Cigarettes and Brandy


Arielle woke up in a rush, the rolling in her stomach jerking her awake. The nausea churned and twisted until it was climbing up her throat and she was leaning over the side of the bed, spewing her stomach contents into the bowl sitting on the ground. Sweat was sticking her dark, tangled curls to her forehead but a shiver went down her back.

She reached for the water bottle sitting on her nightstand, thanking god that her roommate had enough foresight to leave it there for her. She swished some around her mouth before spitting it out into the bowl and gulping down the rest of the bottle. Arielle swung her feet over the side of the bed, and tried to stand up. A lance of pain went through her head and she collapsed on the ground, all of the alcohol from the previous night coming back to her.

Her hands went up to her face, rubbing her eyes, trying to rub out the pain. Her fingers smelled vaguely like cigarettes and brandy. She brought them back down and looked at the black-stained tips from old eyeliner, the nail polish horribly chipped and grimy. She yanked all of her rings off and threw them across the room where they clanked against the wall. The thick sweater over her tank went next, joining the pile of clothes next to her dresser.

She half-stumbled, half-crawled to her adjoining bathroom, leaving the glaring light off. Arielle splashed cold water on to her face, not even bothering to dry it off. The water dripped down onto her skin, but did nothing to cool her over-heated body. Fuzzy memories flitted through her mind; a voice she didn't know, hands on her body that belonged to a face she couldn't recall, and lips so soft but so hard that they bruised her skin.

A cry got somewhere stuck in her throat and came out more as a choked sob. Tears leaked out of her eyes, leaving black tracks on her cheeks. She slid back onto the ground, pressing her face against the cold, hard tiled ground.

Why did she keep doing this to herself?
♠ ♠ ♠
I rather liked this.
