Sequel: The Way
Status: Hey thanks for checking this out. This story is also posted on I am the same person that posted that one as well, so no need to say I stole it...

They Don't Know About Us


Harry's POV

"They don't know about us." Her thumb rubbed the top of my hand sending comfort through to every inch of my body. I smile grew on my face as my head turned up to look at her. Her hair shined in the light, her blue orbs felt like they were staring down into my soul. I wanted so badly to close the space between us and tell her how beautiful she looked. I saw her take her bottom lip between her teeth before she turned her head away the corners of her mouth slightly turned up. Lexi left her hands on mine for a few moments longer before taking them away. She put them in her lap, then she brought one to her wrist, panic covered her face as she reversed the roles of her hands, checking to see if she had any bracelets on. Her wrists were bare, she forgot to put the colored strings back on her wrist before we fell asleep. I felt like it was partly my fault. Guilt rushed through my body replacing the comfort.

I looked to see if her scars were visible, and they were, there were a lot too. Her hands pulled her sleeves low past her wrists noticing that if anyone looked they would see. She pulled her phone from her pocket, typing something in and then holding it tight in her hand. I half expected the text to be sent to my phone but, it wasn't. It vibrated loudly causing the contents of the car to whip our head to her. Her fingers hit the screen to form words to whomever it was she was texting. I wanted to know who it was.

"Eleanor will be joining us later." Her head lifted from her phone to inform us.

"Yay!" Louis squealed causing us to laughed and feel energized again. We told lame jokes for the remainder of the ride, every once in a while Lexi would bring her head down over her phone keeping her conversation going with El, I guessed.

The van pulled up to the station crowed with girls again. The driver turned around to tell Lexi she was to wait for at least two of the lads to get out before she did. Security did that for anyone we brought with us in our van. Liam and Niall got out first, then Lexi, me, Zayn and Liam. The girls were loud, much louder then the previous night. There was also more of them, and less security people holding them back. There weren't any metal fences keeping them away from the door. The girls screamed and tries to get closer to us, pushing up against the men standing trying to keep an isle for us to walk through. Lexi reached her hand behind her, I grabbed it with out hesitation. It was really awesome she wanted to come, but I hated that it always felt like we were being attacked. We followed a man into the building.

Lexi's POV

There were arms and pens everywhere as we walked through the small isle up to the door. When the door was shut and roar from outside was dulled a little, I noticed my hand was wrapped tightly in Harry's. It felt good, his warm paw making my whole body heat up. I pulled it away before anyone was to notice the embrace. I pulled my sleeve down to cover my wrist again. I wasn't holding them because I was still doing it, I was hiding them because I didn't want anybody to find out I had at one point felt so hopelessly alone. Comfort washed over me as I heard Eleanor's voice off in the distance. Thankful she had gotten here so quickly.

"But how?" Zayn had question when she walked up to me linking her arm through mine and slipping her hand in my pocket where my hand already was. She did this in one sly movement. I pulled them out to cover my past. Relief pooled through my whole being as I knew no one would be able to see me past.

"Don't worry about it. But I'm sorry I've got to leave." She pulled out her phone which I saw had nothing on it. "Danielle wants me to go do something with her." She was clearly lying, we could all hear it in the way she was talking. She obviously didn't want to be here all afternoon. "Dani says you can come to, if you'd like?" She asked me turning slightly so the lads couldn't see her face. I didn't dare look over to Harry as I told I kinda wanted to stay. Not just because I'd told some of them I thought it sounded fun.

She left and the boys were placed in the booth. Micro phones in front of their mouths. I watched through a glass window, the station let me have a set a headphones so I could hear what was being said.

There two people aside form the boys on the other side of the glass, asking just about the same questions as Karen, from the previous day.

"So, you all just got off tour, how was it?" Niall was the first to speak.

"It was so great, we went to loads of new places and got to meet loads of new fans, it was awesome!" You didn't have to be looking at him to know he was smiling.

"Yeah, we did things a bit different this time around, we were very close to the crowds and there weren't loads of people at each gig, giving us a better look at the people who were fans." Liam added. I hadn't a clue what how their tour went or anything from it, the topic hadn't really come up. The only thing I knew was the Louis and Eleanor had missed each other an awful lot.

"What made you guys want to do tour this way, I mean I've never heard of anyone doing one like this, what was it called "The Small Town Tour"?"

"We wanted to give the opportunity for our fans that might not otherwise get a look at one of our concerts. I know when I was a kid, my family couldn't afford tickets for a concert to my favorite band so ever since we started touring it was an idea I always wanted to fulfill." It was Zayn that answered it.

Question after question on and on, it tool a while, I didn't know they were like doing a whole show with the station.

