Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

The Actual Surprise

"Surprise!" We were backstage at and episode of the X-Factor.

"Oh this is so cool!" I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist pulling him close to me for a hug.

"Why are we here so early?" Perrie asked. Eleanor crinkled her eyebrows before asking her question.

"Yeah the show doesn't till seven and it's only one-thirty.

"We've got a practice." Eleanor, Perrie, and I continued giving the boys confused looks.

"We're performing tonight!" Zayn answered.

"Oh, that'll be good!" Perrie stated.

"And Danielle will be dancing! "

"I too have got a surprise!" Perrie announced.

"Little Mix is performin' as well!" So it was a night of performing, all my friends except El and I were going to be on that stage tonight. El and I were given lanyards that gave us permission to go where ever we wanted.

Eleanor and I mostly just hung out for the whole day. Spending very little time with the lads, or Perrie or Danielle, as they were all busy getting ready for tonight. A couple hours before the show, Eleanor asked if we wanted to go shopping for better suiting clothes. Everyone seemed to be dressed up, leaving us feeling out of place.

We left, walking to the closest store that sold women's fancy clothes. We were looking, Eleanor finding loads that would look awesome on her, but I couldn't find anything. I wanted a dress, but the dresses sold here wee either ones for summer or really fancy, prom type ones. While I waited for Eleanor try on the stuff she found I saw the perfect dress. It had a blue sequin top, with a bow at the empire waist, then it faded from a lite blue down to the regular blue at the bottom.

There were only two left, luckily one was in my size. I pulled it off the rack and made my way to the dressing room area.

"You all right out there Lexi?" She called from inside her little cubicle.

"Just grand!" It was better then grand, the dress look amazing. It was really pretty and I loved it. I slipped it on and it zipped with no problem. I looked into the mirror, it looked good, making me appear more pretty then I actually was. I came out of my own cubicle wanting to show Eleanor, but decided to surprise her at the show. I took the perfect dress off, reluctantly putting it back on it's hanger and reclotheing myself. "I'm going to look for a pair of shoes!" I told while I was walking away.

"Wait, you found a dress?" She exclaimed in an excited tone. But I didn't answer her, I wanted them all to be surprised when I came out with it on.

The shoes at this store were most outrageously high heels, something I haven't ever been comfortable wearing. Too bad my white converse are at home. I thought. Then I saw a pair on sale in my size so I went to the counter to purchase the items in my arms. There was mirror behind the counter reflection my face back at me. I didn't look too terrible, but i hadn't put makeup though and that would have made me better. And my hair was just a frizzy mess, hopefully Eleanor could help me with that stuff. I waited for Eleanor to finish.

I watched as something started gathering the attention of local paparazzi. There were loads of people waiting outside the store, taking pictures of someone in side the store. I stood looking at a rack of sunglasses.

"Eleanor! Are you almost ready, we should think about starting back to the stadium." She came out two seconds later, a massive pile of clothes in one arm. :I thought we were just buying something for tonight?"

"I know, I did find something for tonight, but these are on sale and i don't know if I'll get a chance to come out here again." She defended her actions.

"Do you have makeup?" I asked pointing to my face. "And can you make my hair look nice?"

"I didn't bring any makeup with me, but we could like stop at a drug store on the way back and pick up a few things, cause I need some too." She paid and the flashed from the pictures became more frequent. "Are they here for us?"

"Why would they be here for us?" Because you're dating Harry freaking Styles and Louis Freaking Tomlinson of freaking One Direction, that's why.

"Oh." I answered myself. We crowded together, as we left making our way through the people who were yelling at us questions and taking pictures. We walked fast, trying to get away from the scene we were creating.

Thankfully we made it safely into the little drug store. Picking out only things we absolutely needed and leaving promptly.

*Where are you?* A got a text from Harry. I called him explaining to him how we felt out of place in our jeans so we got different clothes.

"We're on our way back, we'll be there in a few minutes."

"All right Lex, see ya in a few."

We we got to the door we entered pulling out lanyards out of our bags and re-hanging them on our necks. When we found the boys we asked if we could use their dressing room to get ready, they said we could before giving us directions on how to get there.

