Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us

Are You Comfortable?

We arrived in front of mine and Eleanor's flat.

"I want to spend some alone time with Lou, so Lou and I are going to stay here." She put her phone in her bag, before grabbing Louis hand. "I don't care where you go Lex, butcha cant stay here." The words themselves sounded mean, but her tone was really friendly and nice. Louis gave Harry and I wink. Harry and I were left in the car with the driver.

"Would you want to come over?" He asked me. I forgot we were alone, so I looked around before I answered. I blushed and nodded as I moved closer to him. He put his arm around me, and we our other hand clasped around each others.

I found out Harry's flat was about an hour away.

"Your hair smells very nice."

"Your hands are very soft."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

The conversation was calm. It was comfortable. I hadn't realized how tired I was until my head fell down to his chest. It wasn't incredibly muscly, it was nice. My breathing evened and I guess I fell asleep.

"Lex..." I felt someone rubbing my arm below the shoulder. "Lex..." The voice was quiet and low. The voice was friendly, just as everything he did.

"Harry." I had that 'I just woke up' voice that was slightly lower then my normal voice.

"We're at the house." I grunted at him. He made me feel so comfortable, I couldn't help but be myself around him. Usually such a manly noise wouldn't escape my lips while around someone as attractive as Harry. "Come one Lex." I leaned up from his chest, He stood up from his seat, and got out of the van. He held out his hand for me to help me out of car. There wasn't anyone outside so Harry and I held hands walking up to his door. He reached in into his pocket to pull out a small ring of keys. He kept my hand in his as he found the correct key.

"This actually worked out perfectly." The door was opened, Harry waited for me to enter. It looked very similar to mine and El's flat. The living room had a couch and chair in it, it was on the left, the kitchen and table were on the right. There was a hallway with four doors. Harry hung his jacket as he slide his shoes off. He let go of my hand to help me slide my jacket off, he hung that as well before returning our hand together.

"What would you like to do?" He lead us to the couch.

"Want to check and see if there are any rumors yet?" We sat down, he pulled his macbook air onto his lap. He used his giant hands to turn it on and pull up google, I typed in his name. Several images of us in the car together, and leaving the studio popped up. I clicked the news button, I kid you not, the first story was called. 'Harry's Girl Get's Priority Over best Friend Niall Horan.' "It's funny because he let me sit there." The next story was strictly over Harry's response in the interview to dating me.

"Was it really that bad?" He peered at me with his bright eyes. I smiled and nodded at him.

"It was pretty bad, I mean what you said would have been fine, but you got all shy and quiet so like everyone noticed something was up." His eyes turned in to guilt.

"I'm sorry, I know you really wanted this to work." I put my hands on either side of his face.

"No, it's all right, don't feel bad. I mean if I were dating me I'd have trouble lying about it too!" I tried to sound serious. "I'm just joking!! But seriously don't feel bad." Harry chuckled at my joke and kept a smile on his face. "Here, lets talk about something else." He leaned down to close to space between us. After kissing for a few minutes, he pulled me onto his lap. His hands we in my unruly hair. I had one arm around his back, and one hand twirling ringlet curls into his hair near his neck. He started kissing down my neck, tickling me, causing me to laugh. I could feel Harry's smile as he laid sweet kisses down onto my body. I gently moved his face back up to mine, our lips meshing together again. I heard, Harry's phone go off so I pulled away from him.

"Don't worry about it." He kissed my forehead before resuming the kiss. A few minutes later some one was trying t get into the flat. I quickly jumped off Harry as the door swung open. It was Liam.

"Hello!" He closed the door behind him. "Danielle had to go do something, so I thought I'd come over here and hang out with you." Liam sat down on the couch where I was sitting before Harry and I started kissing, He clapped a hand onto Harry's shoulder. I was still standing, so I sat in the chair, next to the couch. "Also since we've just met you I thought maybe we could play a game. Now Eleanor tells us you weren't a big fan of us until yesterday. So I'm guessing you don't know much about us, and we certaintly don't know too much about you, so would you like to play?" He pulled out a folded piece paper from his pocket.

"Sure! Why not." I replied, Liam sat up a bit straighter. "Wait! Are we all answering?" Harry looked to Liam for the answer.

"No, just you and Harry. First question, If you could have a super power for the day, what would it be and what's the first thing you'd do?" They both looked at me. Harry gave a small laugh.

"Ladies first." Harry held to a hand gesturing for me to go.

"Probably time travle," Harry's face lit up. "Ummh I would probably go back in time, somewhere, but I don't really know where." I bit my lip and looked to Harry.

"I'd have time tavel as well, and I would probably go back to the last time I was really happy." He went to reach for my hand but I pulled it away as he realized what he was doing and slickly ran it through his hair.

"Next question! Who is your celebrity crush?"

