Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

No Where I'd Rather Be

It wasn't like we were hiding it because I was afraid of angry fans. It wasn't like they scared me. But I guess if Eleanor says not to go on twitter I should probably listen. It must be bad.

It was only after El and Louis left that Harry and I got closer on the couch.

"I went out and talked to Charlie last night."

"You're not hurt are you? Did he hit you? Did you hit him? Are you internally ble-"

"Lex, I'm fine. We didn't fight. But that doesn't mean I didn't want to hit him a few times." He paused like he had something else to say. "He was drunk. How he managed to drive here and follow us without killing him or us is truly a blessing."

"What did you say?" I wasn't exactly afraid, but any fear I had disappeared when Harry looked me into the eyes, holding my face between his hands and spoke.

"It doesn't matter. You're safe now, and you don't have to worry about him."

"You didn't kill him, did you?"

"No." He exhaled a small laugh before planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. Extended his arms to put around me, pulling me into a hug. The television was off, the room was noiseless except for the ticking clock in the kitchen. "Can I see where you tried?" He whispered into my hair. The hot breath on my scalp sent shivers down my spine. I wiggled out the arm, to pull my sleeve up, and the bracelets out of the way.

The small wound was nothing big or deep, but it meant it was the first time in two years I brought a metal blade to my skin other to shave. Upon seeing it Harry brought his lip s to it, kissing it with more care then he'd given me on my forehead. Another thing was he brought his lips my my arm, it would have been just as easy to bring my arm to his lips. It's small but so huge at that same time. Like he didn't want to discomfort me even though it wouldn't have.

It was easy to do nothing with Harry. We sat, in each others arms, looking out the window onto the park bellow, and the city beyond that. Occasionally we turned our heads and made eye contact, looking at each other for several minutes before one of us smiled.

"What are your plans for the holiday?" Somehow through all that's happened in that few days, I managed to completely forget about Christmas. It probably had something to do with the lack of snow we were getting this season, and also I didn't want to think about Christmas.

"Uh probably just hang around the flat." It wasn't that I didn't want to go home, It was that I didn't know where home was. Home was here in the flat for me

"Where's you family?" Then I realized what I just said sounded like.

"My parents split a few years ago, and things are still awkward between them, so like I don't really go home for Christmas anymore."

"That's terrible." I shrugged.

"I know it sounds bad, but it's not. I don't know it's hard to explain."

"Do you still celebrate Christmas?"

"Yeah I send them gifts and they send me something, I go out for meals with them a lot too! So, it's not like the holidays are the only time I have to spend with them." I tried making it sound less weird."What are your plans?"

"We'll we've got a couple weeks off so I was going to go home to see Gemma and my mum, for a good while."

"That must be nice."

"Yeah, I wish I could see them more, but I also really love seeing fans at the shows."

"How often do you talk to your mum while on tour?"

"I send a text everyday if I don't have time to call" He explained.

"Is hard being away from them?"

"Yeah, but there's also nothing like performing. What about you, is it hard not going home to see your family?"

"I mean it's more weird then anything. I just- It's hard to explain really."

"I bet."

"Whose Gemma?" I realized I had no idea who this person was.

"She's my older sister. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, also an older sister."

"Where's she at?"

"I'm not sure, last I heard she was in New Zealand."

"How long has she been there?"

"She left a few months after the divorce was final." I bit my lip. My whole family sounded screwed up. No wonder I turned to a razor. "I'm sorry, you must think my family and I are crazy." He almost interrupted me when he spoke next.

"No, not at all. All families are screwed up in their own way. If it helps my parents are divorced too." I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Oh my gosh we have so much in common we should be like best friends or something!" I gave my best American accent.

"Like totally!" He nailed it, his American accent sounded just like the people we would see on the tv. We laughed at each others accents for a few seconds before it turned into a tickle fight. Harry's soft stomach seemed to be begging for my fingers to brush across it, so I did. He burst out, trying to cover it with a pillow, which I pulled away from him. He attacked my sides, squeezing gently causing laughter to explode out of my mouth. I used the pillow in my hand to hit my attacker in the face.

