Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

Strong Ones, Good Ones

"Who all has a girlfriend." And there it was. Harry was the first to raise his hand. I looked to Eleanor first. Her jaw was dropped open, just as Danielle's was. Perrie stood there her arms crossed over her chest. Louis had turned his whole body to Harry. Niall's was full us shock, but then his laughed crescendoed louder. Zayn sat in his seat jaw dropped, arms crossed. Liam was the first to speak.

"So you were out with Lexi last night!" He was excited. Harry was looked over to me. His lips wide in the biggest smile I'd ever seen him with. Our eyes were locked.

"I take it, this is news to some of you?" The lady asked.

"Yeah, we were trying to put one over on our friends and by the looks of it, it kind of worked." Harry answered for his band mates.

"I knew." Niall raised a hand, bringing the attention to himself.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Louis asked, he almost sounded angry. Harry's eyes were still on me as he answered.

"Lex and I wanted prank you, tell you we didn't like each other, when in fact we had feeling for each other, strong ones. Good ones." My face felt warm with blood rushing to it.

"You weren't very good at it mate." Zayn tried to play it cool like he knew the whole time.

"Yeah, I'd never been in this situation before, so at first I wasn't sure what to do, but like it's really funny actually." Harry looked back to his friends, reminding me of my own best friend standing next to me. I ducked my head down, her eyes sent lasers through me.

The lads were in shocked for the remaining five minutes of the interview. Eleanor didn't stop the lasers until the we were cleared to talk.

"I thought we told each other everything!" She playfully pushed me.

"How many times do we have to tell you all, it was a joke, we were going to keep it going longer, but anytime we hang out has been with the whole group and we wanted to act like a couple too!" I defended our decision to hide it one last time before they all stopped being angry. "Plus you all have to admit, you saw it coming AND you wanted this to happen." After pointed to them all I wrapped an arm around Harry's waist as he put an arm around my shoulders.

"They are cute." Louis turned to Eleanor pulling her into a hug and talking into her neck.

"They are." She agreed.

"Are we off the hook?" Harry asked waiting for the approval of our friends. Liam looked to Dani, closing the gap putting their arms around each other, then Zayn and Perrie followed. Niall was over by the food table, snacking on some chips, completely uninterested in Harry and I. He was all right with it, we already knew that. They exchanged glances across the group.

"Just say yes and lets go!" Niall called after the long silence.

"Of course, I'm really happy for you two!" Dani answered for the group. Although, El and Lou had the same skeptical look covering their faces, which I mean they had the right. Their best friends just lied to them, something best friends never do.

"It was a joke El. We wanted a laugh, hahaha?" El looked away from us, the corners of her mouth just barely turned up, when she looked back at us she had a full smile on her face. Nodding, giving into the joke and forgetting about any anger she might have held.

"Now we just have to get Niall a girl." Dani expressed as we walked as one big group down a small hallway out of the building.

As we approached the door, a dull roar could be heard. My hand was in Harry's as we followed a man dressed in black lead us to the frantic teenaged girls. The door opened, Liam, Zayn and Niall went in a line first, then Dani, Perrie, Harry and I. Louis and Eleanor brought up the rear. We had a bigger isle so girls weren't grabbing after the guys as terribly, they did stop for a few pictures with some of the girls. Harry kept a tight grip on my hand, even through all of the pictures he took. He signed many autographs as well. We were outside the building, slowly making our way to the van as the crowd got bigger and bigger.

"Lexi!" I thought I heard someone yell. Then Harry got real close to me, bringing his lips to my ear to tell me something.

"That one," he pointed at a young girl in jeans, she had a poster that said 'I ship Lerry' "wants a picture of the us, would you mind?" I nodded my head. No one had ever wanted a picture with me before. I was always the one asked to take the picture, I wish I were joking, but it's true. I was extremely flattered. We walked over to her. "You wanted a picture with us?" He asked. The noise she made was clearly one she learned off tumblr. She quickly nodded her head. Harry wrapped his arms around us, as the little girl's father took a picture of us with her phone.

We finally made it to the van. The door was shut and the driver put it in gear.

"What does ship mean? Zayn asked.

"Yeah I keep seeing it around, and like everyone tells us, but like I never remember what it means." I was really humbled that someone would ship me with Harry, I thought to myself as I thought back to the poster the young girl had who wanted my picture.

"It's putting two people together romantically."

"So that poster that said 'I ship Lerry' meant that girl basically thought we would be good together?" Harry looked to me for the answer, as I obviously was the only one who knew the answer.


Although Harry and I could be open with our relationship with our friends, we still only sat with our hand that were held on the seat in between us.

We drove home, each of us having our own conversations with others. We weren't having a giant conversation like we often had. It was just a few people to each topic. As we approached mine and Eleanor's place, Dani announced we were apparently having a girl's night.

"I have to get to rehearsal, but after I'm done with that we are so hanging out." Eleanor and I got out, then Lou and Harry followed us.

"You've got a bit of time before that." Louis told Eleanor, implying he was going to hang out with his girlfriend of about a year and a half.

"What do you want to do?" I asked Harry, El and Louis were already had their things ready to go shopping.

"What ever you don't go on twitter or what ever, kay?" She sounded like a mother telling her child what to do. "Seriously, Lex. don't do it." She sounded stern.

"All right. Have a nice day out!" They left, leaving Harry and I to ourselves.

"She's really a good friend." He said.

"Why's that?" I mean I knew she was an amazing friend, the only one to truly know who I was.. or she was the only one to know who I was.

"She doesn't want to see any of the inevitable fans that won't like that I've got a girlfriend."

"Yeah, shes real great."
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They do know about them now! Haha what do you think?
