Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

More Happy Then I've Ever Been

Lexi's POV

One long day after I'd gone to an photo shoot with the lads, I sat on his bed in my pajamas, my laptop out in front of me. I was scrolling through my dashboard, pictures from their photo shoot already up. I pressed the little 'plus' icon to bring up a new tab. I went to the place I was warned not to go. It had been weeks though, and I wanted to know what my favorite authors were doing. They were the only people I cared enough about to follow on twitter. The blue homepage came up, in the top right corner I typed in my username and password.

I went to my profile page, seeing I had over a million followers, my mouth hung open.

"What's up Sweetheart?" Harry had walked in from brushing his teeth. I quickly closed the tab and went back to tumblr.

"Just pictures from your shoot today are already on tumblr." I covered. He had warned me as well not to go on twitter.

"Wow, that's got to be a record." He laughed plopping down next to me on the bed. "Always on tumblr." He sighed.

"Whats wrong with tumblr?" I tried not to sound a offended as I felt.

"It's just some website you're always on."

"Just some website?" I gasped still trying to sound like I was joking. "This happens to be the first time in a week I've been on." I defended.

"Every time I looked at you today, your eyes were down on your phone's screen!" His voice got louder.

"I was texting my mom!" My voice raised in volume to match his. "Which I haven't spoken to since Christmas!"

"Oh." He looked down, trying to hide his shame. "I'm sorry."

"Me too." I put my hand over his.

"What even is tumblr?" He questioned after his guilt went away. I showed him, even made him account. Helped him pick his theme while also telling him, if and when he changes it what ones to use. I explained to him what everything meant, told him how easy it was to find yourself in a bad place, and then finally helped him reblog his first post.


"What are the moving pictures called?" He asked about three seconds after I had sent him an anonymous message. "Woah, wait this little envelope has a red number one above it."

"The moving pictures are called gif, and that red number means you've got a message. Click on it to read it." I clarified for him. "What does it say?" I asked knowing full well what it said. After a few more moments of silence I refreshed my dash. A post from HarrysCat came up answering the anonymous message I had sent.

Haha, Lexi. I know it's you, I've only got one follower.

"Not for long!" I exclaimed pulling up a new text post. I went to Harry's blog copy and pasted his url, put it in the body of the post, wrote Go follow this friend, they're super cool and super new!!!! I tagged it, then hit publish.

"Four new followers!!" His voice was happy, his smile extending past his face almost. "And you're sure no one will know it's actually me?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "Not if you don't tell him, and to top it all off, people will probably think you're a girl because that's what we do." I did it all my friends did it, I still think of my friends are chicks even though they have told me they aren't.

You should search your name and see some of the stuff written about you. Some of it's really good actually." I wasn't a big fan of them, but since I'd become Harry's girlfriend I started tracking their tag and Harry's name, even following a few of my favorites.

"Like stories?"

"Yeah, there's this really good one. Called Dark, by a girl called Sara. It's got you and a girl called Bo, you're not famous in it and you hold a past that really affects your relationship with her. It's crazy at first I really didn't like how you were at the beginning but like at the end you are really sweet and nice, it's really good."

"How do I get to it?"

"Go to, because the original writer doesn't have it complete accessible on tumblr." I explained to him. Then he read the first chapter, hating it.

"That was terrible." His face was full of disgust.

"IT gets better, you're a jerk in the start, but Bo changes you and makes you all nice and stuff." I furthered my before explanation.

"I'll read a few more,"My eyes lit up."When we're apart, then I'll think of you when I'm gone, and while I'm here I can focus on us."

"Deal." He closed his laptop and sat looking at my as my eyes went all over my dash. A smile grin came on my face as one of my favorite blogs reblogged something I posted.

"What?" He watched noticing the change my lips made.

"All right, so you know when one of your favorite artist says they like your music?"

"Yeah, but I don't understand-"

"That's kind of what just happened. I posted something a while ago and one of the people I've been following for ages reblogged it. She has the best posts, I've been reblogging her stuff for a while and it's just cool that's she basically said 'she like one of my songs.'" It was real cool.

"That's awesome sweetheart." He moved so he sat next to me, his eyes scanning my screen. "Want to make some food?" His voice cracked, like he was nervous. My laughter was quicker then my brain as I realized it's probably rude of me to be laughing at him.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I joked hopefully not making him too upset.

"That was a one time deal."

"Then I'm sorry I just can't make food." I continued joking as he didn't seem upset at all. He was smiling, happy that I found some humor in it. Then he did his best to recreate the squeak his throat made when asking about food. I laughed again. "All right then what would you like?" I asked closing my laptop and standing up off his bed. I waited for him to join me before walking out of the room.

"Mac n' cheese!" He sounded like a adorable kid. But I agreed the cheesy noodles sounded nice.

The noodles were boiled, the cheese was melted, the bread crumbs were made, and the whole thing was in a dish baking in the oven.

Harry and i had the chance to really get to know each other over the past three weeks. We'd talked about everything. We did devotions together, he even prayed for us before every meal we shared and before going to bed every night. He had become a different man, he'd changed.

"Are you happy?" I asked as the change was evident, of course it made me happy.

"Yes, I am, really really really really happy." A smile grew as I thought back to the last time Harry had used four reallys. "Are you?" He returned.

"More happy then I've ever been." I told him, but wanting to say more. The words I knew I meant. Even before when I hadn't necessarily felt that way yet, but I knew I would. I love you. I'd know how I felt for a few days, but since we'd only been together for three weeks I felt it was too soon. I didn't want to freak him out, and I certainly didn't want to tell him and find out he didn't feel the same way.

Our wrapped around each other, my head rested on his chest, his head on top of my head. I wished someone was there to take a picture. Alas no one was with us, so I just kept a mental picture of what I thought it may have looked like.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw sweet chapter. And I know Dark sn't written by a girl called Sara, it's by, she's good so go check her out if you want.

thanks for reading.

I might post the last chapter today... who wants it?