Status: We are what we are; don't need no excuses for the scars from our mothers, and we know what we know 'cause we're made of all the little bones of our fathers.

The Last Wolf

I could feel the full moon begin to rise deep within my aching bones. My joints were shaking, my fingers and toes curling, my heart racing. I couldn’t think. My stomach retched forcing me to lean over my bedside, the dinner from the night before returned, not tasting as good the second time. “Here, take this, Dahlia. It’ll calm your stomach,” Mom half whispered as she held my head put two white pills on my tongue and a glass to my lips. “You’ll feel better soon.” My brain dimmed, vision blurred, I was no longer my mother’s daughter. I was something much worse.

Dahlia is the last. The very last of her kind. Her parents have kept her heritage from her for as long as they can...but they can't hide anymore. One side wants to destroy everything that she is! KILL HER! While the other side wants to preserve everything that she can be. SAVE HER!

Go on this epic journey to find out who Dahlia Raven Waters really is, what she is capable of, and just how she plans on saving a species that will be extinct if she dies.


Mibba Magazine Review read HERE!

***Disclaimer***I do not own any famous places or bands aforementioned in this story. I do however own the plot and all the characters that are not famous. All pictures are found through google searches.