Status: Fin.

We'll Never Forget

Seeing Double

“Dudes, I can’t wait for tonight’s movie night!” Beast Boy yelled enthusiastically, raising a DVD copy of a movie he got from the rental store.

Raven, who resided upon the couch, looked at the green-skinned boy in annoyance, her brow twitching as his sudden and unnecessary announcement made her lose her place in the good book that levitated before her. “Well, I certainly can,” she muttered lowly.

“Beast Boy, don’t you think it’s time that you gave that movie a break?” Robin asked from the kitchen. “We’ve watched that movie every time that it’s been your choice for the past few months.”

“But, dude, Wicked Scary never gets old!”

“Hate to break it to you, but yes, it does, and it is.” Raven pointed out.

“Oh, come on, Raven, you’re just saying that.” He retorted, dismissing her comment without much of a second thought.

“No, she’s got a point, man.” Cyborg began. “Seriously, BB, can’t you pick another movie?”

“Shall I accompany you to the store of rental movies, Beast Boy?” Starfire asked with her normal, airy tone of voice, flying over to her friend curiously. “Perhaps we can also purchase some of the candy of cotton that melts in our mouths!”

Seeing how he was beginning to become outnumbered, Beast Boy sighed and threw his hands in the air. “Fine, I’ll pick another one!” He shouted, turning to the Tamaranean girl beside him. “Let’s go, Star.”

As the green and orange-skinned teenagers made their way throughout the city, Beast Boy walking at a relaxed pace with Starfire hovering beside him, the city seemed to become more lively with all the hustle and bustle.

“Oh, it is such a lovely day today, is it not, Beast Boy?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s pretty nice,” he lamely commented, still feeling down that his choice of movie was rejected by the others.

“It has been a while since our last battle with anyone.” She began, trying to keep the conversation going to cheer up the changeling that she knew wasn’t feeling all that great. “I wonder where all the evildoers have gone to?” Beast Boy gave a shrug and muttered something she was unable to make out. “Beast Boy, please! Raise yourself from the dumps you are so down in! It must not be such a pleasant place to be in!”

Hearing her talk in her own strange and unique way caused him to smile and begin to appreciate her concern. “Sorry, Star,” he started, beginning to pick up his walking pace. “C’mon, let’s hurry and get to the store so we can pick another movie and get some junk food!”

As soon as he finished his sentence, there seemed to be a resounding boom in the area, the ground trembling and causing civilians to panic and run around in confusion. Starfire and Beast Boy looked to one another before they both took off to where they heard the explosion, Starfire beginning to call the team on her communicator.

“Robin, calling Robin,” she began as she flipped it up.

Starfire, what’s wrong?” Robin’s face popped up on the small circular screen and she wasted no time replying.

“I’m afraid there has been an explosion nearby. Beast Boy and I are on our way.”

From the other end of the communicator, the alarm system in the tower began to go off. “We’ll be there soon.” The boy wonder replied briefly, ending the communication and allowing Starfire to refocus on heading towards the area.

A small shopping outlet in the local mall was ablaze, customers and staff members alike running for their lives as they tried to escape the growing flames. Six forms were sprawled across the floor in the middle of the store, all but one of them beginning to come to their senses.

Groaning, the leader spoke up first. “Ugh, what happened?” He muttered, grabbing his head that was throbbing in pain.

“Don’t know,” a thirteen-year-old boy coughed, fanning away smoke and trying to make sense of his surroundings.

“Well, this definitely isn’t the factory anymore.” A ginger-haired boy replied.

A muscular boy scoffed. “That’s for sure,”

A blonde girl began to rise just like the rest of them, glaring at the redheaded boy in annoyance. “You touched it, didn’t you?” She snapped.

Sheepishly smiling, he shrugged his shoulders. “Seemed like a good idea at the time!”

The bulky, male teenager, who was now ignoring an argument between the two, turned his head to see his Martian teammate still seemingly unconscious. “M’gann!” Rushing to her side, he picked her up into his arms. “M’gann, wake up!” He urged.

Hearing Superboy call out to Miss Martian, Kaldur headed over to them and looked to Kid Flash. “Kid, get Miss Martian out of here,” Aqualad ordered, taking a quick glance at his surrounding and seeing numerous people try to scurry their way to the exits. “Everyone else, help evacuate the civilians. Go!”

Just like that, the team of young heroes sprung into action, gathering their wits as they began to get the civilians out of the store. Kid Flash, who was racing throughout the entire mall with an unconscious M’gann in his arms, finally made it through the crowds and into the open, placing her down against a nearby tree.

“Kid Flash!”

Hearing his name being shouted, he turned to see who it was since he didn’t recognize the voice. Before him stood a young, green-skinned boy and an orange-skinned redhead who floated in the air gracefully. He had never seen them before in his life, but maybe they were fans? The two of them grew confused expressions when Wally faced them completely.

“That’s not Kid Flash,” the green one stated, taking a step back in surprise and sparking irritation inside the ginger. No, they couldn’t have been fans. They would know that he was Kid Flash. Who else could be him?

“Perhaps he decided to change his wardrobe?”

Wardrobe? He’d had this costume for a while now.

Hearing the screams of civilians, he realized he didn’t have time to be confused over these two people. He needed to get back in there, save the people, and not get murdered by Artemis.

As he made a mad dash back inside the building, two vehicles pulled up behind the two teenagers who were left standing in confusion.

“Beast Boy, Starfire, what’s going on? Was that Kid?” Cyborg asked as he and Raven exited the T-Car.

“Uh, yes, er… no?” Beast Boy started, beginning to confuse himself even further the more he thought of it.

“We are not quite sure.” Starfire piped up.

“But that had to have been him,” Robin said, taking out his communicator. “Kid Flash, can you hear me?”

A few seconds passed and soon the familiar ginger they knew popped up. “Hey Robin, what’s up?

“Why did you just leave like that? How many people are still left inside?”

Leave like what? I’m not in Jump City, Robin. Give me ten seconds.” And true to his word, ten seconds later he was standing beside them. “So what’s the situation?”

“Uh, that is…” Raven pointed.

All eyes landed upon a group of five people exiting the mall, helping the last few civilians while heading towards the green girl that was up against the tree. The six Titans watched as they helped her rise to her feet, turning to face them soon after.

Wally and Kid Flash of the Titans stared at one another for a second, eyeing the other up, and soon both Robins were doing the same when they saw a patch with the same “R” they wore on the other’s chest.

“Is it just me, or are we seeing double?” Beast Boy questioned.
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Again, not too sure on how I'm portraying the YJ characters, but I hope you're enjoying it!