For More Than Forever


Today is the day.

It's been months that I've postponed this event, but I have to now, if I don't, my lover said that he'll leave me. I know that he would dare putting his threat in action. Thats why i'm going to do it. I'm going to tell the Weasley's about him, and about how he isn't actually an ennemy to me. That he is actually the man I love.

It's crazy how they are the closest thing related to a family that I have and they don't even know about the man that makes my life a happy place after all the crap that happened to me. I was so scared of losing him during the war but this war was more like a time for miracle. He managed to survive and it made me realize how fragile life really is and that I need to show him off. I can't keep him hidden like this. One, it hurts him. Two, it makes it way easier for me to lose him that way and I couldn't bear the pain losing him would cause me.

I came to the realization that no matter which Weasley's love I'll lose today. It wouldn't even be half as painful as losing him would be. This realization gave me all the courage I needed to tell them.

I already know they all hate him. Well, they never specifically said they hated him, but they all have their doubts and prejudices about him. They are still sure that he worked for you-know-who. I really don't care about what they say because in my heart, I know we both love each other and that's all that matters.

Saying I was scared shitless would be the understatement of the year. I had enough trouble staying calm due to how bad the stress was. I thought I knew they would still love me, but I realized that I really did. They all expect me to grow up and marry Ginny. When I said I didn't want to date her, they ignored me for two months. Thats why it's scarying me so much. This is way worse than saying I won't date her. It's going to make them realize that the chances of me marrying her are non-existent. I know that they still have hopes of seeing that happen, one day, the more close the better.

Besides, I know that he matters more to me than they do. Thats why i'm doing this, because he has my heart not Ginny. She never really has had my heart and never will.

I am too afraid to anounce it to everyone all at once, so I decided to take Ron and Hermione into a different room to tell them first. They're the only ones I don't fear their reactions too much.

I know I need to say it before I lose my mind but how do I tell my best friends I'm in love with Severus Snape?!

~Ginny's POV~

I saw Harry motion for Ron and Hermione to follow him and after five minutes I excused myself from the room. I quietly went upstairs and just as I got outside Ron's room, I heard Harry say something I never thought he would say.

"Ron. Hermione. I'm not sure how you'll react to this or if you'll even remain friends with me but, I need to tell you two something important. I'm in love with Snape."

Oh Harry, you don't need to be ashamed of that. We all know you are going to marry me.

The name, it didn't sound like mine at all.

That's because he didn't say your name you crazy, stupid, pathetic bitch

I needed to run to my family and tell them what he said and how much of a shame it is for all of us that Harry won't be marrying me. Ever. Not only does it mean that he doesn't want to be with me, it also means that he takes it up the ass and this is not acceptable. Not at all. If only he had said a woman's name, that would mean I would still have a chance to have him, but that asshole of a teacher corrupted him and probably gave him potion after potion so he'll forget our entire future even existed. Everyone knows that Harry and I are meant to be together and I am NOT going to let Snape ruin that.

Which is precisely why Snape needs to be removed from this earth. Then maybe we'll be able to bring Harry back to me and our destined future together. I can't let this corrupted pervert still be alive after the crime he made, he destroyed one's life. We all need our Harry back so I can get my hopes of marry Harry rising again. Then again, they never left me. I just know that he poisoned my Harry.

I've finally arrived at Snape's house. All I need to do know is get rid of him and I'll have my perfect life back. I crept through his house quietly until I found him in bed asleep. I muttered one word with my wand pointed at him before apparating back to The Burrows.


Looks like the student overcame the master and I now have my life back.


What Ginny doesn't know yet is that this was actually the worse thing she could've done. What her and no one but Snape and Harry knew was that they were married and a charm had been placed. Said charm was for if one of them gets hurt, the other one suffers from it too. This was how much they loved each other and didn't want to be without one another.

This was the night Ginny Weasley lost the love of her life. Forever.