Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

Music and Milkshakes

Harry sang along to the radio until. Glancing at me every few words. His expressive hands flying everywhere caused my laughter to get out of control. With each word his hand flew in a different direction. When a song I knew came on, I joined with his rapid motions. Then Little Things came on. Harry immediately slowed his motions, making them fluid and passionate. He sang all the parts, to me, looking from me to the road quite a lot actually. I was surprised we hadn't died in a car accident.

"And all your little things," He sang to me as we were parked in the parking lot. We stared into the others eyes. Both of us were grinning, I hadn't even noticed how close our faces were until our faces crashed together. Our lips meshing together, moving together. Complimenting each others movements well, creating the best kiss I'd ever experiences. He pressed his forehead to mine pulling our lips apart. My lip was instantly clenched between my teeth. He grabbed my hand, flipping it over and pulling my bracelets up a little exposing thin white lined skin underneath. Our head were apart now as he brought my wrist to his lips, kissing them gently as if they were still open wounds. Like I had done the night before, it was intense, but less intimate, as my lite lines engraved into my skin weren't on my hip. It was still incredibly intimate, more intimate then I'd ever experienced before with Charlie, and I was grateful for that. He placed my hand back into my lap, just as he had picked it up. I leaned over to place a lite kiss on his cheek before opening my door to get out. As I turned away I saw color flooding to his face as he sat there, face forward, a small smile caught on it.
Did he just blush? I thought to myself. He followed getting out of his black car joining me as I waited for him by his back bumper. Our hands joined together as we walked instep to the door of the diner. We sat in a booth across from each other in yet another cliche.

A middle aged woman came to our table, she had on the typical waitress uniform from the fifties. It was mostly powder blue with pink stripes.

"What can I get for you two?" She asked looking to me to answer.

"A chocolate milkshake please." I replied with a large smile.

"I'll have the same." Harry didn't take his eyes off me when he placed his order. He was grinning.

"Do you realize how big of a cliche this is?" He gasped.

"What you mean that this doesn't happen in all the movies and books?"

"Haha." It was sarcastic laughter, but none the less playful. He narrowed his eyes, but he kept a smile on his face. I copied him leaning down into it across my arms laid in front of me crossed on the table. He leaned in, mimicking me. "What are we doing?"

"I don't know." And then we laughed, in unison we inhaled to take a deep breath.

A few minutes passed with both of my hands held tight by his on top of the table.

"Here's a chocolate," The lady who took our order placed my milkshake in front of me, between our hands. "And another." she placed his in front of him. She walked away after telling us to let her know if we needed anything else.

"Thank you," I called after her as she turned her back away from us and was a few paces away. I turned my head back to Harry, who had his plump pink lips around the straw, sucking up the creamy frozen chocolate milk. The curls around his face, perfectly imperfect, just there asking to be played with. His green eyes sparkling with friendliness, and his dimples which were like craters in his face. So big and beautiful. The man in front of me, I swear he gets more attractive every time I look at him.

"What?" He asked after I'd been staring at him for a few minutes. I ducked my head down trying to hide my chagrin, biting my lip I gained some confidence I never knew I had.

"You're just so," I couldn't find the right word, he was more then just perfect, I shook my head losing the confidence I had seconds before. "I don't know." We looked across the table at each other. He started rubbing his thumb on the top of my hand, but it wasn't I was doing to him earlier in the car. Much more then just friendly, it was very boy friendly. I let out a breath before putting my lips around my own straw.

Eleanor and I went here all the time after one our later classes last year. We would sit at the counter on the stools, playing music through the jukebox in the corner that played the only odd obscure music I'd never heard of until listening to it here. I tried pulling my hand away from Harry's grasp, a pained look came to his face.

"I'll be right back." scouted out of my seat as he released his grip and walked away, over to the music machine. I could feel Harry's green orbs on my back. I slipped my hand in my pocket to get some quarters out, only to remember I didn't have any. I swiftly turned around to walk back to the table. "Do you have any quarters?" For once I had to look down at him, sitting there on the red leather of the seat. He reached into his pocket and gave me a handful of change. "Thank you!" I spun back around to walk back over to the machine, Harry's eyes following my every step. I inserted the money into the coin slot. I flipped through the records searching for my favorite song. After I found it I ran back to where Harry was before the singing began.

"What is this?" The beginning was trippy, just a bunch of random chords that didn't necessarily go together. I waited patiently for the silence that came before the artist's voice.

"OOooooOOOoooHHHhhh," I was never quite sure if it was a man or a woman singing, but whoever it was, they got it. Harry sat across from my as I pretended to serenade him. It wasn't a very good song to serenade with because it was at a slightly quicker tempo and the words didn't make any sense. Eventually Harry relaxed and even sang along with the chorus. When it was over I put my lips back around my chocolatey yummminess.

"Again, what was that?"

"That, my friend, is the best song in that jukebox over there." I pointed as my lips sucked more sweetness from the glass in front of me. I moved his hand off the table and into his pocket.
"Too bad I gave you the last of my change."

"Seriously, that's as good as it gets over there, who ever put the music on the machine was high or something. I'd heard them all accept the one that wouldn't ever play. And they didn't have labels so you just had to guess.

We sucked down our sugar laughing every once in a while at the faces we were making at each other. I really wanted to say something about how normal it was, like I was still aware I was Harry Styles, the one with curly hair in the band One Direction. So I was kind of expecting us to be mobbed by fans and older men with cameras. But we weren't, it was only us in the diner. Grateful, I leaner over the table reaching my hand over to put it on the back of Harry's neck to pull his face to mine. I kissed him, because I could, we were essentially alone, not bothered by our secrete, or fans or people. I didn't care that the workers could see us, because they didn't know what went on between us. When I pulled away, I moved seats so I could sit next to him. He put his arm around me as we talked about similar diners from our hometowns.

"The food was the best, and It wasn't even that greasy."

"No, greasy is the only way to go if you go to a diner." He protested.

"But like it was really good, the potatoes were the best, crispy and just the right amount salt."

"But the grease!" Our voices got louder as we argued whether or not grease was essential for good diner food. Being the cheeky girl that I can be I stuck my finger into my left overs, scooping a bit up, and the dabbing a bit on the tip of his. He soon followed, we sat there for a while talking with ice cream on the end of our noses.

"Sorry to break this up," the lady apologized. "We're about to close."

"Sorry," I stood up grabbing a napkin to wipe the dairy off our faces. Harry laid money on the table, including a very generous tip, looped his arm and mine and we left. We got out to his car, but before either of us reached for my door handle we looked up. The stars were bright and the moon was massive. I could see Harry's gorgeous head tilted up at the sky as my own was looking up. It was just out of the corner of my eye, but none the less beautiful. I put my hand out, grabbing for his hung by his side. Our fingers intertwined as we looked up.

"It's beautiful." His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.

"It is," I paused. "What time is it?" He turned his head to look at me.

"We left your house at about eleven thirty, fifteen minute drive here, uhh how long were we in there?" He moved hi body closer to mine, our faces close.

"A while I believe." I put my face closer to his.

"We'll just say, one." Then he closed the space, smashing his face into mine. We sure were kissing a lot. I thought to myself.
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Sorry about yesterdays update, I was confused. But yesterdays note still stands. There's twenty of you that get notified when I update. That's twenty people who thought my story was worth the read. Now tell me why or I will stop posting. Seriously. PLease