Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

It Depends On Where You Look

That night before going to sleep, but after Harry had fallen asleep, I turned my lap top back on. I was about to finish what I had started earlier. The tag was gone, so I brought it back up. I was still logged in. My heart beat fast as I moved my mouse to look at all my mentions. I can do this.

~OMG @LexiEd got a tattoo!!! It's beyond cute!!!!!!~

~@Harry_Styles @LExiEd are so not a good couple! She's probably just a beard.~

I knew what that meant from tumblr, but otherwise I would have had no idea. I read stuff about Eleanor like that all the time. I chuckled quietly at the falseness of Eleanor and I being beards to cover up for Louis' and Harry's secret relationship. I continued reading.

~Haha @Harry_Styles is turning @LexiEd into a tattoo freak!~

~@Harry_Styles, you can do much better than that religious freak who makes you go to church with her!~

~It's funny that @LexiEd is spending so much time with @Harry_Styles, she thinks she has a chance! #haha~

They kept getting worse. The more vicious fans telling me they were more pretty and better than me. Telling me to cut my wrists and jump off the balcony of my flat. It didn't get to me until one of Harry's fans wrote posted a picture of me with a close up view of my wrists before I wore bracelets and while I'd still been with Charlie. It read:

~Looks like @LexiEd 'has a cat' #ifyouknowwhatImean.~

It was a little blurry, but the deep fresh wounds were still visible. I looked down to see the scar that cut left behind. That cut had also been the first cut. I hadn't known how deep to cut, how wide to make it, how long, I just took my blade and went at it, ready to just die.

~@LexiEd needs to stop changin our Hazza, he was so much better without you!!!11~

~I don't understand what @harry_styles sees in @lexiEd #imbetter~

~@LexiEd needs to stop keeping @harry_styles locked up in her flat #shescrazy~

I hadn't known i was crying until I felt warm thumbs on my face wiping the tears away.

"Shhhh." Harry cooed. "It's all right." I was now in his arms wrapped tight, my hear completely facing away from my screen. I tried to blink back the tears, but every time I close my eyes I heard Charlie more loudly screaming at me just to end it.

Harry's POV

It was the scariest thing I'd ever seen. The tears fell fast from her eyes. As i held her rocking her trying to comfort her, I saw on her screen that she was on twitter. She had been scrolling through her mentions, just like I'd done about two years ago. II used one of my hands to keep her close to my body, letting her tears soak my shirt. With the other I logged out of her twitter and turned her computer off. It was now completely dark.

"It will be all right."

"It's the voice." She sobbed, and by the voice she meant his voice. Charlie had ruined her so badly that now every time someone said anything nasty at her she could hear it in his voice. He mattered a lot to her and that's why it hurt her so deeply. She didn't want it to, but you can't help feelings. If I’ve learned anything from her it's that. You can't help how you feel towards anything or anyone.

"Don't listen to it." I encouraged. "None of those things are true, you know it." I kept trying. "You are so beautiful and even if you weren't you are smart and funny and kind and polite and pretty and cute and lovely and you are you and there’s nothing more anyone could ever ask for. I l-" Should I do it? I asked myself, the feelings were there, I knew they were, I knew I loved her. But the same thing that kept me from saying it two weeks ago was the same thing keeping me from it now. It's only been a few weeks. I reminded myself. "And I love you." I did it, I told her. It didn't matter how long we'd known each other, feeling are feeling you can't help how you feel.

She looked at me, her whimpers stopped. It was dark but my eyes had adjusted and I could see some details of her face. The tears slowed. Her lip was between her teeth. One of her eyebrows was cocked up.

"I love you too." Her arms flung around my neck, her lip crashed down on mine. We kissed, in the dark, at night, on my bed. Our lips moved to get closer to each other. I could still taste the cheese from the massive amount we had eaten two hours ago. Her fingers moved up my neck and into my hair, twirling it around her finger. I pressed my fingers into her back with a bit of pressure. The tips of her hair tickled the tips of my them.

We said it. We loved each other, she loved me, as broken and as damaged as I had been. I loved her as broken and hurt as she still clearly is. I loved her, she loved me. Something inside felt that if either of us had been any other way, there wouldn't be any chance for love to exist between us. That's what was so perfect about us, our imperfections are what made us perfect.