"Uh, Zac Efron?" I hadn't really thought of any celebrities as anything but hot. That's exactly what Zac Efron was, hot.

"So, were you like into High School Musical and stuff?" Liam followed up.

"Yeah, I was huge fan."

"I'd say my celebrity crush is Emma Waston."

"So are you a Harry Potter fan?" I was curious now.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Huge!" His face lit up even more. I looked at Liam. He saw how we were falling, how we were clearly going to end up as more then just friends.

"Whats your favorite book." There it was, he had my heart, he would have it forever. I had officially fallen. I could feel the blood rush to my face. It took everything I had not to attack his lips with mine.
"Order Of Phoenix. Yours?" His smile was huge, but it also kind of looked like he was holding back on something.

"Really? Everyone always says that's their least favorite, I like Prisoner of Azkaband."

"I know, but I think they just don't feel like they can relate to Harry, they just say he acts all moody and spoiled."

"So you're saying you can relate?" Harry asked, concern in his eyes.

"Well like, yeah, I've been depressed before. I've never seen anyone die, let alone lose someone, but like yeah, I've been lonely and left out like that before." I told him truthfully. Normally I would hesitate a little before spilling all that information. It took me months to tell El I had a problem with depression before.

"I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal, I haven't felt that way in a really long time, so there's no need to worry or anything." Harry grabbed my hand in a friendly manner, showing me he cared, but it was nothing but friendly.

"Are you done Liam?" He asked with breaking eye contact with me.

"I think I've gathered all the information I need." He stood up to leave. He opened the door and then turned around to say something to us. "You're not fooling anyone, we know you both like each other." Then he left with out another word.

The concern in Harry's warm green eyes was still present. We ignored Liam's last words.

"Have you ever felt like that?" I asked him clear there was something more to his concern.

"It's just, I have, and it got really bad..." He paused. "If you felt anything like I felt, then I'm so glad I've gotten the chance to get to know you."

"Wait?" I was confused. It sounded like Harry was saying he was suicidal at one point. His eyes filled with pain. I looked at him. "So depressed you just want to world to stop, or the sun to never come back up again. So sad all the time, but you haven't got a clue why. So terribly uninterested in everything you used to like." I described how I remembered feeling a few years back. "To the point where you didn't feel any point in waking up, or trying anymore." A tear slipped down his face. Except I knew why I felt so crappy all the time. But even after we'd broken up, a while after I left him I felt that way.

"I know this is going to sound incredibly weird, but I'm so glad you have just come into my life. I've never met anyone who could describe in words how I felt. I didn't even know how to explain how I felt."

"I know, I never figured it out till after." I fixed the five or so bracelets on my wrist so the went the same way.

"After what?"

"It's kind of bad." Before I could finish he pulled the waist band of his pants down, exposing healed scars. I took the bracelets off showing him my own battle wounds. "How did you know?"

"I've no idea how I knew, you all right now?" He glanced down at his hands before looking back up at me.

"Yeah, I think I am, I haven't felt that way in a year or so, what about you?"

"Sometimes it sucks after I've read stupid tweets, from some of the people that tweet me, but I'm good most of the time. How many people know?" This was the first time since talking to Eleanor in our second year that I'd said anything about it.

"My ex, who I was dating when I met Eleanor, and then Eleanor. What about you? Do the lads know?" My ex was the worst thing that ever happened to me. He looked down at my wrists, his eyes stayed there for a good few minutes. I could hear a clock in the distance. He brought his head up, his teeth clamped over the side of his lip.

"Uhh, no. You're the first person I've told." He was quiet when he spoke. I was taken aback, that he trusted me with it. "I mean the lads know I was really sad, but they've no idea how bad it got."

"When was the last time you did it?" I guessed it was recent, the way he talked about it made it sound like it was still happening. I was worried.

"Not for a month or so, I think." I was overcome with relief. I involuntarily sighed.

"That's good." I gave him a epithetic smile. "Can I see them again?" I was about to do something I'd only ever heard of tumblr boys doing. He revealed his hip to me, covered in the greyish pinkish lines. I kissed them. It was dangerously intimate, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea, so I sat up and kissed his cheek delicately, color slowly came into his cheeks. His arms wrapped around me as I pulled away, my eyes were closed so I couldn't see what else he was doing. I put my head on his chest, like in the car. My eyes were closed when he asked if i were tired.

"Yes." I replied.

"Are you comfortable here or would you like to go sleep in my bed?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this gets kind of deep and intimate and serious.

I don't really ever revisit the whole, Liam knowing something is up thing and I kind of wish I had, maybe I'll change it but, for now here it is.

Let me know what you think and stuff, if you like, and what parts you like, or if you don't like and parts you don't like.

I'll prbably regret asking for your feedback, but I'd really like to know what you think about it.
So that would be nice.

Thank you so much for reading it really means a lot:):):):):)