Status: I'd like to thank my friends randeep, Clark and karanveir

Nightmares come true


I opened my eyes to find myself surounded by purple mist. I thought to myself am I dead, or is this just a dream. The mist is very thick. I just keep wondering where I am and why am I here .

I started to walk through the thick mist . I don't know what i'm looking for. I look to the sky and all I see is the purple. I kept on walking till i saw a shadowy figure that looked like a big castle.

I kept on walking towards the shadowy figure . After 10 minutes I could finally see the castle. The castle was black, looked really old and abanded . At the front gate I noticed that it was opened, I thought it was kinda strange. I walked to the front door, it looked creepy and ghost infested.

The door quickly opened , then a gale force wind came out from the house and it knocked me down. I tried to get up but my body wouldn't move. I don't know if I couldn't move cause i'm scared or that i'm still hurt from the accedent .

I saw a shadowy figure walk closer. My heart started to beat faster and faster. I figure kept on coming closer and closer, then finally it got close enough for me to see it's face. When I saw the face my heart skipped a beat and i felt relived.

The shadowy figure was my girlfriend, Ariana . She has graceful blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Shes like an angel. I was so releved to see her. I thought something was wrong cause her eyes were so lifeless and full of hate.

Then I saw it. Behind Ariana walked a creature with no face or nose but it had a mouth with sharp jagged teeth. I summond all my strength to stand up. I had to get up and get her away from that thing. The creature started to fade away and arianas face started to turn into the same face as the creature. All i was thinking was what was going on.

She started to walk forward very slowly. My heart started to race faster and faster. I started to back away slowly. I kept on saying to my self, " Its a dream, this isn't real". Then she took out a knife and she licked the tip of it.

I felt so much fear that I couldn't move. " stop, babe don't do this" I yelled. But it didn't work she kept on coming closer , then finally she was right in front of me. I looked at her with nothing but fear in my eyes. She furiously stabed me. I yelled from the top of my lungs and coughed out blood. She licked the blood off the knife really creeply . She lunged at me and stabed my head.
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Please dont judge , this is my first story so yeah