Classroom ***er


When you’re sitting in class, you don’t really sit there and wonder who is the most capable of murdering someone. Or, at least I don’t think that anyone in my class had, nor do I think that even in their wildest dreams would they have imagined me killing all those people.

I was always the good girl- never in detention because I never got into trouble, always home well before curfew, straight A-grade student and always polite to everyone that I met. So, naturally, as a possible homicide suspect, that I’d be last person that you’d think of.

But, I proved them all wrong.

After being with my boyfriend for about a month, he introduced me into a bad crowd. And, is was with that crowd that my downward spiral begun. He was addicted to drugs, alcohol and sex. It didn't take long for me to turn into a sex-crazed, always high on something, binge drinker.

A year later, we murdered our first person together.
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Just a little something to try and get me back into the swing of writing. I'd started to write this in my roll-call group.