Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

The Start

Harry went to sit on the couch on the end opposite Niall. There was an open spot in between the two, all the others had seats so I figured it was as good as any to sit in. It may sound weird but, the center of the couch was always my favorite. I'm no Sheldon Cooper about it but, I did sit there when ever I had the chance. I sat down in between the two boys. Niall brought his lips close to my ear.

"Do you have any popcorn?" he whispered quietly. I turned my head to answer him quietly.

"I believe so. Would you like some?" When I brought my face away from his ear, he was grinning and nodding his head. "Niall wants popcorn. Does anyone else?"

"SHHHHHH!" The room exploded. I stood up and walked out of the room. I heard someone following, I turned around expecting it to be Niall. Harry stood there shaking his hair before putting it right back where it was two seconds ago.

"Should we make some for everybody?" I asked him as he went looking through the cupboards to find the desired snack.

"Yes." He went to the cupboard with the pans. He reached his hands in moving around other pans before pulling out the right one.

"You make it homemade as well?" I was shocked, usually everyone gets a little freaked out when I start making it like this.

"Is there any other way?"

"Well, yeah, but it doesn't came close to how good this stuff is." We laughed. His laugh sounded like music, it was friendly just like his smile, and not at all lame like mine. I gasped for breath before my laugh got too annoying for him. But then when Harry was trying to open the fresh bag or kernels, the bag ripped funny and kernels exploded everywhere. I laughed harder, exposing the true nature of the crazy beast within.

"Everything all right in there?" Zayn yelled.

"Yeah, Harry's just making a mess!!" I replied between cackles. Harry and I cleaned up his mess. We still had a half a bag of the kernels left so we still had enough to make some popcorn for everyone. With the kernels thrown away Harry turned the stove on high, I put some oil in the pan and then placed the pan on the burner. Harry found a lid for the pan as I poured a descent amount of the corn in the pan. He put the lid on and began shaking it. I leaned up against the counter like I did when we made the tacos earlier. He rotated his head so that he could look at me. The grin on his face and the happiness that was pouring out of his eyes made me blush. I quickly turned my whole body away from him.

"What?" Confusion evident in his voice. I went to the fridge to hide my face further, hoping the coolness would turn my face back to it's normal temperature and color. I grabbed a bottle of water as I looked. I waited to open it after the fridge was closed. I took a large drink, ignoring what Harry had asked. By this time the popcorn had started popping, Harry shook more rapidly and then took it off the heat. He continued to shake till we couldn't hear anymore corn popping. I went to the spice cupboard to get the fancy butter salt, as Harry poured the fresh popcorn into smaller bowls for everyone. We took turns bringing our friends popcorn and water. Then as I turned to retrieve my bowl and water, Harry was there. He had one bowl in his hand and one balanced on his forearm and he held one bottle, the open one, and his in the other hand. We walked to the couch and sat down. He handed me my snacks.

"Thank you." I whispered. I could see harry out of the corner my eye eating the popcorn. I brought some to my mouth. "This is great!" I whispered to Harry,he thanked me without taking his eyes off the screen. I will admit I was starting to feel something, and when he didn't look at me I was a little crushed, but it wasn't like I would hold it against him.

We all sat there laughing at the appropriate moments. I looked around the room, El was practically having sex with Louis and Danielle happily sat with her legs on Liam's lap. Zayn had his phone out most of the time, probably texting Perrie. Niall was devouring his, Louis' and Eleanor's popcorn. Then I looked at Harry, who was looking at me already. It was dark but I could still see his glowing emerald eyes. He looked at me like there wasn't anywhere else to look. I blushed, again I was glad all the lights were off so he wouldn't see me. I only looked at Harry for a second, but both Dani and Eleanor saw it. I quickly turned my head to the television, pretending to be very into the film.

The movie played on, our bowls of popcorn emptied. When it was all gone i set mine down at the bottom of the couch, near where my feet were. I brought my legs up to my chest. Then a wave of cold air passed by me sending me into one of those cold fits. Harry got up and went to the basket in the corner of the room on the other side of the end table. He brought me a blanket and covered me with it.

