Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

I Can Get Up By Myself

Lexi's POV

"All right Harry," Danielle burst into my room disturbing the peace Harry and I shared as we lay next to each other. "Time for you to go have some much needed lad time, I'm sure." She was pulling Harry off my bed letting him fall to the ground.

"I can get up myself." He said rejecting the hands she had out to him to help him up. I got up off the bad as well, following next to Harry out to the living room, where Eleanor and Perrie waited. We stood in the hallway, I didn't want him to leave. But I did have to admit I'd been spending all of my time with him.

"Styles. It's girl time." Danielle yelled and pointed at the door.

"I'm leaving." I got up on my tip toes to try and match his height. He still had to come down a good four inches. This kiss was small it probably seemed like neither one of us really wanted it, but we did, and we knew we did. It was small but intimate. Sweet and gentle. Loving and kind. We broke apart, my eyes opened to see he was staring down at me. "I've got to go, or Dani will have my head."

"I'll call you later!" He grabbed his jacket, putting it on as he pulled the door shut behind him.

"All right. I wanted us to hang out for two reasons, 1) to get to know you better, and 2) let you know what you're getting yourself into by being a girlfriend of a lad of One direction."

"All right." I was unsure, was it really that big of a deal, I saw Eleanor roll her eyes.

"I'm just joking, it's your relationship, do with it as you please. But the thing that I would advise, however, and I think El and Perrie would agree is, try to make it as normal as possible. Don't like go into their interviews and stuff." I looked down.

"Uh, what if I did go into one once, and like answered a few questions?" Their eyes widened at the news. "Louis and Zayn practically carried me into the radio booth to answer a question."

"I mean the lads do get a kick out of it when they aren't the ones answering and they get to ask." Eleanor tried to defend me.

"Yeah, but it only eggs on their fans." Danielle argued.

"Look guys, I appreciate the advise and stuff, and its all good and what not, but like- You know what, thanks!" I sat down on the couch next to Eleanor. "What day is it?" I really hadn't been keeping track of any sort of time the last few days.

"It's Saturday."

"oh." Good I hadn't missed church. I probably wasn't as concerned as I should have been, but the relief I felt was massive.

"What do you go to Uni for?" Perrie asked next.

"I hope to be Youth Minister."

"That's cool." She smiled. "I went to church as a kid, but my mum never made me go when I was a teenager. It was all kind of lost on me."

"We'll if you're not doing anything tomorrow you could come to church with Eleanor and I. You too Dani!" This was exciting, I hadn't really had the opportunity to share my faith with anyone since Eleanor. I tried when I was with Charlie, but he never understood.

"Uh maybe another time." Dani said imediately.

"I think I will," Perrie said. "I was supposed to go to breakfast with Zayn, oh my gosh what if we got the lads to go?"

"I've already tried getting Louis to come." Eleanor sighed. "He says it's for old people."

"Liam used to go with family, now he says he hasn't found the time."

"Can you imagine Niall in church?" Perrie managed to get out between fits of laughter. But I was confused, I hadn't realized the misconception of church. People think they need to show perfect,
when really it's the opposite. Jesus takes broken lives and fixes them. Eleanor looked to me, she has gone to church with me pretty much the whole time we've been friends, she knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Did you go to uni?" I asked Dani and Perrie at the same time.

"Kind of, I went to dancing school." She put a hair tie around the hair she gathered at the nap of her neck.

"No I didn't, I auditioned for x-factor as soon as I could." Eleanor looked around the room at Perrie as she spoke.

"I'm sure that was fun. I mean Little Mix did win, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it was a total blast."

"What did you do today?" Eleanor asked changing the subject in genuine wonderment as she'd been out all day.

"Harry and I talked for a bit, and then we had a tickle slash pillow fight and then we laid on my bed." The three of them each had one eyebrow cocked up.

"Seriously?" Danielle wondered.

"Yeah, is that all right?" It was as though I wasn't allowed to just hang out with him.

"Were you at least kissing, while you laid in the bed?"Eleanor asked. I though back to the day.

"He gave me a kiss on the cheek, but no, other then the kiss we shared before he left that's all the lip action I've had today." Something was up, Eleanor looked at me the biggest of big grins consumed half of her face. Perrie and Danielle looked from me to each other in disbelief. "What?"

"How long have you two been together?" Danielle asked. I counted the mornings of not waking up in my own bed.

"Well it's been four nights since the we came up with the prank, but he asked me out the next day. So three nights." Their jaws dropped, much like when they found out about Harry and I.

"And you weren't having a serious make out session in your bed?"

"Not tonight." My face reddened as I thought about all the times we've kissed, not just the times when I'd been gasping for air our kiss was so long.

"But you have shared saliva?" I wondered what they were getting at.

"Yeah, but I don't see what the issue is." The confusion clear on my face, El decided to extrapolate.

"It''s just kind of weird, Harry having a girlfriend, I mean I've know him longer then I've know you or Louis, so I know what he's like with girls." I started to get concerned.

"You know what I really don't want to know about what he did with his past girlfriends, I'm not deaf I have heard rumors."

"No, I think it's good."

"I don't really care." I was shaking my head, why was I sounding so mean? "I'm sorry that was mean. But El, I really don't want to know anything about his past relationships..." I pleaded with her not to tell me. She muttered something under her breath before saying "Fine."

"What do you guys want to do now?" I knew what I wanted to do, but something told me it was against girl's night rules.

"Lets call for take out and then play cards or something." Perrie suggested. I got out my favorite deck while El ordered the food.

"How was rehearsal?" I asked Danielle.

"It went well, we learned new choreography, which was really neat." A smile grew as she talked about it.

"That will be good. When's your next performance?" I shuffled the cards between my fingers.

"Tomorrow actually."

"For the X-Factor? I hadn't realized that was even going on." I confessed, with school its hard to pay attention to recent television. She nodded. "Well, I'll have to watch then."

We ate food and bet on our card games for a few more hours. I was the first to fall asleep. I was so tired I couldn't even make it to my bed, again. Night four I wont have slept in my own bed. I woke up around three in the morning, so I climbed out of the tangle of limbs on the couch to go to my bed. It was calling me, it was lonely and sad I'd abandoned it for so long. Before shutting my eyes I sent Harry a quick text.

*Sorry, It's so early/late, lost track of time and fell asleep before I could say a proper goodnight, so sleep tight my love xxoo* I was surprised when my phone vibrated so quickly after I set it down. I was too excited to close my eyes without reading it, I read it.

*Good night love, and don't worry about the time, you sleep well too! xxxo* And with that, my head collapsed on the pillow, my eyes soon falling shut, a smile on my face.
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thanks, xxxsara