Status: In progress (also on WattPad)

All About the Fame



Logan’s P.O.V

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, “Logan this is getting out of hand, you are losing fans because of this, and the press hates you. On Twitter Hate Logan is a world trending topic; it’s one of the most popular.”

“I can see they are very creative.” I said sarcastically.

“Logan, be serious you need to do something about this.” She said.

I shrugged and rolled my eyes, “Buy them something, fix it, it’s your job not mine, my job is the talent yours is to make me look good, that’s all you need to do. Do you think you can handle your job?”

“See this is what I mean; you can’t act like a spoiled teen! This is why you are losing fans; people have stopped watching your movies just because you are in them.” She exclaimed.

“Oh calm down, what are you my mom? I can sing and act, isn’t that good enough? They need me.” I said annoyed.

She shook her head, “Apparently the show doesn’t you’ve been fired. If you change your act I might be able to get you into more shows.”

“That’s crazy, they can’t fire me. That is MY show I’m the main character! They made the show for me, they can’t just fire me.” I exclaimed standing up.

“Well they told me they will stop the show all together if that is what it takes.” She said making me shake my head, they can’t do this.

She got up not letting me talk even though I didn’t plan on it soon, “I will give you a month, you will have no shows or concerts during that time, volunteer at an animal shelter, or adoption center I don’t care do something to look good, call me if you need help.”

She paused in the doorway, “One last thing,” She paused, “if you don’t change your habits, your career will be over and there will be no getting it back, I’m trying to help you Logan but you have to let me, you have talent don’t let it go to waste.

“Gina-” I started.

“No, this is your last chance, don’t blow it.” She said leaving; I ran a nervous hand through my blonde hair how am I going to do this?