Status: Active- At the moment I have many chapters already planned.

The Secretary's Story

Secret revealed.

As scared as she was about rushing into things, Louise had to admit living with Daniel was perfect. It was lovely seeing him in the morning before work, it was comforting when he drove her home, it was bliss spending the evenings with him just doing nothing. She was sort of looking forward to having her own space again, but she was also dreading him leaving. Being alone in her flat was going to feel really lonely, the only time she wouldn't miss him was in her bed. As much as she loved sharing a bed, Louise had always loved being alone in her bed, nobody there to make her too warm or stop her being comfy.

When Louise got up on Saturday morning he was still asleep, she looked at him as she got out of bed, he looked so innocent sleeping, it was sort of sexy. As she got dressed she checked him again, he was still sleeping, she felt a pang of guilt, why would she not want to introduce him to her parents? He was lovely.

Just before she left she popped back into her bedroom and sat on the bed.

"Daniel." She whispered. "I'm going now." He frowned as he woke up, he stretched before opening his eyes, he smiled when he saw her and Louise had to fight the urge to get back into bed.

"Morning." He said in a dry voice opening his arms. She lay down on top of him and he wrapped them around her before closing his eyes again. She couldn't help but smile.

"I'm going now, I expect you to be gone when I get back, ok?" She gave him a quick kiss, "I will call you during the week to arrange to go out." He nodded his eyes still closed. She put her arms on either side of him and pushed off to get up. His arms held her there, he smiled his eyes still closed.

"How are you getting there?"

"I'll drive ." He opened his eyes looking a little confused.

"What will you drive?" She scofffed.

"My car, it's parked in a valet car garage around the corner. I keep it there because I don't use it much round London and it means my space under the apartments is free for guests." He closed his eyes again and looking a tiny bit disapointed.

"Daniel I need to go." He didn't move

"Five more minutes." She was very tempted.

"If I stay I will be late. You know how I hate to be late and I will blame it all on you, not a great first impression." He grinned and moved his arms. She gave him one last long kiss and left.


Her home didn't look quite as grand as his, though hers was still pretty, it was the same sort of area, just different places they came from.

As she entered her home she went into the living room, her dad was sitting watching the tv, she said hello and gave him a quick hug before heading towards the kitchen.

Her mum was walking towards the kitchen door when she went in. They hugged and Louise's offer to prepare food was accepted. As she was peeling a variety of vegtables her mum started talking,

"We haven't heard from you in weeks, have you been busy at work?" Louise had a moment of panick, she didn't expect to be talking about him so soon after arrival.

"Not exactly, work has been fine. I've sort of met this man and we have been spending time together lately." She stayed looking out the window above the sink as she heard her mother move around behind her.

"Oh, how long have you been seeing him."

"I think it's a month now." Her mum was slightly shocked.

"A month? So it's still pretty early on then."

"Yeah." Louise sounded hesitant. "It is early, but we have spent a lot of time together."

"I see. Could it get serious?" Her mother was very curious, she rarely mentioned relationships to her parents, only when they were over.

"I think it might get sort of serious. We moved quite fast, I met his parents just over a week after meeting him." She turned to see her mother looking at her, "It was all a bit last minute and it was really casual. I knew his brother, he is Kirstens boyfriend so it wasn't quite as weird, yeah ok it was a little weird. I am telling you about him now because we might move onto my stage three." Her mum laughed, she knew all about her daughters relationship stages.

"Didn't you want to bring him today?" She smiled at her daughter who grinned back.

"I thought I better give you a heads up before I brought a man back to meet you. He really wants to meet you two, he says seeing as I met his that it is only fair. I think you'll like him." Louise couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You hope we like him." Louise nodded.

"I really do."

"So what is he like?" Louise grinned wider than a cheshire cat.

"Mum he's lovely! So he is called Daniel and he is two years older than me and he is an architect. He has a younger brother, Christopher but he prefers Chris and they bought over a small firm and moved it to London. I haven't been to their offices yet but I researched them, they have some pretty high clients. He has this grin that is so genuine, his smile too, you know when it like lights up their face and goes to their eyes too? Its infectious." Her mum smiled at her.

