Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

It Will Be All Right

We sat, Harry next to me, at the table right outside the kitchen. I was eating a piece of toast while he sipped on some tea while simultaneously scrolling through his phone. As I swallowed my last bite of toasted bread, I ran my hand through my hair, it felt greasy. I hadn't washing it since Saturday. Hmmm showers. Then I thought about singing in the shower and how much I loved it.

"Do you sing in the shower?" I asked as Harry brought his mug up to his lips.

"Yeah, sometimes." He took a drink of the warm liquid. "Do you?" He asked after he swallowed.


"What do you sing?" His phone lay on the table as he held his tea in his hands.

"Mostly Ed Sheeran." A smile came to his face.

"Ah, you like Ed?"

"Yeah, he's really good. You listen to him?"

"Ha, yeah actually I'm good friends with him." My head turned and stared in awe at him. He chuckled.

"He's actually written a few songs for us."

"Wow, I had no idea." I felt bad that I wasn't a huge fan of him. I felt bad I'd never given his music a second thought. "To be honest and fair, I haven't heard most of the things your band produces."

"Produces, you make us sound much more hard working then we are." I laughed.

"I feel bad though, the first time I heard one of your songs was in the radio thing when I answered that one question." I blushed. Harry heard my insecurities in my voice.

"That's fine, you don't have to be a fan. You don't have to like any of it-"

"But, I feel bad because what I've heard so far is good and I do like it." I burried my face into his chest as he put his arm around me in his favorite spot.

"Lexi, it's all right, at least this way, I can just give you our music and you don't have to pay for it." I laughed. But when I didn't say anything Harry got worried. He pulled my up off his body, bringing my face up to look at him in the eyes. "You don't have to be a fan of my job. Please never feel obligated to listen to anything One Direction, please, I don't want you to feel pressure to like that, just because we're dating. And don't let anyone tell you, you don't deserve me. It's me who doesn't deserve you."

"Thank you for that, but seriously, it's you who doesn't deserve me?" I questioned unsure if what he said was what I heard.

"Of course, you're so understanding and easy going, you're just always there with a smile on your face... It's hard to explain, but you're basically perfect." The shock came to my face again, he thought I was perfect. I felt like I was was in grade nine again, when my crush had asked me to the school dance. "You are perfect." He repeated, my face getting redder.

"You're perfect too!" I burried my face again, he wrapped his arms around me, putting his cheek on my head.

"We can be perfect together." I wiggled my arms out of our embrace to put them around his perfectness. He kissed the top of my head before taking his head all the way off me. I didn't want to let go, I don't think he wanted to either. We stayed like that for a while. "Lexi?"


"What's your full name?" I took my arms away from him as I realized I hadn't know his full name yet either. At least I knew his last name. I laughed, it was hysterical that we've told the world we're together, but he doesn't yet know my last name.

"Hello, my name is Alexandria Sara Edward." I held out my hand to shake his as if we'd just met.

"Hi, I'm Harold Edward Styles."

"That's perfect. I'm convinced."

"It is quite perfect." We laughed.

"All right, time to get married." I stood up, trying to pull him up with me. When I got him standing I pulled him towards the door. Harry had tears falling from his eyes and holding his sides with his free hand, I got him to the door with much struggle before I admitted it was a joke. "I'm totally just joking, yeah no, not getting married quite yet. I mean we've just met." He laughed as I kept making jokes.

"I haven't seen anyone make Harry laugh this hard." Harry and I turned to see Louis and Eleanor standing just inside, the door shut behind them. I could feel the color return to my face.

"Not even me." Louis flashed a cheeky smile as Harry pulled me under his arm in a half hug sort of thing.

"I'm gonna go home for a shower and a quick change in clothes, I'll call you later, all right." He kissed my cheek before grabbing his bag of clothes and jacket. "Maybe we could go out later?" He asked as he reached for the knob of the door.

"Yeah I'd like that." We smiled at each other as he left.

"You've been spending loads of time together." Eleanor pointed out.

"So we have." I though about it.

"He really fancies you." Louis told me.

