Status: Active- At the moment I have many chapters already planned.

The Secretary's Story

Date at His

Friday felt like a lifetime away. Both were excited at the prospect of spending time in each others company. Louise was glad when he had called her that morning;

"So I will call you when I leave work. You have got clothes with you, right?"

"Yes I do. It feels weird bringing spare clothes to work." Louise smiled playing with a pen on her desk, her boss was at her door, he motioned to his watch, she had a meeting with him soon. "I have to go, I've got a meeting to get too."

"We having lunch today?" She laughed gathering her notes together.

"No! You have me all evening and breakfast tomorrow. I think we can wait."

"Your loss then. I'll see you tonight."


"So you see, if we took on inexperienced staff we could train them ourselves and it would give our clients greater satisfaction. At the moment we are only able to advertise the skills that our members tell us they have. Sure we give them some small tests but we don't really know how they will cope with the job until we get the client feedback." Louise passionately addressed her boss, for some reason Kirsten was there too, as well as the other senior staff members.

"I don't know babe, I think we are fine right now." Kirsten stifled a yawn taking down some notes.

"Louise I understand where you are coming from, however our clients haven't complained about the staff we are sending them."

"But this could add a whole other sector to our business!"

"Sorry Louise but not this time." With that the meeting was over, Louise sighed leaving the room, she was looking forward to tonight more than before.

I will be there in 5.

Louise smiled as she picked up her bag and small case and headed down to the lobby. She didn't have to wait long before he pulled up in his car. He quickly got out and opened the boot of the car.

"Bloody hell! I said four outfits." He picked up her case and put it in, she dropped her bag in too.

"Well I needed make up and hair stuff. Then I put a couple of spare outfits in. Its not that much!" He smiled closing the car as she came towards him for a hug. "I have had one hell of a day. I need to chill so badly." Before kissing him, it took him slightly by surprise but soon he was leaning her against the back of his car and kissing back. Louise pulled back a little, "We should go right?" Before placing another soft short kisses on his mouth.

"Mm we have time." He went back into the kiss before eventually breaking away. "You are right, we are holding up traffic." He said as they both got into the car.

Once sitting down Louise gave an almighty sigh.

"You sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders." He observed

"You know when you just have a bit of a shit day at work? It's tiring and you don't enjoy it? That was my day." She looks at him before watching out the windows, taking note of the streets they are passing.

"What happened?"

"I can't be bothered to talk about it to be honest. I just need to take my mind off it."

He grinned and turned to wink at her, "I can help with that." Louise had to admit to herself tiny little butterflies danced in her stomach.

"That was both really cheesy and sort of sweet all at the same time. You live round here?" She motioned to the general area.

"Uh no I'm further up." Louise gulped, she knew from looking those places were expensive.

"It seems weird that I've not been to yours yet."

"It seems weird we met just over a week ago."

"Yeah, it really does. Ok, how brave are you?" Louise turned to him, watching him drive.

"How brave am I? Brave in what sense?" He laughed as he said it, looking at her briefly.

"Well how much of a girl can I be? Are you the sort who freaks out at the slightest bit of commitment?"

"You are making me nervous now, you can be all of a girl."

"Well without being cliché, I feel like I have known you a long time and yet I feel like we have barely met."

"It feels weird doesn't it?" He turned to look at her as he pulled into a private car park.

"So weird. Is this it?" Louise peered out the window, and looked up at the building they were going under.

"Yeah this is mine." Louise was a little excited as she got out of the car and picked up her case, following him to the stairs. "Give me your bags."

"No! I am being independent." Louise said stepping aside smiling.


"Yes! It would make me really uncomfortable." She followed and after half a flight she was regretting the decision, especially in heels. Soon however they had reached the main lobby where he called the lift. Her building was nice, his was incredible. "Did your company have anything to do with this place."

He smiled and slightly blushed, "We might have worked on it, I might have got a pretty good discount as a result. I mean really it's stupid, this place is far too big for me on my own. However, "

"You couldn't resist having a flash place right?" He nodded looking away, his jawline was gorgeous, Louise had to fight the urge to start kissing along it in the elevator.

