Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

Who All Has A Girlfriend?

"Lexi... Lexi... Lexi..." Someone was poking my cheek. My eyes slowing opened. It was Niall, still in his pajamas. I was confused, where was Harry?

"What?" I sounded much more annoyed then I had planned. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so angry." My voice warmed.

"Harry asked me to wake you, so you could have time to get ready. He said you wanted to come with us again today."

"Good morning!" I ignored Niall previous words.

"Good morning! Did you have a nice night?"

"Yeah it was good except when we got home, Charlie followed us all the way here. I don't know what he wanted, but yeah." Niall seemed to be the type of guy you could talk to for hours.

"Anyway, Harry said these were for you, and the shower is down the hall." He pointed with one hand while handing me a stack of clothes with the other. As I went to stand up, my stomach growled like it had a lion in it. "Hungry?"

"A little.." I held out my thumb and index finger indicating a little.

"Good cause I've made loads of food and I don't even think I could eat it all." I set the cloth down where my head had been laying, before following Niall to the kitchen. "Oh!" He said as if he'd just remembered something really important. "Harry told me to remind you, you suggested to stay here because then it would raise less eyebrows with Louis and stuff." The food on the counters could have fed all five of the lads and Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie and I, plus more then half of their fandom.

"That doesn't sound shady at all." I'd been thinking it, trying to trust that it wasn't, but it did.

"Yeah, it does a bit, but also makes sense." I had to agree with him on that. We ate like Kings before Niall said I had an hour left before we had to leave. It usually doesn't take me that long to get ready, but I went and got in the shower anyway, so I wouldn't have to rush.

The water felt good hitting my body, it was warm and comforting. The feeling made me want to close my eyes and start singing, like i usually did. When I went to sing, I couldn't think of anything, so I didn't. I actually hated not showering everyday, because I always hated how my hair felt on the second day. So it felt really nice to wash it. I did the usual shower things, before getting out. There was a towel in the stack of clothes I put next to the sink. I wrapped it around my body soaking up most of the water dripping off. Then I wrapped my hair in it to dry it more.

The clothes I notices were new, it made me wonder where they came from. The seemed to fit and they look pretty cute actually, so I put them on without another thought.

I walked out and heard Harry's voice. I walked out, my other cloths folded in a nice pile, the the towel dangling from my other hand.

"Where would you like me to put the towel?" I asked Niall, who sat on the couch, guitar in his arms.
"You can just hang it on the back of the door, and uhh I guess we can throw you to her clothes in the wash if you'd like?"

"I guess." Shrugging my shoulders as this was all new to me. Niall followed me down the hall, I hung the towel and then he lead me into a room with the appliances. He got it all ready.

"Just put your clothes in and then I guess we should leave. He looked at the watch on his wrist. I knew I took my time in the shower, but I didn't think I'd been in there that long.

"How long was I in there?" My sense of time had been completely been screwed since that night with the tacos.

"About a half hour, but like we kind of all want Starbucks so that's why we're leaving now." He explained. We walked back out to the room with Harry, he sat in a chair his phone out texting someone.

"Ready?" He asked without looking up.

"Yup!" This was pretty exciting, I really can't wait to see their faces, it will be priceless. Harry stood up. He slipped the phone into his front pocket as he waited for me to join his side. "Morning!" Our hands linked as he bent down to kiss me.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Yes it was nice. Thank you for the clothes. Where'd you get them?"

"Louis had them in his closet, I think they're El's." They did look kind of familiar.

"Oh yeah she bought them they last time she went shopping with him." I remembered, she was so excited about the shoes she had bought to go with the bag. She wore the shoes and used the bag, but I'd never seen her wear the clothes. I was surprised they fit me, she was so much smaller then me.

We walked down the steps the walls were brick just like the walls at my place. The lights, however, were fully functional, not causing shivers to go down my spine as they didn't flicker. The stairwell was warmer too, like the heat was on. The heat always seemed to be broken in the halls of our building.

Zayn, Liam, and Louis were already inside the van.

"Aren't those El's?" Louis asked when I climbed in.

"Yeah, she never wears them though." He nodded agreeing.

"They look nice." Niall said.

"Thank you." I smiled at him. "Are Perrie, El, and Dani coming?" I put my attention on Harry for the answer.

"No, they hate going to those things." Liam answered,

"Do you know if they'll at least watch?" When Louis answered negatively I grabbed my phone to send a text to Eleanor.

*Hey you should come, please! And then I'll like do whatever you what ever you want for like a week.*

*Make it two weeks and you've got a deal.* She promptly sent back.

*Bring Dani and Perrie too! Please!*

*I'll try, but they might be busy.*

"What are Dani and Perrie up to today?" I asked out loud to Liam and Zayn.

"I think Perrie was going to chill out in her pajamas until I got home."

"Yeah, I think Dani has rehearsal later or something."

*Tell them I do anything they want for two weeks as well.* I typed in.

*Where is it?* She asked.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"BBC studio, lot 6." Liam disclosed. I texted the location to El.

"The ladies are coming!" Oh yeah they would all be there. I was proud that I convinced them to come.

"Why did you want them to come so badly?" One of them asked.

"I just wanted a little company while you were all being interviewed." My smile was huge, the excitement for the future events exploding out. Harry was smiling as well, the excitement bursting out of him as well.

"Tell us again why you were out so late last night, Harry?" Louis asked his best friend.

"I was just out having a milkshake."

"Till three?" Liam helped interrogate.

"Yeah, it was a good milkshake, I wanted to savor it." Harry tried to convince his friends of his where abouts.

We talked about last night's events for a while longer before we arrived. The studio parking lot only had cars in it. There was no one by the door and it was quiet. There weren't any fans around waiting to get a glimpse of their favorite from the popular boy band.

We went in without any security. Then I waited as the boys went off to get ready. Eleanor, Perrie, and Dani came ten minutes later.

"Why did you want us here anyway?" Perrie asked, her accent thick.

"Just a bit of company is all."

"You're going to do anything we want for two weeks because you wanted company?" Dani questioned.

"Yeah." And we left it at that. The lads come out, greeted us, and then sat down in their seat in front of a woman again.

The questions she asked them were good, different then any of the other questions I'd heard asked to them. My palms progressively got more and more sweaty. My breathing was uneven, my heart beating faster then normal.

"I tried to make this at least a little interesting by asking questions I hadn't heard the answer to. But I know my daughter will kill me if she doesn't get an update." The intro to her question couldn't be any longer, she just kept going on and on, just ask that question already! I screamed at her in my head. "Who all has a girlfriend?"
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Wohoo! Thanks for reading!!!!