Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

I Knew It

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!!" Niall opened his eyes to see our faces. I looked from Harry to Niall. When Harry didn't say anything I began thinking about what I should say to explain what was going on.

"Know what?" I played dumb again. Harry wipped his head to look at me.

"You and Harry?"

"What about Harry and I?"

"Yeah, what about us?" Harry finally caught on.

"You just said something about being together!" Niall was getting excited.

"Yeah, together for-" I hadn't thought of how to cover for that.

"We're working together on Zayn's birthday party. El told us that one time Lexi, is a really awesome party planner so I asked her to help." If this were a super hero movie Harry would have swooped in defeating the bad guy and rescued the damsel in distress. Niall looked at us, he was skepitcal.

"But you asked him if you were together!" I looked to Harry, I did ask him if we were a thing.

"Together, for the party planning!" Harry tried to justify.

"You guys can't tell me you don't like each other, you guys spent the whole night flirting and stuff. And we wake up and you're both missing, we find you in her bed! Together! With your arms wrapped around her!" Niall watched as our faces changed color in unison. "And you both just blushed! There has to be something going on!" Niall decided he wasn't going to take any of our crap.
Harry kept driving, doing his best to look at me and have a silent conversation while still keeping his eyes on the road. Before he looked away, the friendly glow his eyes had appeared, saying it was all right with him for Niall to know.

"Niall, we'll tell you whats going on if you promise to keep the secrete." I was all the way turned around in my seat looking directly at Niall. He just stared, his bright blue eyes were narrow. He was waiting for an explanation. I looked at Harry for a moment before revealing what it was we were doing. I took a deep breath before speaking, knowing I wanted to get it all out as quickly as possible.

"Lexi and I are secret agents fighting crime and defending young kittens from the abuse of dogs!" I was not expecting Harry to say that, but it was really funny, so I laughed. Niall didn't believe him. He tilted his head down a little and cocked it to the side.

"Fine! Dani and Eleanor have been trying to get us together, usually I turn down any invitation to hang out with you guys, because what I've heard of music isn't tall the great in my opinion and you all like to get drunk and I don't. Any way so El promises me we would just stay in last night. So, I gave in. Cooking with Harry and spending time with him was nice," I looked to him for his reaction at that. I returned my eyes back to Niall's before starting again. "Anyway so when you were all asleep Harry and I went to my room and we talked. We kind of told each other we liked each other. And we decided we wanted to trick you all into thinking we're not together, I mean if we are together." I looked back to Harry, waiting for an answer.

We were waiting at a red light, Harry had his head extended as far as it would go to Niall. Niall laughed loudly, It started off quietly and grew, exploding through the silence in the vehicle.

"That's really great." he finally said. "Yeah of course I'll keep your little secret thing." Niall looked from my to Harry, then up at he light. "Bro, the lights green. And you never answered Lexi." Niall pointed from at the light and then gestured towards me.

"I mean it's totally fine if you don't want to be a thing, we've only just gotten to know each other, so I completely understand if-"

"Lexi, I'd love to be with you." He wasn't looking at me but I could see his eyes glowing with happiness. "In fact, in this moment I don't thing you could make me anymore happy then if you'd be my girlfriend." He continued already proving he'd be a great boy friend.

We were finally there. Harry parked the car, Niall got out. Harry waited for my answer. Niall waited by the bumper of the car for us. I looked around the parking lot to see if the other car had arrived, I didn't see them, so I leaned over the center counsel and kissed him. He was caught off guard, but it was still understood what I was telling him. I pulled away from him anyone could see. Niall was looking into the car with a huge smile on his face, Harry would never hear the end f it from him. Lucky for Harry Niall had promised to keep it a secret.

Just as we got out of the car Louis and the rest arrived. We waited by the two cars for Zayn and Perrie. A few minutes past and they pulled in. They parked on the other side of Harry. We walked as huge group into the restaurant. I looked around and saw all the couples holding hands and snuggling. I wanted so badly to hold Harry's huge hands. But I knew I couldn't, so I didn't, and then I laughed to myself.

"Whatcha laughing at?" Eleanor was the first to ask, but they all were just staring at me.

"Don't worry about it." I told them in a joking tone so they wouldn't think I was angry.
We managed to get all the way to desert before anyone brought up Harry and my wake up call this morning. Dani, just had to explain everything to Perrie.

"And then El, Lou and I went to look for them, we walked into her room, Harry had his arms wrapped tightly around her, and she." Dani pointed at me for emphasis. "She was nuzzling up in his neck!" She was all excited now. Liam tried to calm her.

"They say nothing is going on, but we all don't believe them." Niall had a smile a mile wide on his face as he was trying not to laugh.

"Oi! What's so funny?"

"More food is coming!" He thought quickly as a server lady walked to put plates in front of each of us.

"But why were his arms around you?" Perrie asked me.

"That's a good question, I have no idea." Harry was sitting in between Niall and Louis, Everyone noticed as I looked at him. He was already looking longingly at me. He had to turn his head away from me quickly before anyone saw.

"He said it was bec-"

"Don't say it Lou!" Harry hid his face in Louis' chest.

"He said it was because she looked cold!" Liam announced to everyone. I tried not to blush. That was literally the sweetest thing I'd ever heard. Never, in all three of my past relationships, had a guy done anything so cute. Thinking of it, I could feel the heat on my face. I though of something to say quickly to cover my red face.

"I don't care who you are, and how much of a couple you are with someone, that is literally the sweetest thing I've ever heard." That kind of covered for it right. I mean, what he did shows how much he cares and I that's why I was blushing, but I didn't tell them that right. I saw Harry, who also had a bit of color in his face. He was whispering something into Niall's ear.

"Are you going to date him now?" Niall pipped up, knowing the answer. I guess Harry had told him he needed to say something or the group would start thinking he knew something.

"I don't think so. Curls are a huge turn off." They weren't that was a huge lie, the softness of his curls were one of my favorite physical features on a guy. Luckily, El didn't know the truth. I avoided eye contact with curly in fear he would course ,e to smile revealing the truth of our relationship.

"So, because he has curly hair, you're not going to date him?"

"I like I said a huge turn off." I said as the phone in pocket vibrated. It was a text from someone I didn't know.

*Curls are a turn off eh?* It must have been Harry. But I asked who it was anyway, just to be safe.

*Harry?* I watched everyone, Harry had his phone out and in his hand. It made a quiet noise. He sent back a text with a winky face.

*No, the opposite actually, your curls are literally the best thing ever.*

*Literally as, opposed to figuratively?* I responded with the winky face. We watched each others reactions to our texts. I saw Niall lean over and whisper into Harry's ear. Then his thumbs hit the keys quickly to tell me something.

*The trash can over here says that it's becoming kind of obvious.* By then I looked all around at our friends. Zayn was watching, Liam was watching and Louis was watching. I scratched my head before returning to my desert. It was good, but I was so full of raw salmon that If I were to take another bite, my stomach would explode.

I was trying to keep conversation with the whole group, but every now and again I would look to see if anyone were staring at me. Liam was in a conversation with Danielle and Eleanor. Zayn had his arm around Perrie and they were talking. Niall, Louis, and Harry were laughing and joking around. I was sitting in between Zayn and Eleanor. Every time I would look in Harry's direction his eyes would be on me. I gave him a cheeky smile and returned to the conversation I had momentarily left.
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ahahahah, so there's that, they are together now. What do you think so far? Please let me know. Thank you for reading, it really does mean way more to me then it should.
