Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us


I got to my room to pull my brush through my damp hair. I didn't do anything else with it, I was just going to let it air dry. I stared at myself in the mirror. This is how it all started. I thought, me standing in front of a mirror after I'd just gotten in from a date with Charlie. The feelings were coming back, I shut my eyes tight, thinking about Harry and his beautiful words, his voice, his hands, his hair, his dimples, my thoughts consumed themselves with him. Anything to get Charlie out of my head. I worked well enough to that I could open my eyes again.

When I did, I saw my bible laying on my bed. I opened it randomly and started reading the page.

"Nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37, then the idea came to me. I left my bible open on my bed, I thought I'd seen Harry had a few tattoos, but I wanted to make sure.

"Louis?" His and Eleanor's faces were stuck together. "Sorry, but I'll only be two seconds."

"What is it Lexi?" He sounded slightly annoyed.

"Harry has tattoos, right?"

"Yeah, quite a few actually."

"All right thanks!" This was exciting. I don't have any tattoos, but I've wanted them for years. I knew that was the verse I'd want, right on my wrist. It would be perfect.

I went back to room, wrote the verse down and then got my computer out. As I waited for it to turn on I called Harry.

"Hello!" He was smiling, I couldn't see him, but I knew.

"So, I was wondering if maybe we could go out tonight."

"Yeah, that's be good. Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to do?"

"Yeah actually." I pulled up the browser and typed in I was already logged on.

"What would you like to do?"

"Well, you have tattoos right?"


"So what do you think of them?"

"Considering I don't even know how many I have, I think they're pretty cool."

"What do you think if I got one?" Then there was silence.

When my dashboard loaded, my inbox had hundreds of messages. How long had it been since the last time I'd been on? Obviously a while. I clicked on the little envelope. I'd been on tumblr for a few years now, and not once had I ever received hate from people. Nearly every other message told me to cut myself, and only a very small amount of those gave the useer's name. I never understood how someone could be so heartless, so mean. I went back to my dashboard to look at it. I was on my own dashboard. It was pictures and gifs of Harry and kissing last night at X-Factor. Each picture had different captions, there were a few derpy faces I was caught with and those had the best captions.

It was weird though because I only followed a few people that like One Direction, so every so often my dash would explode with pictures of them, but it was mostly Harry Potter and Doctor Who, Sherlock, Zac Efron. When Harry hadn't said anything for a while, I wondered what he'd been doing.

"Do you regret any of them?"

"Not really, I mean I guess I do a little. Some of them, a majority of them I like though. What do you think you want?"

"Some scripture, on my wrist." I told him.

"Your scars." I hadn't thought about that.

"But wouldn't it be kind of cool, cause like all these people say they can't stop cutting and I've got all these scars but it say "nothing impossible." I think that's really cool."

"You want me to take you?"

"If you would like to, I mean you don't have to, but I think it'd be cool if you could?" Silence again. "You don't want me to get a tattoo do you?" It was more then obvious.

"No, I think that's totally rad you want one, but I'm afraid since you're my girlfriend and someone sees your scars they'll tell some stupid magazine and then everyone will know." It came with very little confidence. I waited, not sure what to say. What was I supposed to say. "Do you really want it?" Yeah. I did.

"Yeah, I've wanted one for years, but never knew what."

"Is it important to you that you keep your scars a secret?" It was a little but more then that I had to keep the secret that sometimes I still wanted to cut. The scars were just memories, they were just a symbol of my past. Things I've overcome. So I told him that. "We'll if that's how you feel, and you don't mind the possibility of the world finding out, then..."

"Awesome! I'll find a font and then we can go after I've found it!" I was super excited now. After hanging up the phone I dropped it in my lap and held my arms above my head. "Wooo!!!!" Then I continued on tumblr for a while before going to find the tattoo I wanted. First I went on the tattoos tag and looked a round for a bit. I found the font that I wanted, about two seconds before Harry texted me.

*You find it yet?* I looked at the time, it had been three hours that I sat on my bed on tumblr.

