A Fool's Dance

You've grown colder now, torn apart, angry, turned around..

"Av wake up," A voice said along with soft shakes.

I groaned and opened my eyes just enough to see that it was Freddy, Tyler's roommate and close friend, standing above me. "What time is it?"

"Almost 3. Why are you sleeping on the couch?"

"I was waiting for Tyler," His face fell when he noticed my dress, my messy hair and smudged makeup.

"What time..?" He didn't finish the sentence, probably not sure how to ask but I knew what he meant.

"We were suppose to be there at 7 but he never picked me up."

Freddy didn't say anything, just watched as Marshall rolled around on the opposite end of the couch, either trying to get comfortable or having a dream about chasing a squirrel.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "Did any of the girls call or text you?"

"Almost all of them texted me, Tammy called and asked if I wanted them to pick me up but I said it was fine."

"I'm so sorry, maybe he just forgot that it included the girls this time?"

I waved it off, "It's whatever. Clearly he didn't want me there."

"Avery.." Freddy sighed, "You know that's not true, he's a guy. A guy playing professional hockey."

I bit back my lip, trying not to cry. Freddy had a point, but it's not even like there were that many single guys on the team anymore.

"Hey, hey I'm sorry, don't cry," he sat down next to me, running a hand up and down my back.

"I'm sorry," I sighed, I was not going to cry over this, "I should probably get to bed."

"Why don't you sleep in my bed?" Freddy nodded towards his room, "That way Segs doesn't wake you up when he does get home."

I slightly smiled, "Then where will you sleep?"

He shrugged, "Probably Brandon's room if he doesn't come home or the couch. You deserve it, you shouldn't have to deal with all this. I don't know how you do it."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, not sure what to say. "Thank you."

"No problem," he kissed my cheek. "Goodnight."

I wrapped the blanket tight around me as I shuffled across the living room, grabbing my pajama's from the dryer in route to the Freddy's room.

I sighed as I watched him pull the throw blanket over his rather large body and turned the TV on.

"Hey Freddy?" I said it more as a question than a statement, "Here." I threw my blanket over him and handed him one of his pillows. "I'm sorry..again."

I never heard Tyler come home but when I woke up there was a trail of his things all the way into our room. His shoes were near the door, his jacket on the chair, and his keys on the counter. I peeked in the room and saw him sprawled out on the bed.

Light snores were coming from Freddy whose hand and leg were hanging off the side of the couch.

Marshall followed me into the kitchen as I made a pot of coffee for myself and all the guys in the house, "Come on boy, let's go for a walk."

I didn't know what had happened to Tyler. Before Switzerland and this lockout, he was my old Ty. He hung out with his teammates more, he hung out with me more and he was so passionate about hockey. It was almost more important to him than I was.

And I was perfectly okay with that, hockey comes first and I told him that from the very beginning. During the Stanley Cup final of 2011, we took a break. It was hard but I got to see him fulfill his dreams every night even if I didn't get to celebrate with him until the end.

Now though, I don't know what is going on. The season started two months ago and out of all the games I went home with him from about five of them.

"I would have taken him out," Freddy said looking up from his phone, trying not to laugh at me. I was in my pajama pants and one of Tyler's hoodies that was to big.

"No biggie," I rubbed my hands together, "What do you want for breakfast?"

He looked at me, slightly confused, "Eggs and bacon I guess?"

"Whatever you want, no french toast? Pancakes?"

"What is this all about?" He asked, leaning against the counter, holding his cup of coffee.

"For last night," I shrugged.

"Don't forget Ty," he whispered in my ear passing by as he took a seat at the island. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good I guess," I smiled, "How did you sleep?" I cracked a couple eggs in the bowl.

"I've slept better but definitely not the worst," he smiled, sipping his coffee.

"Don't worry, you will have your bed back tonight, even if that means I have to sleep on the couch."

We fell into a comfortable silence as he checked twitter and I scrambled the eggs. I heard the snapping of his camera go off meaning he was snapchating or just taking a picture.

"Is that bacon I smell?" Tyler said coming out of his room.

"Morning sunshine," Freddy said, watching as Tyler rubbed his head. "Have a wild night out on the town?"

Tyler rolled his eyes as he poured himself a cup of coffee, ignoring the comment. "Why were you on the couch Bender?"

"Ah so you noticed," It was too early for his sarcastic comments but it didn't stop him, "Did you not get my snapchat?"

Tyler shrugged, "Probably, I don't remember, which one?"

Freddy chuckled, "The one of your girlfriend in my bed."

"What the fuck?" Tyler looked so confused and almost annoyed.

I was taken aback by his response, "You snapchated me?"

Freddy shrugged, smirking. "That wasn't the first time."

"You did it when I was sleeping on the couch too didn't you?"

Freddy nodded, "You looked so pretty and peaceful."

"Dude," Tyler motioned to himself, "I'm right here."

"Dude, I sent it to you. Thought you would want to see your girl all dressed up and waiting for you."

Tyler stopped now, realizing what Freddy meant. I couldn't look at him and I don't think he could look at me as I placed both plates in front of the guys, not saying another word and disappearing into the bedroom.

"Do you forget about her or what?" I heard Freddy's voice ask.

Tyler still didn't say anything and I could feel my heart sinking. I think he knew, he had to remember.

"Why did you get home so late?" Freddy asked again when Tyler didn't answer, "Where did you go?"

I was getting sick of this. Either Tyler came home late or never came home, he forgot things, he was forgetting me and I couldn't take it.

He got back from Switzerland and was having parties left and right. I couldn't take it so I went and stayed with his teammates and he never seemed to notice.

Once he turned 21, he became even more distant. Going out to bars, hardly speaking to me, and ditching his responsibilities. His decisions were effecting every aspect of his life. From our relationship to his friendships and most importantly his career.

And I didn't know what to do about it anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bye bye Tyler :( I've had this idea in my mind for a while but wasn't sure how to write it and then the news of Seguin getting traded broke my heart so I figured I'd write a story about him.

I can't promise this is going to be the best, it's been a while since I've written anything. This chapter isn't super exciting the beginning of most stories aren't, right?

Thank you for checking this out and if you enjoy it I hope you stick with it :)