Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

Lovely Times

Lexi's POV

"Please help me welcome One Direction!!!!!" The man yelled while the lights dimmed and the crowd roared. There were five spot lights, one on each empty stool. I my eyes were locked on the side of the stage where everyone was coming and going from. Louis popped his head out quickly before exposing his body. Eleanor erupted in loud clapping and screaming. They were traveling in a line, Niall came after Louis, then Zayn, Liam, and then finally Harry. His eyes locked with mine the whole way to his stool. The music started. It was the first song I'd heard at the radio station, what was it called? I couldn't remember. Liam sang his part, his micro phone falling from his mouth as Harry started.

"This love is only getting stronger, I don't wanna wait any longer, I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl" His lips flattened out and then curved upwards at the irony of the lyrics. I was biting my bottom lip when the chorus started, taking in every lyric and every note. He didn't look away the whole time he sang, which was to me. Every word I knew he meant. I couldn't wait to see him after. The whole song felt like the best notes combined to form the best and most interesting and amazing song ever created. Before leaving the stage his smile grew, if that's possible. The rest of the show didn't compare, although Dani and Perrie were good, and it was really cool seeing them. I just wanted to get to where he was to congratulate him.

The seat next to had been vacant the whole show until my purple bow tie clad boyfriend sat down. I tried to contain myself, there wasn't a chance I could though. When he reached over to grab my hand I moved it before he could, placing both of my hands on each cheek pulling it to mine giving him the most intense kiss I'd ever kissed. My tongue entering his mouth within seconds to explore and figure out every crevice it had. This wasn't like me, I'd never done this before, I'd never felt this way before. His tongue and mine were dancing while we had gained most of the surrounding people's attention.

"Lexi." It was El, I didn't want to break away, but I knew I had to. "Lexi." she said again. I pulled away as he did. Our smiles matched as we realized what had just happened.


"Please no more kissy face."

"All right." I turned back to Harry, our hands now together, fingers intertwined, both of us wished the arm rest wasn't there to separate us. He ended up grabbing my hand with his other hand, and my other one, putting his in between mine and then, wrapping the aforementioned clasped hand around my shoulders, trying to pull me in closer. But not so close as to pull me into the arm rest, I was comfortable, we were comfortable. We stayed like that until the end of the show. My head eventually ending up on his shoulder. We tried our best to clap after each act, failing miserably, and laughing hysterically at our attempts. After so many fail attempts we were just yelling after each one, making noise to signify their greatness.

"Thanks again to Little Mix and One Direction for wonderful performances, good night!" The guy on the stage waved at a camera. Everyone in the audience was standing up and making their way out. Harry pulled me up from my seat and dragged me back stage. Eleanor followed closely, her lanyard around her neck. El reunited with Louis, hugging him as though she hadn't in a long time. Liam and Danielle were sitting on a couch her head in his lap as he moved her hair around. Perrie and Zayn stood there, his arm around her shoulders,and her fingers playing his his. Niall stood there a bag of nuts in one hand a water in the other.

"We're out." His voice was deep, raspy in a way I hadn't heard before. I didn't want to know what everyone was thinking about, mostly I didn't want to know what Harry had been thinking about. If El and Lou had done that to us we know they would have just gone back to his place to have sex. Every part of my mind hopped that hadn't been what Harry's thoughts revolved around. I raced him to their dressing room to grab our things and then raced back past our friends to his car.
We drove home. We got to my place, I changed into shorts and a jumper. We sat on the couch opposite the tv. Harry had changed into some sweat pants and a t-shirt. We watched the screen, I wasn't paying attention. And neither was Harry, I could tell because his head wasn't pointed at the TV, but just the left. I wondered what he was thinking about.

"Harry?" I asked.

"What is it Lexi?"

"Your performance tonight had been one of the best things I'd ever witnessed." His pink lips turned upwards displaying the friendliest of smiles.

"Thank you, I was really nervous actually."

"Yeah? Well it was brilliant, Thank you for taking me and stuff. It was really cool." Our faces were close, I hadn't known how close until his lips crashed into mine. The kiss was much like the one we shared after the show. It was more slow though, more passionate and intimate. When his kisses left my mouth, traveling down my jaw and neck. He pushed the neckline of the two layers i had on, away, exposing my collar bone. Each kiss sent shivers down my spine. When his hands lifted up and moved under the cloth, making direct contact with my skin, my eyes opened in surprise. His massive appendages made their way up my sides, coming dangerously close to my bra. When they stopped right under it my eyes closed again, becoming comfortable with the warmth his hands shared.

