Status: In progress

When Darkness Falls...

Chapter 11

Sully’s POV

I walk onto the scare floor and look over at Randall’s station. He’s talking to his girlfriend, what’s her name…. Kylie? I don’t know, but something’s different. She doesn’t seem… annoying anymore. I watch them for a little bit, curious. Randall’s been acting different as well, not as mean… He goes over to grab an empty scream tank and I do the same.

“Morning Randall.” I say, smiling.
“Oh, hi, Sullivan.” He says, eyeing me curiously.

I notice dark bruises on his neck and chuckle.

“Get laid last night?” I say, smirking.

His eyes narrow and he covers his neck.

“None of your business, Sullivan.” He replies, going back over to his girlfriend.

I just shake my head and start the day normal.

At lunch, I convince Mikey to sit with me over by Randall and his girlfriend.

“Now, that should taste very similar to alfredo sauce.” Fungus says, pointing to the leech pasta.
“alright, Fungus.” The girl says. “I trust you.”
“C’mon, Rylie.” Randall says, wrapping his arm around her and holding a fork full up to her mouth. “Just try it.”

Rylie… that was her name. I looked her over. She looked the most human out of all of us besides Fungus. She had bright blue eyes and brown hair with a light dust of freckles on her cheeks.

“Hey guys!” I say, cheerily.

We sit down at their table before anyone can object. We sit on either side of Fungus, facing the couple.
Randall eyes me curiously again before Mikey starts running his mouth.

“how’ve you guys been?” he asks.
“Good!” Rylie says, smiling. “I heard you like the girl at the main desk”

She grins mischievously as Mikey blushes and nods.

“Yeah. Her name’s Celia.” He says, dreamily.
“He actually had the balls to ask her out today, eh, Mikey?” I say.
“Yeah! She said yes!” he says, smiling.
“Awww!!” Rylie squeals. “That’s so cute!”
“Isn’t she a little old for you though, Mike?” Fungus says nervously.

He scratches the back of his head, reddening.

“Yeah, a little, but not much; I’m 22 and she’s 27.” He says “but don’t let her know I told you how old she is!”
“Plus, Fungus, just look at Randall and Rylie” I say, gesturing towards them. “How old are you, Rylie?”

She looks at me nervously. I can tell it hadn’t occurred to her their age difference.

“18.” She mumbles softly.

I look at Randall, who narrows his eyes, pulling her close.

“what about you Randall?” I ask. “how old are you?”
“what does it matter, Sullivan?” he growls.
“Just curious.” I say shrugging.

I don’t know why, but I feel like something about them is wrong. It’s like they’re from two different worlds…

“Okay, fine. I’m 26, you happy?” he says, looking down at Rylie. “But age doesn’t matter.”

He looks at her reassuringly and she calms a little. We finish lunch and head back to the scare floor. Rylie’s wrapped in Randall’s arms and they’re talking quietly while Mikey and Fungus are deep in conversation about something smart sounding. I can’t get rid of the feeling that there’s something wrong with that girl. She feels my stare and turns around. I smile and she smiles back before returning to her conversation with Randall.

Mikey and I head to our station and they head to theirs.

“Hey.” Mikey says

I snap out of thought and look at him.

“What was with you at lunch?” he asks.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“You know what I mean, Sully. Why were you attacking them today?”
“I wasn’t!” I say defensively. “I was just curious.”
“Sully, you were trying to prove something. I know you. What’s gotten into you?”
“There’s something not right about that girl, Mikey.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, Mike.” I reply, looking at them again. “but I want to find out.”

~the next day~
“Sullivan?” a voice calls.
“what’s up, Mr.waternoose?” I ask
“The CDA says they think there was a breach in security. That there might be a human among us.” He says, gravely.
“a human…? But who-“ I stop, looking over at Randall, reflexively.
“well, if you find something out please tell me.” He says, not catching my look.
“uh, yeah! Sure thing Mr. waternoose.” I reply.

He leaves and I look at Randall again. He and Rylie are teasing Fungus about something.

“hey Mikey?” I ask.

He looks up from his paperwork and walks over.

“What’s up?”
“Your date with Celia.” I say. “is that tonight?”
“Yeah, why?”
“would you be interested in making it a double date?” I ask.
“What? Why would I-“ he catches me looking over at Rylie and Randall. “Oh, no. No, no, no. why??? Why can’t you leave them alone? There’s nothing weird with Ry-“

I grab Mikey’s shoulders.

“Listen to me.” I say, looking him in the eyes. “I think Rylie might be a human”
“What?” he gaped. “you’re insane! You’ve gone off the deep end!”
“No, listen, Mikey. Mr. Waternoose just told me they think that there’s been a breech in security. They think a human is walking among us.” I say. “and I think it’s Rylie.”
“C’mon, Sully. I really want Celia to like me.” He whines.
“what if I talk to her?” I ask.

He sighs.

“alright, but she can’t know! She will flip if she knew I could be taking a potential HUMAN out to dinner with us.” He says before walking away and finishing his paperwork.
???’s POV
I watch from a safe place as I scope out the scare floor, waiting for Waternoose to finish talking to Sullivan. I catch him glancing at a certain couple a few stations down. I realize it’s Randall and he’s got a girlfriend. Nice… I look closer at the girl. She’s cute. Brown hair, blue eyes… wait a minute… I can’t see from here so I can’t be sure but I think it’s her.

“Rylie…” I say, grinning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some more Sully for Robbi the Ripper and Cupcake Princess.

Shout out to my amazing best friend, Kitkatwolf! I luh you~!!! ;3

Comments and suggestions appreciated! Criticism welcomed!!! :D