It wasn't a large room, but it wasn't like El and I need a lot of room, I just surprised me five boys could share such a small room. Eleanor decorated my face with the makeup we bought, making me look ten times more elegant then I had before. Then she did something crazy with my hair, it was mostly up, a few pieces falling out around my face. After all that was done, I help Eleanor with her hair, braiding it into a side braid over her shoulder. She did her own makeup because I genuinely useless when it comes to that stuff. We put our dresses on, not having seen each others yet.

"Oh my gosh, you look so pretty!" She gushed crossing the room over t help me with my zipper."

"You, do too!" I gushes right back. She wore her flats she'd been wearing all day, while I had on my new converse. "How much time till the show?" I asked while she waited in the chair fixing up her
makeup one last time.

"We could go now, if you'd like?"

"All right, are you sure this isn't too formal?" I asked suddenly unsure if what I was wearing was appropriate.

"You look drop dead gorgeous, Harry won't know what hit him, and completely appropriate, if any thing my dress is too fancy for this." I didn't agree, her dress, was more formal, but the way she wore the blue fabric very casually.

"No, you look great, now lets find our seats." I looped my lanyard around my neck, not caring that it totally ruined my ensemble. Eleanor held her's in her hand intentionally she cared. We walked through the halls of the backstage area trying to find the way to our seats. Danielle stopped us before leaving for good to tell us we looked really great. She did too, her hair was in wild curls that held all the volume in the world. She had in a short, gold sequined dressed. I could hear low raspy voice coming near. He and and boys were talking about something that must have happened at their practice. Mid sentence Harry stopped talking, I turned to see why.

His face was held surprise. Probably the same amount of surprise my face held as Harry stood across the hall in a charcoal gray suit, with a dark purple bow tie. Bow ties are cool, and it looked as though we planned it, but we didn't. We were more in sync then I thought. He looked more gorgeous then the night we stood out in the moonlight kissing.

Harry's POV

She looked beautiful, at first I didn't know it was her standing there next to Eleanor and Danielle. The purple dress brought the pale, delicateness of her skin out, making it look almost breakable. I looked at the way some of the hair was pulled from the fancy knot on her head, down to the dress at all the intricate beading, to the plain white converse. No one had ever looked better in converse.

Her face though, the paleness of all her exposed skin was precious. She looked like a princess from a fairy tale. I did my best to close the space between us, my legs about ready to give out because of her beauty.

"You looked beautiful before, and nothing will ever beat how you looked while we laid in bed together,"I didn't mean to whisper in her ear, but it was hard because her beauty was literally taking my breath away. I took a deep breath before finishing. "You look absolutely stunning!" I hadn't known I was smiling until she brought her tender hand up to my cheek pulling my face close so she could plant a kiss on my lips. The kiss lasted longer then I had expected, but I wasn't going to be the first to pull away. Only when I heard someone trying to muffle their laughter and clear their throat did Lexi move away. Our faces red as we turned to the group.

"Lexi and I were just headed to our seats." She sounded a peeved, probably cause Louis hadn't made that big of a deal about how she looked. Louis had his arm linked around her waist, when she went to walk away Louis pulled her back whispering something in her ear. A smile grew as he spoke softly. When he released her the coldest from before disappeared.

"Thank you." She told me as El looped her arm though hers to take them to their seats. "Good luck!" The kiss she put on my cheek was too short.

And boom, I was nervous. I hadn't been this nervous for a performance since, well, I can't remember... My stomach was doing flips, the crisp I ate about and hour ago felt bad, like I was about to get sick. Lexi was doing things to me, making me feel things I'd never thought I was capable to feel. She made me feel better then I'd ever felt before. She made me happy, and that she knew about my darkest made being with her a millions times m ore comfortable then I'd ever felt with anyone ever, even Louis. But she also made me nervous. I really didn't want to screw up in front of her.

Niall must have noticed my butterflies as he walked by handing me a bottle of water.

"Here. You'll do fine, you always do. And it's only one song." He clapped his hand on my back taking a sip of his own drink. We waited for our turn to perform. By then, the rest of the guys had crowded around me, trying to comfort me.

"Do you guys ever get nervous when performing in front of Eleanor or Perrie or Danielle?" I asked in the last few minutes before we had to take the stage.

"Yeah, of course! We always do great though. Seriously Don't worry about it." Liam told me. It wasn't till I walked out on stage, and saw her beautiful, bright hazel eyes looking up at me, that I calmed and knew everything was going to be just fine.
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