My hands played with his curls while he brought his lips back to mine. His tongue plunging into my mouth tasting every millimeter of the cavity. I missed the warmth of his hands when he removed them from my skin, but welcomed them when they played with the curls falling from my head. I gasped for breath when we broke apart, our foreheads still touching. I wanted more, but at the same time, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle anymore. We were dangerously close to going farther then I'd ever been with a guy. Going farther then I would have been comfortable with.
Apparently he knew that as well, because after he kissed my forehead where ours made contact, he put his arm back around my shoulders, our right hands, clasped together, on his thigh. He put his attention on the stupid show that played on. Neither of us knew exactly what was going on as we just spent the last fifteen minutes getting closer.

As the ending credits rolled at the end of the show as a new episode started Harry turned his head giving me all of his attention.

"Would you like to talk?" He asked.

"I'm up for anything you'd like." I told him. I reached for the remote to turn the tv off, but it was just out of my reach, but I wasn't gong to give up, I stretched as far as I could. Stretching too far and falling off the couch. I got up taking the remote in my hand in defeat pressing the button harder then needed, taking my angst out on the object. But the measly piece of plastic got it's revenge by turning the picture box back on. Harry let out a laugh as I pressed the button more gently turning it off. I sat back down across from him, my legs bought up to my chest the best I could. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Things in your life weren't good, but you're so normal."

"I'm far from normal."

"You're right, but you handle things so well..." He trailed off.

"I don't handle anything well. Nothing, I can't even talk to my ex with out wanting to die." I cried out.

"It's just,"

"I get through everything because I know I'm not alone. I mean sometimes I forget, but a majority of the time, I know God is there with me, protecting me, keeping me safe from my own thoughts." I didn't know if that was the right thing to say, but it felt like it was a good response.

"I feel bad we haven't really talked about things. I mean we talk about things, but we only scratch the surface before we stop."

"Don't worry about it, most of the time I can only take that little amount of talking about my crappy life." I hated my life, the only good part was the God part, the only part that had any greatness or value to me. Except for the new part of my life. The Harry part, the part with the guy I feel I'm destined to know, and help.

"And we never talk about my life, not that i'm complaining because I honestly hate talking about it, but I just don't want you to feel like you don't know anything about me." We had time to know these things, I was under the impression we wouldn't find everything about each other in the first few days, I felt they would come in time.

"Seriously, Harry, it's fine, we've talked about me enough. But I mean we don't need to know everything about each other right this very second. Those things will come in time, unless there's something you want to talk about." My eyes glued to his hip. He followed my gaze to his hip.

"No, I'm fine, really great actually." He looked down to my neck, his face blushing.

"You didn't!" I got up quickly, going to the mirror in the hall. After I pulled the collar of my shirts down I saw a blossoming red spot. I came back into the room a smug grin on my lips, shaking my head no. "You better watch yourself." I pushed him lightly on the arm.

"At least its winter, you can use sweaters and scarves to cover it."

"You're lucky." I had fallen on my back.

"Yeah?" Harry crawled over to me, his left eye cocked up and the grin turning mischievous.

Next thing I know, Harry's soft lips on mine, in a way that was almost attacking my face. "I don't even know how old you are." He said between kisses, returning back to our other conversation.

"I turn twenty-one on March twenty-seventh" I told him between my own kisses. "You?"

"Twenty-two on February first." Then we opened our eyes, locking, our chests heaving up and down rapidly. Him leaning over me, looking down in to my eyes. It would have been so easy to just do it. My mind was racing, trying to find ways to defend the activity both Harry and I wanted to do so incredibly bad. But he's different. Was the best I could come up with. Because I want to. Was the only other reason I could think of.

I felt my eyes fill with sadness as he brought his face back to mine. When I didn't respond with the movement of my lips he took his face away again.

"I can't." He crawled off me, understanding why I couldn't, not pressuring me into anything I didn't want to. When ever I turned Charlie away, he would get angry, yelling and screaming at me him leaving me in bed crying, needing the blade more then I needed more then air. "I'm sorry." I felt bad. I really did. "It's not that I don't want to, because I do-"

"You don't have to explain, it's fine, I really understand." I sat up and scouted closer to him. Harry went back to facing the the off tv. He put his arm back around me, pulling me close in comfort.

He is different, completely different, more different and amazing then I'd ever thought. I'm falling so hard, I'm completely infatuated with him, consumed with him. Does he feel the same way?
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I know I thank you for reading after every chapter, but I really am thrill you subscribed and decided to read. Don't forget to tell me what you liked and didn't liek.