*Yes, I just did.*

*Cool. I'll be by in like a hour.* Why did he have to live so far away. But since he did live so far away, I continued scrolling my dash, not bothering to think about my inbox. I'd delete those later. I had also gained loads of followers. How people knew this was the blog of the girlfriend of Harry. I'd liked to think it wasn't because of that, but I knew had to of been the Harry thing. What else could it have been? I went to make a text post. I typed in the title for it, So I've gained a lot lately. Then went to type the body of the post:

/So I've noticed recently a lot of you have have just click my follow button, and though I am great full to have all of you here. If you're here because you think I'm Harry Styles' girlfriend, then maybe you should rethink following. I understand you're fans but-/

And then I stopped myself. Why should I tell them to unfollow me. Maybe I should be nice to them. I went up to the tags search bar, typed in 'Harry Styles gifs', and then I saved every last one of them I could find. Several made me laugh, because Harry had been doing silly things. Then I made a post that said:

/WOWZERS!!!!! Thank you so much for hitting that follow button. I really hope I don't disappoint you. It's been kind of crazy right now, and I know I haven't been on for a few days, but this is seriously incredible. Thanks again so much.../

/Don't forget to to tell me why you decided to click the follow button in the top right corner of my blog./

Then I put four or five of the gifs of Harry where he looks happy.

/Also, just so my friends who have been with me for a while now, no I'm not turning into a 1D blog... I'm sticking to my roots./

I tagged the post and then click publish.

"Lexi! Harry is here!!!!!!!" Louis screamed from the living room. I quickly grabbed my green jacket, zipping it up as my feet wiggled into a pair of white converse. I tied the laces before remembering to turn my computer off. I walked out, Harry was standing by the door still.

"Where are you two off?" Eleanor asked standing up with Louis, her arm around his waist.

"Harry's taking me to get a tattoo." El was silent. I wasn't sure why.

"All right well, at least take her some place professional." Louis to Harry, their eyes locked. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, uhh, what are you gonna get?" El tried to talk, but she sounded scared.

"Luke 1:37, Nothing-"

"Is impossible with God." She finished for me.

"That's good I like that, where?" I was about to show her, but Louis didn't know about the scars so I just told her.

"Wrist, don't worry, I've got this under control." She didn't know Harry knew. I bit my lip while her eyes filled with concern. "Besides, I've told him."

"Told him what?" Louis asked feeling left out.

"Don't worry about it." Eleanor put her other hand that wasn't looped around him on his chest. She locked eyes with Harry, he nodded at her. "We're going to have to have a talk later." She told him.

When we finally left, Harry was still quiet. Our hands bound together by our fingers while we walked down the street, we passed his car, my head turned and followed it as we passed.

"You've got a really good tattoo shop just around the corner." He pointed towards it.

"Which one did you get there?" I wondered. He lifted up just jacket to reveal one on his hip that read 'might as well'. That's close to his scars. In fact I could see the end of one of the pink lines.

"That was before I started." He answered the question I hadn't had the chance to ask yet.

We continued walking, surprised paparazzi weren't around, we took our time. He didn't say anything for the rest of the walk. Before we entered the shop I pulled his arm so he would face me. This had been the longest amount of time, since we'd gotten together, that we weren't smiling.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah I'm fine." It was weird first I'd been all weird, not quite upset with anything, just feeling a little off, now he was. I didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"I don't have to get it if you're so opposed to it." He tried to turn and open the door of the shop as I spoke.

"It's not that." He spit out harshly.

"So there is something?" Concern filled my body.

"I promise we'll talk about it later." He saw my concern. I allowed him to open the door so we could go in. I was prepared to follow him, but he waited till I walked in first. I did, the guy behind the counter lit up as he saw Harry walk up next to me.

"Hello Harry! Come to get something else?"

"Actually, no." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"She actually is. Hue this is Lexi my girlfriend." I held out my hand to shake his.

"What would you like?" I held out my piece of paper with the words. He studied it. "And where would you like it?"

"My wrist."

"Right or left?" I looked down to see which one had the least amount of scars.

"Right." My right hadn't had the bracelets because it wasn't as bad as the left.

"Do you want it to wrap around, or where would you like it?" I drew a line from a point under my thumb on my wrist down, towards my elbo. "All right, give me a few minutes to sketch a final thing and then I'll show you and if you like it then we will start."

"Cool." My stomach started fluttering. My grip tightened around Harry's.

"Nervous?" I nodded. "It will be all right, it's only like a pinching, it won't hurt to bad." He kept pouring comforting words into my ear. As Hue walked towards us holding the final product I thanked Harry by giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hows this?" I could already tell it was going to me perfect, my eyes fell upon it and it was. More perfect then I imagined.

"Perfect!" A smile grew on my face and the butterflies flew away. Hue sat me in the chair to put the pattern on my arm.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was actually a tattoo that I really wanted, things have changed, however, I still think Lexi would still really like the tattoo.