"You really like him don't you?"

"You have no idea. We have spent so much time together it's mad. But when I don't see him for a few days I really miss him."

"We better meet him then." Louise bit her lip slightly and nodded.

"You really should."


Louise decided to take a detour on the way home, she decided to see if her new key actually worked. She found a car park block near his and quickly took the ticket, it was going to cost her a fortune but it would be worth it.

When she got to his door she paused holding her new key, it felt exciting, she put the key in the door and turned, she was glad that it actually worked. She couldn't help grin as she entered but when she got into the living room, he wasn't there. She ran up stairs and checked his bedroom, he wasn't there either. She was feeling a bit disappointed when she came back downstairs, it wasn't until she went towards the kitchen she remembered his office.

She opened his office door, there he was behind his desk drawing up plans. There was something really sexy about it, he looked up briefly before looking back down at his work. He then looked up a moment later and his face lit up in a grin.

"I didn't expect to see you today, I thought we were going to ration ourselves?" He went back to his work as she moved over to sit on the edge of his desk.

"Today doesn't count, I saw you today already. I just wanted to make sure my key worked." She smiled holding it up attached to her other keys.

"Did you think I would give you a fake one?" She shrugged,

"You might." She slid herself round so she was facing him. "So, my parents know about you now." She grinned as he looked up.

"Is that so?" She nodded,

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing, but I can't see you." She frowned slightly.

"Why not?"

"I'm not wasting my one day a week. Tomorrow is too soon." Louise got up and moved to sit on the arm of his chair.

"Daniel?" She asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Yes, Louise?" He continued to do his work. She moved forward resting her lips against his cheek.


"Yes, Louise?" She began to kiss his cheek,

"Daniel, I really," Kiss "Really," Kiss "really, really want you to meet my parents tomorrow." After every really she gave him a kiss before standing up and swapping sides.

"Really, really, really want you to." She continued alternating words with kisses, sliding her hands down his chest, she could feel him grin. His hands moved to her waist pulling her onto his lap.

"I thought you wanted to wait."

"I can change my mind can't I? I told my mum about you and then I just wanted to introduce you to them. I already felt less scared when I told my mum, so I figured why wait? Seeing as we are busy next weekend and I know you are free tomorrow let's just do it." He smiled before kissing her.

"Are you staying tonight?" She shook her head.

"I have to go, parking costs a fortune. Plus I have no clothes here and I'm not showing up at their house in the same outfit. I will pick you up tomorrow, ok?" He nodded as she got up and dashed out.


On Sunday night she decided to pop up to his when she dropped him off, just for a few minutes. For the first time since she had met him she felt totally relaxed, no secrets anymore, she was pleased.

It felt like her relationship with Daniel had truly begun.

He was only just in the door when she followed him, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning in for a kiss, she was smiling in the kiss. He tried to move away but she just followed him, pressing him till he was stuck against a wall.

"You are pretty pleased tonight." She tried to stop smiling but she couldn't.

"That went well didn't it." He nodded and she bounced on the spot.
"I am incredibly happy at the moment. I feel like we have really began now. Nothing feels rushed, it just feels normal, I feel so free. You meeting my parents was a brilliant idea. Plus you're right, if it feels like the right time then why worry whether or not it is too soon." She stretched up and kissed him again.
"No arguments, you are coming to stay at mine tonight." She was beaming

"But Louise, what about work in the morning?" He grinned at her as she let go of him and headed up to the bedroom.

"I want you to stay at mine tonight, if you don't come and get some clothes I will pick for you. Apart from this weekend, we will still stick to one weeknight together. I also think I was being rash, weekends too are acceptable." He ran past her to his bedroom.

"I have my annual holidays in a week. I'm not off anywhere, instead I am going to some shows. I will shop during the day and do the touristy bit of London. So I probably won't see you then." He nodded as he grabbed some of his clothes.

"The wedding, this Saturday, it's about four hours away and I booked a room, a long time ago before we met, but you will have to stay over, with me." He grinned as she leaned against the doorframe.

"I'll cope. I'm feeling rather warm Daniel, I think I might sleep naked tonight." Daniel smiled grabbing his stuff and making a quick exit with Louise.