"Good because I really fancy him." I admitted with more confidence then I thought I had. I then left the room to shower. I could hear El and Lou discussing Harry and I as I walked from the room to my room and then back to the bathroom. I didn't have the littlest concern about what they were saying. It didn't matter what they said. It didn't matter what anyone said, they didn't know about us. They never would.

I stood in the bathroom, waiting for the water to warm, naked I looked into the mirror. I tried not to look in mirrors, but I had to try and find what made me so perfect to him. It wasn't that I thought there was anyone better out there, but there is, Charlie's voice entered my brain.

Instead of focusing on what Charlie's voice was telling me, Harry's voice came in. It kept telling me I was perfect and that he really really really really liked me. And that was better then anything anyone has ever told me before.

Some people say they could get ten compliments in a day, and one bad thing said to them and their whole day would be ruined, but not me. I don't allow myself to think of those bad things anymore. It least I try to not allow myself to think about the negative things. Positive, happy, smiley things are what I try to think about.

That's what got me through my shower without turning to the blade I had hid in one of the drawers next to the sink. That, and I knew God was there, and his disappointment would have been unbearable.

I came out, my hair still wrapped in a towel. I threw my clothes back into my room to join my flatmate and her boyfriend in the what ever room they were in now. I walked down the hallway, finding them in a near exact same position on the couch that Harry and I had been in. Louis arm was draped around El, while she laid her head down on his chest.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" I interrupted their moment for my own entertainment.

"Thank you!" Louis was always good at giving cheek right back to me. "It's funny you say that, because El and I just just got done saying how cute you and Harry are." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"He speaks truth." Eleanor defended. "At lunch yesterday when you guys were whispering..." She didn't finish, but I'd been her friend long enough to know what she was about to say. And what she would have said it, that shes super jealous. She had gotten with Louis right before he left for tour. She missed out on the honeymoon phase of her and Lou's relationship.

"I know." I winked at her to let her knew I understood. I only wish I could figure out something to say that would comfort her more. The nights I tried being a support system for her when Louis would be gone were the nights I dreaded only because I was so bad at helping her. She had always been there for me, every panic attack, every mental break down, everything... I usually just put a tub of ice cream in front of her and let her cry. I listened when she talked but I never quite knew if what I was saying helped.

"What are you guys up to today?" I asked collapsing on the chair adjacent from the couch.

"Just hanging," Eleanor said. "I feel like I we haven't done this in ages so-" She turned her face to Louis',
his eyes focused on the tv. She pecked his cheek not caring to finish her sentence. "What are your plans?"

"Not sure, I think Harry and I might do something later." I shrugged.

"Are you tired yet?" Louis voice startled me as I wasn't quite prepared for him to talk. I was also slightly confused.

"Tired of what yet?" I questioned.

"Just being around all the craziness that is One Direction?" He turned to look into my eyes. I hadn't even thought of it as crazy really. It was kind of fun and cool to see everything first hand.

"Not yet. I hope I never do.." I didn't finish because Louis whispered something about twitter. "What?" I wondered.

"You haven't gone on twitter have you?" Eleanor asked. I hadn't gone on much before, and when El told me not to I haven't, "No, not yet."


"How come you get to go on twitter?"

"So I can see what they're saying." She quickly came up with.

"How bad is it?" I wondered.

"It's not as bad as I thought because, Harry hasn't followed you on there yet. Loads don't believe it because of that alone. Some think you're really cute together." She right it wasn't as bad as we all thought.

"What about the people that don't.. err... think good things?"

"You still have a towel on your head." She reminded me, but also trying to change the subject. When I didn't move the towel or acknowledge it she gave in, telling me the worst. "They're worst then Charlie had been." She confessed.

"Who is Charlie?" Louis reminded us of his presence.

"No one." Eleanor told him. Then turning her head back to me. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it was bound to happen. You can't make everyone happy." She put her hand out, putting it on my shoulder. She rubbed it, trying to comfort me, when there wasn't much to comfort. I took the towel off my head in defeat.

"It will be all right, you just need not let it get to your head." She added to her other words of comfort.

"I know, it'll be fine." Her hand fell off my shoulder as I stood up to take car of my towel.

It will be all right.