"Hey!" The he reached behind for a pillow. While his hands were off of me I escaped off the couch.

"Catch me if you can!" I yelled to him as I ran away. The flat wasn't that big, but I didn't care.

Harry's POV

I got off the couch trying to follow her, but she was too fast and made it to her room. The door was shut and probably locked, but I checked the door handle anyway. I quietly wiggled the door handle, it was unlocked, I heard her giggle inside. I open the door with caution. She stood on her bed, a small decorative pillow in each hand. I jumped behind the door as she threw one at me. I peaked my head out behind the door, as another flew past my face, brushing past my hair.

"This isn't fair! I haven't got any ammo." I yelled from behind the door.

"Exactly!" I heard her giggle. She had three distinct laughs. One was a chuckle, it was subtle and it seemed she used it when something was only a little funny. And then there was her giggle, one of the cutest things I'd ever heard. `She did that after I'd done something silly. Her third type of laugh was a full on laugh. When she thought something was really funny. It was kind of like Niall's. The first time I heard it, I kind of thought it was Niall's except her's was a bit higher, as she was a girl and he was a guy. But it was good, it made it more comfortable to be around her, the familiarity of it was what was nice.

After I thought about her laugh, I decided it was just pillows and they weren't going to hurt if I did get hit. I ran out from behind the door, climbing up on her bed and tackling her. We fell, me on top of her. Her hair was scattered across her face, I moved it away, so I could see her one of a kind eyes. I didn't blink as I stared down at her.

I couldn't help but noticed we stared at each other a lot. Like we were so mesmerized by what we saw that words would just ruin it. At least that's what it was like, but then if she did speak, it didn't ruin it, it made it even better. Her voice running through my head helping me sleep at night from the excitement of seeing her during the day. Her voice calming, making everything seem right in the world.

I rolled off of her, laying my head down right to her's. My hand found hers and held it.

"Harry?" Her voice was quiet.

"Yes?" I responded just as loudly as she had asked.

"I really like you, and I think you're really cool." I wasn't prepared for her to say that.

"I really like you too." I turned my head to put a small kiss on her cheek. I left my head turned to the side, waiting for her to turn hers. When she didn't I just watched as she brought her hand up to the place where I left my kiss. After a moment of silence she rotated her head to look at me.

"How long have you been staring at me?" I brought my hand up to her cheek where her hand and my kiss had been. Color flooded her face in the most beautiful way possible.

"There is nothing in this world that is better then staring at you right now," I can't believe the words came out of my mouth so smoothly. "Or ever. You are the most beautiful girl in the world, and I think that its possible you've never heard that before. And that is wrong because anyone as beautiful as you should be told that they are beautiful at any chance given. " The confidence startled me. Never in my whole life would I ever think I would have been able to tell someone that. No matter how true. But I did, and it was the most truthful thing I'd ever told anyone. More color flooded her face as her teeth caught the side of her bottom lip.

"Thank you." She turned the rest of her body toward me so she laid on her side. Bringing her knees up and moving closer to me. We laid there, not asleep, but listening to each other breath. "There is no where I'd rather be then right here." Her voice was still quiet, completely summing up all the things I'd ever felt for her in just a short amount of time.

Who would have thought I'd be in a relationship with a girl I'd virtually known the whole time I'd known Eleanor. Who would have thought I would believe her to be the most beautiful thing ever created. Who would have thought I'd be falling for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't think I've ever said this before and my bad for maybe not describing lexi well, but she's basically got as full figure. She wasn't small, and maybe to most guys she wasn't attractive, but to Harry. And maybe I don't get caught up with her size because Harry doesn't. He doesn't see that, he just thinks she is really magnificent and nice, and that he has kind of a lot in common with.

Thanks for the few of you who have left comments:D nice to know you're enjoying it. So if you're not them, be like them. I spent a lot of time writing this and posting it trying to get different types of feedback. If you're subscribed to it thanks and just os you know it only take like a minutes to tell me if you like it or not.

Thanks for reading anyhow, :):):)
