Status: I'd like to thank my friends randeep, Clark and karanveir

Nightmares come true


What! What did you say. It can't be how can she die, she was healthy and everything, I screamed. Sweat driping down my face.

"calm down, Ryan she died were all sad but u gotta say strong" , said my dad in a firm and confident voice. He looked down with sadness in his eyes, I know he wasn't ok with it.

I was so furious that I punched the wall as hard as I could leaving a small dent in the wall. I tried to storm out of the room but my dad grabbed my arm before I got out of the room

"Ryan your grandma left u a gift", said my dad in a voice that sounded full of sarrow. He handed me a small cardboard box.

when i picked up the box it wasn't heavy , it was very light. I opened the box and inside sat a necklace with a head with out eyes or a nose just teeth that looked like from a demon, it was painted in light brown, it looked kinda creepy but i loved it. Its something i can cherish.

I can still remember the moments I had with her. Tears started coming out of my eyes and one landed on the necklace. Then I wiped my tears and walked out of the room with out saying a word , wheil walking out I put on the necklace and vowed to never take it off.

I walk to my 2010 ford mustang. Its red with a black strip going down from the back to the hood. I opened it and got in and slamded the door . I started the car and drive off, I wasnt paying much attenchin to the rode, i couldnt get my mind off of the fact that my grandma died. My heart is shattered into a billion pieces but i new I had to live on for her.

Then suddenly in a flash I got off corse and smashed into a car. I forgot to put in my seat belt so the wind shield broke and half of my body was out side of the car.

I opened my eyes and all i could see was glass and blood. I could feel tramendus pain all over my body, it felt like a bunch of knives were stabed all over my body . I couldn't move , all i was thinking about was is this it, will I die here and meet my grandma . I started to hear a whisper, it sounded really creepy . It was saying Ryan you will die and your love ones will be the killers . I was thinking i must have hit my head really hard . The voice wouldn't shut up, it just kept rapeating it over and over again .Then someone picked me up, i couldn't see who but i was really greatfull.
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Ryan- He is the main character of those story he has short shaggy black hair. He is 6'1 and he's 19 year old. He is a handsome fit looking guy with a short temper .He has a light brown tan and dark brown eyes.