlfriend you know.” Harrys says jealously shooting the boys a look. “And that’s our sign to leave boys! Good-bye Harry and Rachel, see you in a few!” Louis says backing off and grabbing Niall and Zayn by their wrestling capes, dragging them out the door. They wave goodbye and Zayn shuts the door on the way out. “I guess I better go get ready and call Kaitie and tell her to do the same. This is going to be so much fun!” I said rising up and placing my plate on the coffee table. I quickly kiss Harry on the lips and run to the bedroom and grab my phone, looking up Kaitie’s number. “Hello?” “Kaitie! Wake up and get dressed! We are going out with the boys today! I will be down in a few to get some clothes and you better be awake and getting ready!”