"Thank you." I whispered after he sat down. I could feel Dani staring at us, as our eyes may have lingered there a little too long. The movie ended and everyone was asleep. I looked at the clock. It was almost two in the morning. Is that movie really that long? I asked myself before turning to see Niall's head resting on the armrest of the couch. Zayn had laid down on the floor, Dani was now using Liam as a pillow, and some how Louis and El had escaped to her room. Hearing Harry yawn behind me made me turn my attention to him. Harry was also awake. We kind of just stared at each other for a few minutes before I got up.

"I'm beat." I wasn't really all that tired, but I wanted to go to my room to be alone for a little bit.
I replayed the night in my head. I thought about the way he had interacted with me. Someone had told him they were trying to hook us up because he seemed to be paying kind of a lot of attention to me.

I grabbed Harry's hand and lead him to my room. We quietly walked over the various bodies laying on the floor, careful not to wake any of them up. I pulled him to my bed and sat him down. I then went to the door to shut it noiselessly.

"All right, who told you they were trying to hook us up?" I looked at the boy parallel to me.

"Daniell told Liam who told me after the girls had left tour a few weeks ago, and then El told me after that one night when we first met you." Harry confessed. I liked how willing he was too give the obvious information.
I will admit, that was a fun night. We went out for drinks, I of course didn't drink anything while all the others, besides Harry, had gotten totally plastered. I wasn't much of a fan of drunk people, but they were hilarious. And it was nice that I wasn't the only sober one, I had water to drink, Harry had a pint, it was all good. "Who told you?"

"El has always been trying to get us together, and then she told Dani one night when we were hanging out and now here we are."

"Honestly, I think you're really pretty, but I like to get to know a person before I ask them out."

"Me too, to be honest I didn't even want to hang out tonight with you guys. El and I were supposed to go out, but her precious Lou was home so, we just had to hang out with him." I joked. Harry gasped.

"You mean to say, you didn't want to hang out with five smelly boys who had just gotten off tour?!?!" He played along.

"You guys don't smell bad." In fact, they all smelled really nice. I stood about a foot away from him, he was sitting down on my bed and he almost didn't have to look up to look at me. Our eyes were locked on each others, he bit his lip and then I noticed the pinching feeling on my lip, I was also biting my lip. We laughed quietly. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I refrained, because i was supposed to be the care-free girl who didn't want to be here. "What if we played a little joke on our friends." He cocked his head to the side and raised one of his eyebrows. "Well what if we pretended that their efforts were working and we act like we've fallen in love, due to them." He chuckled.

"Like pretend we we like each other?" His face turned a lovely pink color.

"Is it really that bad of an idea?" I was overcome with strong insecurity.

"No, no it would be funny." He stood up, now I had to look up at him, he was a fifteenth floor building while I was a measly eleven floor building. "What if I don't have to pretend though?" I cocked my head to the side as his face began moving closer to mine. Our lips met, it was the best kiss I'd ever been a part of. When we broke apart my face had a goofy grin upon it.

"Good, because I don't think I'd have to pretend either." I told him with the amount of suaveness as a crocodile. We closed the gap again so taste each others lips a little more before deciding what we would do. His lips were soft, he used chap stick, minty stuff like I used. My favorite to be exact. I put a hand in his dark, curly hair. It was more soft then his lips. He had one of his hands on the small of my back and the other rested on my hip. "So what do you want to do?" I asked him after we'd broken apart and caught our breath from the serious make out session.

"First would you like to go to breakfast with me in the morning?" I bit my lip before nodding and smiling in response. "Cool." His face now had a goofy grin on it. I snapped my fingers to regain his attention. "All right, what if we pretend their plan didn't work.. because well we are going on a date in the morning and if that's not their plan working then what is?" He made a very good point.

"So we'll just pretend we don't like each other. Looks easy enough.." Harry pretended he'd been shot, he held his chest as he fell backwards onto my bed.

"All jokes aside, do you think it will work?" He asked as he kicked his shoes off and scooted his butt up further on the bed so his head would be on one of my pillows.

