Status: We are what we are; don't need no excuses for the scars from our mothers, and we know what we know 'cause we're made of all the little bones of our fathers.

The Last Wolf

Chapter Three

Sweat dripped down my face as tears smeared my cheeks while my heart raced. A scream escaped my lips before I realized someone had a grip on my shoulders. Someone was humming a soothing melody that I knew I’d heard before, but I couldn’t place the tune. Dr. White River flooded my vision as my eyes focused. “You’re alright, Child.”

“W-what…” I trailed off as I tried to look around for my phone.

“It’s a little after 1 p.m. I’ve been keeping an eye on you for the last hour,” he explained as he released my arm. “Your fever broke not long after I arrived. Open your mouth.” I did as I was told. His gloved fingers pulled something from underneath my tongue. “A mint leaf to keep the fever cooled.”

“Where are my parents?”

“Down stairs, they’ll be up shortly. Here, sip this slowly,” he handed me a hot cup of something that smelled earthy with another mint leaf floating on top.

“What is it?”

“A herbal mixture to sooth your sore throat; it will calm your stomach tremors too. I’ll give your parents something to rub on your joints to ease the stiffness,” he answered. His voice was low and patient as he moved down to examine my knee. He pushed my leg into a 90 degree angle before he stretched it out slowly. I winced and moaned.

“Tell me, Child, what happened to you last night?” He looked at me with curious eyes, his mouth set in a knowing thin line. His broad shoulders leaned in toward me as he watched my breathing quicken. “Tell me what you feel you cannot tell the rest.”

“I, um, I…” I trailed off looking into his deep chocolate colored eyes. His hands moved to my other leg as he bent and straightened it. “A boy scared me. I told him to go away, but suddenly there was a wolf.” His eyes widened as he moved to the other side of my bed to continue moving my joints.

“Continue…” he trailed off when I didn’t elaborate.

“I pepper sprayed the wolf in the eyes before I kicked it underneath the chin as hard as I could. When its neck snapped, it wasn’t a wolf anymore.”

“It was the boy who’d bothered you, wasn’t it,” he coaxed.

“I wanted to kill him in his human form when he hurt my friend’s feelings. Blood rushed to my head; I fought with him, I slammed his head into a tree root. I didn’t know I could fight?”

“You followed your instincts, Child. That is a noble thing to do,” White River encouraged.

“What was he,” I could feel the confusion on my face. My heart leaped from my chest into the open space between us as it begged for answers.

“You will find out in due time. You are changing into the person you were destined to be.” He packed up the things he’d left lying around to check my blood pressure, fever and heartbeat in a little black bag.

“What does that mean?!?”

White River walked out of my room without another word. I sipped the herbal concoction slowly; it made the soreness in my bones ease rather than put me into a hellish sleep like the tea Mom gave me. I shook bad thoughts of my parents away. They were good to me, and I needed them.

A door slammed too loudly, I almost dropped the cup in my lap. “I cannot stop what is happening to her,” White River’s voice echoed.

“What does that mean,” Mom questioned, her voice rising to its scary, upset shrill level.

“It means, your daughter is changing. She is not the girl you raised anymore. She is her mother’s daughter.”

“I am her mother!”

“That girl, sixteen years ago, showed up on our doorstep. Did you know then that this would happen,” Dad asked as if it were a condemnation.

“I did not know for sure, but I had my suspicions when I saw her yellow eyes for the first time. The girl's mother came to me, she told me everything. I hoped you would keep violence from the baby, but this…” he trialed off.

“This what,” shrieked my mother.

“This violence could not have been helped. Samantha, your daughter was provoked. They’ve come to finish what they started.”

“What are you saying?” Dad hissed.

“Those wolves that were murdered seventeen years ago were no ordinary wolves. You humans helped destroy a heritage, and now there are others who are coming to finish your job. I’ve traveled the U.S. in the last five years; there is no one with yellow eyes except for her. The moon does not control the demons as the Priests liked to call them.” White River's eyes darted from Samantha to Luke

“My daughter is not a demon!”

“No, your daughter is a…”

“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE,” Dad screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is chapter three. for those of you who subscribed to the story because you took my challenge, well, feel free to unsubscribe now if you hate it.

Thank you for subscribing though, and for the recs. I really love that you guys like this story. I'm going to stick with this as much as I can, even though I have a bad habit of starting and stopping stories. This is one that I really want to finish. I hope you'll try to stick with me as we continue on Dahlia's story. (For ya'll who are wondering how to pronounce her name... It's like the flower or the famous murder. You know 'The Black Dahlia-Elizabeth Short's story.)