"Now we've got the latest from the lads, would you like to introduce your song?" They discussed on whose turn it was to introduce the song before deciding it had been Harry's turn.

"It's about a couple who are the only ones to know about what goes on between them." I watched as Liam and Niall turn their heads to watch how I would react over what Harry was saying. "It's good, it's called 'They Don't Know About Us', by us One Direction!" I hadn't that was the name of one of their songs before just then. It was the first song of theirs I'd heard in it's entirety.
The lads kept whispering to each other while the older men in the room would take turns asking them questions. the lads would take turn answering.

"All right we've got one last question and on last track, and the lads are gone." Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam put their eyes on Harry and didn't take them off. We all knew it was coming. "It's about the ladies. Who all has a girlfriend?" The older of the two gents asked. Louis, Zayn, and Liam raised their hands before saying "I do."

"So for those of you keeping count at home, that's Louis, Zayn, and Liam. But I've seen pictures of you three with someone other then that girl over there." It didn't come as a surprise to me, I saw then balding of the two gents glance over at me a few times through the window.

When Harry didn't answer right away, the boys cleared their throats pressuring Harry to answer.

"Her name is Lexi, she's a good friend of ours." The men across the table looked at Harry with bulbs of skepticism. "We met her a while ago, but because she was at Uni, and we had tour we weren't able to hang until now. She's done with Uni for the semester and we're here in London for a while, so yeah."

"Well is there anything going on between you and her?" Harry ginned and shook his head, he was handling the question much better then the night before.

"No, she's just a friend of Lou's girlfriend." Zayn almost sounded like he was mocking Harry when he spoke.

"Where's Louis's girlfriend?" The bald one left no time to spare.

"She was here a bit ago, then she said she had to leave." Eyes were on Louis as he gave an answer.

"Why didn't Lexi- is that her name- go with her?"

"Why don't we just get Lexi in here to answer." They turned to me, I shook my head no. "Come on Lexi, please! Just a few questions please?" I kept shaking my head, but Louis and Zayn already had their arms on me pulling me into the little booth.

"Why are you here?" Liam asked as he was obviously trying to get Harry and I to admit to having feelings for each other.

"It sounded fun." My answer was simple.

"Louis actually came to where she was and said she was coming to this with us today. He just walked in and was like 'You're coming with us.'" Harry interrupted. Louis tried to protest but it was the truth.

"Not fair later she said it sounded like fun." He defended himself.

"Yeah like now." Zayn through him under the bus.

"No, he's right. I did say it sounded fun. Up in the flat before we left." I help defend Louis. I ended up handling it well, being in the booth and answer a few questions. Of course not with out giving a quick glance at Harry and playing with my bracelets. They even let me introduce the last song, which had been another One Direction hit. The little card held in front of my face told it was called "Little Things". I honestly wanted to hear it, but the lads were ready to leave, so we did.

"I'm starving!" Harry expressed as we jumped into the van after taking a few pictures with a few of the fans left outside the station. My phone started ringing in my pocket, as it went off I thanked God, it hadn't gone off when I was in the booth. I pulled it out trying to see who it was and answer it at the same time proved not to work as every time i tried to slide the bar it wouldn't go all the way. I tried several times before it went across the screen.

"Hello!" I said into the mouth piece still not knowing who was on the other end. Harry told the car full I was on the phone, they stopped talking instantly.

"Bigger and better things eh? Yeah being one of their stupid groupie girls is definitely bigger and better." It was Charlie. I was shaking my head no before I started speaking. Tears didn't dare come to my eyes, I'd cried enough about him.

"No." It was quiet, but with all the force I could muster up. "But of course you would call me today. No." I repeated, anger crawling up my throat with each word. " You don't get to call and continue to make me feel like this. I still don't think you realize all the pain you put me through, that's not good Charlie." My voice spoke louder but it wasn't above my normal volume yet, I could feel it growing though. Soon enough it's be full on screaming. "You are not good. You really need to delete this number and never speak to me again. You have said it yourself, like a thousand times, you could always find someone better, so please do, I don't need you." I hung the phone up before he could say anything back to me. I made a mental note to figure out how to change me number, just in case he didn't delete me.

The boys were giving each other awkward glances. My conversation obviously uncomfortable for them. Harry stared forward not looking anywhere but in front of him. His hand twitched as I put the phone back in my pocket.

"I'm sorry about that. He must have heard me on the radio." Silence surrounded us.

"That's all right, are you okay?" Niall's words barely above a whisper.

"I'll be fine, now whose hungry?" I turned to look at Harry. "You said you were, what do you want?" I asked him. I tried to pass off my conversation as nothing. Hopefully the lads would also try to forget what just happened.
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Thanks for reading don't forget to me know what you think. I'll be updating most every day from now on.