Status: This is it.



“When she was just a girl,
She expected the world,
But it flew away from her reach,
So she ran away in her dreams…”
~Paradise by Coldplay

It started at a young age I never stayed in one spot to long, I’d day dream of running away, but not some island or anything like that. I’d just run, I’d go until I couldn’t go anymore, I found a magical place in my imagination . This place wasn’t real but it was comforting, I had my happy place. But years past and it became more and more realistic, I found that place but I began losing it at the same time. By the time I was 15 I no longer knew what it was I used to dream about, I’d lost it, and had lost myself.

In high school everyone had a place to go or money to leave with, I didn’t, I’d lost everything. I was an outcast, I had a few select friends but they had other friends. My favorite days were the days I had someone to talk to, but no one really knew the truth, outside of school, I was even more miserable. My dad was on drugs; my mom had nothing to do with me, my dad and I lived with my grandmother for the time being, he lost his job, he lost our house, and just everything, nothing was right anymore, and it was hard. But I still smiled through it all, I held on to leaving this all behind one day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Every time she closed her eyes.