Eventually they reached his floor, however she didn't see what she expected to see when he opened the door. Instead of opening directly into the rooms it was a short corridor with no doors, at the end of the corridor you turned right and walked along till you came to another wall, only then could you see the entire apartment. It made Louise's place look tiny. The first thing she saw was a very large television in the centre of the wall, in front of it a hard black leather sofa. The wall with the TV had a flight of stairs which led to another floor, around the main room was the upstairs, well balcony. The windows were huge, the kitchen was huge, everything was big and screamed bachelor!

"So this is your humble home then?" She walked slowly behind him, it was like being in the penthouse suite of an expensive hotel. "I do feel like I'm in a hotel now, this is huge, its so masculine."

"Yeah so, leave your bags and I'll give you the tour. Make yourself at home." Louise looked around, it felt really awkward to just turn up and stay the night with someone you barely knew. She dropped her bags and followed him as he showed her the kitchen, living room downstairs bathroom and office. They then went upstairs where he had another bathroom and two spare bedrooms. As well as a master bedroom with ensuite.

"You're right, this is far to big for just one person." He grinned turning to her

"You have to admit though, if you could, you would have a place just like it."

"Oh without a doubt, but three bathrooms for one person? That's just funny. So what takeaway are we having?"


It was after dinner when conversation started getting deep!

"So what sort of music do you like?" He asked Louise as they lay on the sofa.

"I have terrible taste in music, I have no taste of my own. I like cheesy, I like classical, I love musicals and soundtracks. Plus I pretty much love the chart stuff. Indie and interesting is not my taste. I don't own albums, I just get the popular singles."


"You would be amazed how it helps you concentrate. Plus I feel ridiculously cosmopolitan and intelligent when I listen to it. So do you do any sports?"

"Yeah I used to, don't have much time for it now. Do you?" He smiled before she answered.

"Oh yes, all of them! I'm more a watcher than a doer. The only sport I can't really watch is cricket, I just don't see the point and the one sport I watch religiously is tennis."

"Do you think we will ever have another British champion?"

"Absolutely, we will. So what kind of movies are you into."

"Typical guy stuff; action, comedy, horror."

"Ugh I can't stand horror, why do you want to watch a film that will stop you sleeping afterwards?"

"It's never really affected me." He grinned sliding closer to her.

She moved back a little, "I'm not,"

"Having sex with me, I know." He moved back again. "So any other phobias, apart from spiders?"

"Its a sort of fear, of dying. Not the actual being dead bit though, more how I'm going to die, I'm terrified of being murdered. Or dying as an old lonely widow. Have you got any phobias?" She grinned slightly as he looked embarrassed.

"I have a little fear of swans." He looked away from her as she burst out laughing.

"Swans?! You know there has never been a reported broken arm as the result of a swan right?" She nudged him with her foot, haven taken her shoes off much earlier.

"I was little and we went to feed the ducks in the winter. Well they were hungry and came out of the water, the swans freaked me out. Even now I feel edgy around them, mind you its not as bad as your phobia." Using his hand me mimicked a spider climbing up her leg.

"Ugh stop it! Poor wittle baby Daniel." She laughed as he quickly pulled her legs and jumped on top of her.

"So where is your favourite place to be kissed? What really gets you going?" He asked kissing her gently on the mouth.

"Oh My God! You can't ask that? Who asks that?" She scoffed moving her head away from him.

"I just thought I would save myself a bit of time, but if you won't tell me I will have to find out for myself." That sent the butterflies in Louise's stomach fluttering southwards as he began to kiss her. Starting at her mouth he began kissing across her cheek then down to her neck where she let out a little gasp.

"Oh that's a good reaction!" He said against her skin before continuing down her neck, releasing a few little moans from her. "So, you have to options tonight, you can pick from any of my lovely spare beds or you can share mine." He said before resuming his kisses.

♠ ♠ ♠
So this took a little longer than planned, got to a certain point and knew how I was ending but got stuck in the middle.

I really need some help though, I need surnames as I haven't gave any of my characters one yet. Any suggestions are welcome, thanks.