Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us


Harry's POV

"Do you think they'll get married?" She asked completely dismissing the what I just said.

"Maybe, Zayn loves her. She loves him. I don't know how soon, but I think they might." And then silence, she was thinking. I glanced over to see her to see her teeth had taken hold of the side of her bottom lip.

"You sounded really surprised when Louis asked about my classes and church." I'd hoped she hadn't noticed how surprised I was. I wasn't surprised in a bad way, I had nothing against religion or God or anything of that sort. I guess I was just was a little upset I wasn't the one to find that information out myself.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It wasn't a bad surprised was it?" Lexi kept her head forward, hands in her lap playing the strings tied to her wrists.

"No, not at all."

"You sure you're all right?" She looked down. I didn't want her to feel bad, there wasn't any reason to.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's good, I'm good. Are you good?"

"Yeah." She looked up to see me looking over at her. She was different, her eyes held something I hadn't seen in her eyes before. Her face held a smile, that seemed different as well. My forehead wrinkled with concern, but she turned her head away before she could see.

I followed Louis, who followed Zayn to our destination. Trying to think up the right words to ask Lexi what was wrong. But it seemed like anything I could have said would have upset her.

Lexi's PoV

It wasn't that I was sad, it wasn't that I was upset, it just seemed Harry was holding something back. Not telling me something. It wasn't like I was opposed to keeping secrets, but I guess it just seemed I didn't know

That would be so cute if Zayn asked Perrie to marry him. I didn't know either of them well, but it was obvious they loved each other very much, and it seemed they would do anything for each other. Weddings. I remembered as a young teenager, thinking about my dream wedding. It was weird thinking about it now. I shook my head and laughed a the thought. Seriously I'd only been with this guy for two days.

We sat in silence until Harry turned the radio on. With all we talked about, and all I felt, and how little we talked after that, it wasn't awkward. It was just quiet. It was a different kind of not awkward then the other day when we were just laying on my bed though.

"Did you know there's different types of not awkwardness?" I asked, probably sounding crazy. His deep chuckle proved that i did.

"Is that so?" A smile returned to his face.

"I don't know" I paused not sure on how to explain the difference between awkwards. "It's just the silence we just shared it different then the one we shared as we laid in my bed the other day. Usually silence is associated with awkward, but the silence we shared hasn't been awkward at all, at least to me, not with you." I looked at him. Anything I had felt before disappeared and giddiness coursed through my veins when I saw his deep green eyes looking over to me with his smile and his dimples. It was that friendliness he just carried around with him, where ever he went.

"So that's what that's been?" He played along with my insanity. "Are you all right?" He asked again.

"You probably hate it as much as i do when I've already answered that question, but your acting different then you have before." It was true, I was acting different, there wasn't any doubt about that.

"Is it weird that I'm a christian?" I hadn't thought about it much while we ate, but sitting in silence, leaving me to my thoughts it came up.

"No. I didn't mean to sound so surprised."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

"No, seriously. It's fine Lexi." His voice was
getting quiet like there was something up again.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, I could have asked."

"I mean I never asked you about your religious beliefs either so I mean like that could have initiated the conversation as well." I tried defended why it never came up in conversation.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are your religious beliefs"

"I went to a catholic school back a few years, but I'd never kept up with it." I tried to refrain myself from asking the obvious question, but n=my impulses were high.

"Do you believe in God?" I could see him think about it.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"Would you maybe like to come to church with Eleanor and I next Sunday, if you're not doing anything of course." He thought some more.

"Yeah, sure. I think that'd be good." It was snowing, the clouds above creating a dark and gloomy afternoon.

"Just so we're clear, I'm not trying to change you."
Except I was in a way. I knew that if things were to ever get super serious with him, I'd have to know he were a christian.

"I know." He focused on the road, as the snow began falling harder. We rode in more silence.

"Seriously, where are we going?" I tried asking again.

"Just wait, we're almost there." He told me giving me a quick glance and showing me his smile. But I didn't want to wait any longer, we'd been driving for a while and my legs were starting to get real restless.

Twenty-two minutes later Harry pulled into a giant parking lot, to a giant stadium.

"Are we here for a concert?" It sure looked liked the ones I saw on the tele as I'd never actually been to one.

"Kind of." There weren't any cars as we drove closer to the building, still following Louis. To my surprise we followed the other lads around the building to a back door. He parked next to Louis. We got out of the black Range Rover, meeting the other four at the boot of Zayn's car. Perrie had a ridiculous smile on her face, and by the looks of the smile on Eleanor's face she now knew.

"Please tell me, Eleanor knows knows too!" Harry shot Louis a playful death glare.

"She guessed, plus-" He broke eye contact with Harry to reference the building we were behind. It seemed like everyone knew what this stadium, arena thing was besides me.

"You really don't get out much, do you?" Zayn spoke.

"I do, but I seriously I feel out of the loop, please tell me!" I was growing very impatient, I was trying not to sound like it.

"You'll soon know, Lexi. We're just about to go in," Eleanor looked to Louis for the answer.


"If you all would like to?" Lou asked.

"I don't know, today is a really nice day, I kind of like it out here." Zayn was just messing with me.

"Haha Zayn, yes it's a nice day, but lets goo!!" I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him towards the door.

"Not so fast Lexi, you have to wear this." He pulled a thick piece of cloth from his pocket and held it out for me to grab. I tied it on. Then a hand grabbed mine, it was Harry''s enormous, soft, hand, it lead me towards the building, i could only guess. Someone held the door as We walked through.

I was lead down a series of hallways, warm air blowing in the air ducts above us, trying desperately to heat the freezing cold back stage area. I could hear Liam's and Niall's voices in the distance. I was dying with curiosity.

We stopped, then Harry came close to my face, his lips leaving a gentle kiss on my temple before untieing the knot that held the cloth to my head.
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thanks for reading:)