"I don't know, we've only hung out like one or two times and because you are you, it won't be that hard not spending time with each other. "

"I don't know, If you keep wearing sweaters like that, it may be harder for me then you think." He said.

"Oh." It was unexpected, and i didn't think so, but I didn't blush. Then there was silence as I laid down on the bed next to him. In that moment I was grateful it was a king sized bed, allowing each of us ample room.

"So, this is where Lexi sleeps." Harry said as he leaned up from his prostate position. He had a massive smile on his face, his eyes showed he was tired, but happy.

"Yup!" I told him cheerfully, I closed my eyes as the tiredness of the late night hit me. "You can sleep here if you'd like." I offered him, my eyes still closed, but I could feel his bright green eyes were on me.

"I mean if it's all right." His friendly smile turned mischievous.

"You can either join me here on this nice warm mattress or you can sleep on the ground with the rest of your friends." I offered, a smile still plastered on my face.

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" He asked before pulling the blankets up and over us.
I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I don't think it ever occurred to me I had an international superstar sleeping in my bed with me. And that all right because I was tired and needed sleep.

When I woke up I felt different, there were many things that confused me. I was very comfortable, but who had their hands wrapped around my waist. Whose neck was my face nuzzled in? Who was in my bed. And after I freaked out for a few seconds I remember it was Harry. He smelled nice, really nice. I smiled to myself.

Just then Danielle, Eleanor, and Louis came busting through me door, scaring me causing me to scream quite loud. I removed myself from his arms as quickly as possible, waking up Harry in the process. There was silence as they were undoubtedly staring at awe in what they had just witnessed. I was glad they couldn't see my face. Harry just smiled down at me. I took a deep breath and rolled over to face the mass hysteria.

Louis, Dani, and El had huge smiles on their faces, I'd never seen such big smiles. Liam walked in and saw Harry under the purple blanket with me, he apologized before pulling the three out of my room. When they shut the door I jumped out off the bed. Because my legs were tangles in a variety of things underneath the blanket such as Harry's legs, I fell on my butt. Harry laughed for a little while while I stood back up.

"Are you all right?" He asked when he finished laughing at my embarrassment.

"Yup!" I smiled down at him. "How did you sleep?" Harry laid on his stomach, smiling his smile up at me. I shook my head 'no', he looked so attractive staring up at me. His eyes fresh form sleep.

"I slept wonderfully, sorry I didn't realize we had gotten so close. I hope you're not freaked out." He said as his face reddened a bit. He bit his lip and looked down at his hands.

"No, it's fine." I told him truthfully. "It was nice having someone so close." I told him again even more truthfully then before. My face reddened as well. "Uhh well umm." I turned away from and went to a mirror. I brushed out the mess that laid upon my head, putting it in a loose pony tail when it was untangled. I could feel Harry's eyes watching me. When I turned back around he was standing.

"All right so what should we do, when we go out there?" I asked him.

"We could just pretend it never happened."

"But they obviously just saw us together in my bed, you're arms were wrapped around me ." I said walking closer to him.

"Yeah, but when they do we could just tell them nothing is going on. Just pass it off like nothing happened." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well they'll probably ask if we like each other, should we say no or...?" I could feel my face heat up as I will admit to myself that I indeed liked him.

"We should probably deny feeling of any sort for each other. But that will have complicated plans for breakfast?" Harry's face grew a worried look as he crossed the bed.

"Maybe we should do it another time." I suggested. I saw the worried look turn into a bit of sadness.
"Not because I don't want to go out with you, but because it would be too risky with what they just saw."

"Yeah," He nodded. "All right, so basically we're not going to go on that date until we convince our friends?" He guess.

"I mean I think it would be hilarious to pull one on them, but like if you don't want to, that's all right as well."

"No, you want to screw with their heads, it will be hilarious." Harry smiled again. Without thinking we grabbed each others hands. We left the room and walked down the hallway. Right was we were taking the step so that people could see us we let go and shoved our hands in our pockets. Dani and El screamed and then ran towards me pulling me back into my room.
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Glad to see people seem to like it:) Let me know what you think the comments and stuff, please and thanks!