Lexi POV

When he said it, all the tears stopped and the voice was silent. All I could I hear and all I felt was love, love from Harry. My boyfriend of three weeks. My boyfriend who was in a rather large boy band known around the world. My boyfriend who would be leaving in few days to work. All I needed was God's love and his love and Eleanor's love, I just needed them and in this moment I knew that's all I had.

Eventually we had laid back and fallen asleep.

One day left. I thought when I woke up the next morning. I felt Harry rubbing my arm telling me he was awake.

"Thank you." My head had been on his chest, I looked up to his eyes flutter open.

"It was not problem at all Sweetheart. I was glad I was here with you."

"Me too." Then silence again, one of those comfortable ones i'd become so fond of.

"Lexi?" He asked.

"Yeah?" He propped me up as he leaned up so we could face each other.

"I would never ask you to quit school for me, but as you know, the next world tour is about to start which means you'll be seeing very little of me. But I wanted to let you know you are welcome to come and be with me, where ever I am, whenever you want." He held my hands in his. "Seriously, whenever you can I want you to be here." I felt warm inside.

"Thank you, that's so kind." It was, but I wasn't sure if that’s where God wanted me. Was I supposed to go on tour with him over a weekend or, stay here and minister to those that needed it here.

"But what?" Harry knew it had been coming, I hadn't even begun to say but, and he knew.

"Nothing, I'd love to come with you!" I could minister to both. While I was at home I'd minister to those here and on tour I reach out to the random people I'd be around when going around the world to be with Harry.

"Lexi?" He interrupted my thoughts.

"What is it?"

"Twitter is a bad place. A terrible place, deleting it is an option." He advised, I agreed thinking in my head I would delete my account. "You could as well, since it's the source of all that crap." I suggested.

"I've tried, management won't let me, said it would hurt the fans' feelings, not that some of them have any." He said referring to the ones that said rude things to him and I. I giggled.

"I love you." I told him again. After saying it the first time I kept wanting to say it. Nothing had seemed more true in that moment then the love I had for the beautifully, handsome, broken, loving, hurt, talented, amazing man sitting in front of me.

"I love you too Sweetheart!" He put his arms around me pulling me onto his lap keeping me close to him. He leaned back grabbing his phone from the nightstand. I hadn't seen what he was doing on it, but as I turned to bring my lips to his I heard a clicking noise.

"Did you just take a picture of us kissing?" His fingers typed rapidly before he looked up giving me a guilty smile.

"Do you have the twitter app on your phone?" He asked ignoring my question. I nodded, still waiting for an answer. "Can I see your phone?" I reached over the night stand on the side of the bed where I slept, grabbing it to hand to him. He got to it hiding the screen from my eyes.

"What are you doing?" He held the phone out in front of my face. I eyes read the words.

~So excited that @LexiEd will be joining me for some parts of the tour!!! #ilovemygirlfriend~

It had a link to a picture of the kiss we just shared. Which I did my best to recreate as it had looked perfectly imperfect, with our hair all messy and the bags under our eyes and the red puffiness of my face.

HIs fingers were back on his phone typed furiously. I loaded more tweets to see what he had said next.

~@LexiEd is looking absolutely stunning right now sitting in my lap with her giant smile on her face. #IloveLexi~

By lunch #ilovelexi was a worldwide trending topic. Not that I needed that to make me feel better, but it was clear Harry had some genuinely good fans, just like the little girl outside the studio after Harry had told everyone about us. Or that one girl at that place down the street. There were good people; I guess it just depends on where you look.
♠ ♠ ♠
AWWWWWWWW. Okay so I really liked wrting this and I really liked re-posting it everywhere. I really hope you enjoyed the first installment of Lexi and Harry's life together. Tell you friends, tell your parents, tell all you followers and shit about it, cause I think it's just the cutest thing ever.

I really hope you've enjoyed reading it, and Possible tomorrow or maybe, just maybe, I'll post the first chapter of the second part today.

If I get two comments by the time I decided to leave I'll post the second part tonight. Hows that. Two comments, i'm a big dreamer. Hahaha

love you all lots.
