Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

We'll See What The Future Holds

"I've just received a text from management, they say we should start heading to the studio." Liam interrupted our conversations. We payed the bill and then shuffled out into the cars. Niall winked at me before announcing to the group I could sit in the front.

"Thank you." I said sarcastically. I was going to happily give him the front seat.

"I can see the headlines now!" Louis held up his hands in front of face like he was spreading a map.
"Harry's New Girl Gets Priority Over Best Friend Niall Horan." We laughed.

"See ya at the studio!" Harry yelled out his window before reversing the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"What are you going to say if they ask about the relationship stuff?" Niall asked Harry. I assumed he would just lie and say he wasn't in a relationship. Harry looked out into the road with a pondering look on his face.

"I don't know, cause I don't really want to lie, but like yeah. I think we should convince the world we're not together before we tell the world we are. Most importantly the lads, the looks on their faces when we tell them." His lips turned upwards.

"If you're worried about lying for my sake, don't worry about it." Niall and Harry busted out laughing.

"You really do say, 'Don't worry about it' a lot, don't you." They laughed more.

"Don't worry about it." I raised my eyebrows joining in with their laughter. "How close are we to the studio?" I asked ten minutes after we finished laughing. I asked because we were approaching a building with loads of people wrapped around it. Most looked about my age, some were a bit younger. They had posters and they were screaming unbelievable loud. I couldn't understand anything. There kept behind these metal fence things, keeping them on the side walk. There were older men with cameras following Louis' car, trying to take pictures of them. As we got closer to the men with cameras Harry gave me a concerned smile as he reached for my hand. He gave it a quick squeeze before we were attacked by the first flash.

"Here goes." Niall said in a monotone. Harry followed Louis around the building, to a back door. There were teenaged girls waiting around this door as well, but it was much less overwhelming. These girls all seemed to have the same lanyard around their necks, I couldn't make out what they said. Big men, dressed in black came to the doors, opening them to let us out.

"Stay close to them!" Harry tried yelling at me before my door slammed.

We parked right next to the door, but it took a good ten minutes to actually get inside the building. I was careful to cling to Eleanor and Danielle's sides while inside. The boys were rushed off to a dressing room. We waited near the actual studio part. It was weird, we were being offered tea and coffee, sweets, and chips, water, cola, anything and everything. I accepted a water, while the others declined.

"You were late!" A tall man in a suit with grey hair yelled as the boys followed him down the hallway, towards us. I noticed Harry's eyes light up when he saw me. "You'll be sitting in those seats," The man pointing the the couch with two tall chairs stages behind it. There was a middle aged woman sitting in a seat opposite the couch. She looked up from her tablet making eye contact with the boys. "You have seven minutes to do what ever you please, before your butts have to have smiles on them and be seated over there." The lads crossed the room over to where we were.

"Remember, not too much personal information, please." Perrie told Zayn. She was referring to the inevitable girlfriend question we were all expecting.

"Yeah you guys too, it's our life not theirs." Eleanor added. Harry was standing across form me, behind Niall and Zayn. His jade eyes locked on mine. I wanted to be next to him, holding his hand like El was holding Louis'. Or I wanted his arm around my shoulder's like Zayn had his around Perrie. Or even standing next to him, like Dani was with Liam. Just to be near him would be nice. I knew I couldn't though.

The lady from before came over to us. She introduced herself, as Karen. The lads introduced themselves and then she turned to us. Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor had introduced themselves. I was about to give her my name when she yelled out.

"Who are you?!?" She taken the energy from the room and put it behind he innocent question.

"I'm Lexi." I held out my hand, giving her a friendly smile.

"Liam is with Danielle, Louis and Eleanor are a thing, Perrie is with Zayn. You must be with Niall or Harry!" I just continued to smile at her. The room erupted with laughter.

"No, She's my room mate at Uni," El told Karen. "We just got done with exams so she wanted to hang out. Lucky for her, my boyfriend is in One Direction." El put a friendly arm around my shoulder. Karen turned her head away from Eleanor with a disbelieving look on her face. Niall had taken Harry aside, it looked like they were having a serious conversation. I went over to them.

"What's up buttercups?" My mouth had formed a natural smile.

"You can't keep looking at Lexi longingly like that! The interviewer already thinks something is up, and with the pictures of you both coming here." Niall turned to me.

"I know, dude, this is going to be hilarious!" Harry replied. He turned to me. "Hello, Sweetheart!" He greeted me.

"All right, guys, our butts should be over there." Zayn told everyone.


"All right now, we know you boys arrived here with four ladies, and I heard only girl friends and family are welcome to come to shows and interviews and stuff." Louis nodded. "We know that Louis, Liam, and Zayn have girlfriends." Everyone had eyes on Harry, except for Karen, her eyes went from Niall to Harry. Soon enough she noticed everyone's eyes locked on the green eyed, curly haired member of the band. "Harry and Niall are single. But there is a fourth girl." I blushed as the camera panned over to my face. I could see Harry sticking his tongue out at me. "Her name is Lexi, whats the story on her?" The camera was back on the boys. Harry was the first to say something. The lads waited for Harry to answer.

"She is a friend of Louis' girlfriend, Louis wanted to hang out with El, but El also wanted to hang out with Lexi cause, they had just gotten done with exams. Eleanor suggested we hang out, and like El didn't want Lex to feel like a third wheel, so here we are."

"By we do you mean, her and you?"

"No, like, it's all of us." Liam helped.

"So, you've only just met her?" Karen pressed for answers.

"Nah, we uhh, met her a while ago, before tour, I think-" Zayn contributed.

"Yeah it was before tour, we went out for drinks and stuff." Niall added.

"That must have been fun! So, whats going on? Would either of you date her given the chance?" She gave up on trying to get them to admit the relationship. Louis, Zayn, Liam, El, Dani, and Perrie moved their eyes between the three of us. My eyes were locked on Niall and Harry's.

"She's a lovely girl, really nice, and shes really gorgeous, but I don't think so. No." I couldn't prevent my face from turning red from Niall compliment.

"Yeah, as Niall said, she's really lovely, and stuff, we've only just gotten to know her as well so there's that."

"But would you ever date her?" Her eyes were locked on him. He was looking over to Niall.

"I uhh," He shook his head a bit. "I don't think so, with tour and everything, no. I wouldn't date her given the chance." He looked down at his hands which sat restless in his lap. I saw a kind of sadness in his eyes I've never seen before.

"We'll see what the future holds though." Louis told Karen with a cheeky smile.

"All right, well do you all have anything else to say to the fans?" Karen started closing the interview.

"Uhh, just thank you really." Zayn said before any of the other lads could begin.

"Yeah we can't thank you all enough for all you've done."

"We wouldn't be here without you." Harry said after Niall.

"Yes, what they've already said, Thank you!" Liam said looking straight into the camera.

"Thank you!" Louis repeated.

"We're done, thank you lads!" Karen stood up to shake their hands, they stood up as well. They walked back over to us. I just glared at Louis.

"We'll see what the future holds." I mimicked the way Louis had said it in the interview.

"You're cars are back at your houses, we have a few vans here to drop you back at houses." One of the large men dressed in all black told us as he approached. Eleanor grabbed me hand pulling me behind her to the car. Harry followed close to me. Jumping in after me, and sitting next to me in the middle seat bench. My hand rested on the seat next to me, Harry had his hand sitting next to him on the seat as well, with the sides of our pinkies touching. It gave me chills, his touch was electric, I loved it.

Never in all the time I'd ever been with anyone had I ever felt this way. If I'd been standing I'm sure the simple touch would have cause my knees to give out beneath me.
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Yes well, things are just getting started I guess.