Status: I will update at random

I Remember You


"Alright people! That's a wrap!" The director called out to the cady and crew.

Everyone cheered and hugged eached other. Alexandria, or Alex to her family, cheered along eith the others before a scream left her mouth.

"Uncle Norm! Put me the hell down?' Alex laughed as her uncle spun her around.

Norman laughed and placed his one and only niece back on the ground before the youngest cast member, Chandler, ran over towards Alex and crashed into her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Looking up from the sheriff's hat he was still wearing, Chandler smiled widely at her.

"You did an awesome job back their, kid," Alex said, smiling at him.

"Think so?" He asked, blushing a bit.

Alex giggled a bit seeing that the young boy blushed at her compliment. He had a little crush on her, which was very adorable in her book.

"I know so. I think even better that Andrew," she teased.

"Hey now," Andrew said in his regular voice,"that hurts me deeply. But you are most likely correct."

Chandler thanked Alex and Andrew before running into the costume trailer to change back to his clothing. Looking around, Alex smiles as her best friend, Lauren Cohan, making her was towards her.

"Hey girly!" Lauren said as she brought the young girl into a hug.

Alex laughed a bit and hugged her back before wrapping her arm around Lauren's waist and steered her to the make up trailer to take the fake blood off. Sitting in her chair, Lauren and Alex began to gossup about anything they can.

"Oh, are you still going to he joining Emily and I tomorrow for that shopping trip?" Lauren said as she stood from the seat.

"Of course! Woldnt miss shopping with my two favorite girls!" Alex exclaimed as her uncle walked into the trailer.

"Brilliant! Be ready at 10, got it?" Lauren comanded in a playful tone.

"Yeah yeah," Alex said with a laugh and hugged her friend before they parted ways.

"I swear, you girls and your shopping," her uncle said with a roll of his eyes and took a seat.

"Just be gland I'm not a fucking girly girl, Uncle Norm," Alex said with a smile as she began wiping the make up off his face and arms.

"Yeah, that actually makes everything better. Mig is happy that you're not a silly. His words, not mine."

Alex laughed along with her uncle before their banther was interrupt by the sound of Alex's Galexy S3 started to ring.

"Can you get that? Got my hands full right now?"Alex said as she cleandd the fake dried blood off her uncle.

Norman nodded and reached over to his nieces white phone with a case of Loki on it. Norman answered the phone and his eyes bulged open when he realized that at the other end of the line was the director of Thor 2.

"Alex, its the director of Thor 2," Norman said, looking at Alex.

Alex stared at her uncle with wide eyes before telling him to put it on speaker phone.

"Hi, this is Alexandia Reedus. How may I help you?" Alex said as she cleared her throat.

'Hi, we were reviewing some footage of you and of some of the work you have done and we actually want ro hire you for this movie?'

"Yeah, I can do that. The director here at The Walking Dead won't need me to do any make up till they start filming next year, so I can come down over their to do rhe make up and-"

'No Alexandria,' the director said, cutting her off,'we don't need tou for makeup. We actually want you ro be in rhe movie as Loki's love interest.'

As those words were spoke, Alex droppsd rhe rag that was in her hand and stared at the phone, wide eyed. They wanted her?

Clearing her throat and spoke,"oh wow. Was so not expecting that. This is amazing news and I'll do it."

'You'll do it?' The director said with a wide smile that can basically be heard through the phone.

"Yes! I'll do it!," Alex said with a laugh.

'Great! Filming start next month, the script has been sent and you'll get it today late at night. Thank tou and see you in a month.'

Saying rheir goodbyes, Norman put her phone back on the counter and looked at his niece with pride in his eyes.

"Congratulations kid!" Norman said with a laugh and brought her into a tight hug," I'm so proud of tou and I'm sure your mom and dad will be too."

In the mention of her parents, Alex held tighter on her uncle, knowing that he was basically the only family she had left.
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So what do you think? I don't really know what's going to happen in Thor 2 but until then, ima twist it up, hope you like it!