A Fool's Dance

You’re too mean, I don’t like you, *** you anyway..

I wrapped my legs around him, placing small kisses on his bare shoulder. I could tell he was smiling by the way he gave my thigh a small squeeze.

"Avery," he groaned into the pillow, the smile still there as I traced the letters of his tattoo.

"Tyler," I groaned back causing him to chuckle. He turned to face me and in one swift movement I was on top of him. "How did you do that?"

He flexed his arms, placing a kiss on his bicep, "These bad boys."

I rolled my eyes, smacking his arm away. He intertwined our fingers, kissing the top of my hand, "You're beautiful."

I rolled my eyes again, a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth.

His hands found there way to my hips underneath the shirt I stole from him, he rolled me over so he was on top now as his hands trailed up and down my sides.

He pulled the shirt up over my head as he kissed down my neck and along my collar bone.

I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer into me, deepening our kiss. His hands grabbed onto my backside causing me to moan unexpectedly.

I felt his lips turn into a smirk against mine.

I listened as the door slammed and yelling filled the living room. All I know is that Freddy and Tyler went out to dinner and to celebrate their series win against the Rangers. I wasn't feeling like partying, especially with Tyler. He would yell at me after having a few drinks for some stupid reason.

"Fuck you!" I heard Tyler yell, "That's my girlfriend man."

"Well you treat her like shit!" Freddy yelled back, throwing his keys down on the counter. "I was just being a good friend."

"Don't even give me that bullshit. You're always jealous of what I have."

That was uncalled for, Tyler always got like that and I knew that really pissed Freddy off. "What are we fucking fifteen? Get your head out of your ass Segs."

I heard a door slam and glass shatter. It made me wonder how long they had been fighting and what started it.

I figured it had to do with Freddy and I but I didn't get why it caused this kind of a fight.

"Avery!" I heard Tyler yell. "Why didn't you fucking tell me?"

I didn't know what to say as the tears streamed down my face. Tyler never yelled at me like this. We never fought like this.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I tried to scream back, "I'm not the only one who did something wrong!"

Tyler cornered me and I began to feel a little scared. I had never seen Tyler like this, I had never been like this and it was starting to worry me.

"Its the playoffs, I don't have time for this."

"No but you do have time to fuck your exgirlfriend!" I screamed back as Tyler moved in closer, "I have been nothing but faithful to you! I have always been here putting up with your shit, your moods and never being home and I still love you."

I couldn't fight the tears anymore as Tyler's hard expression didn't soften at all.

"So that's why you made out and slept with my best friend? I knew I shouldn't have had him move in with you here."

It was the way he said you. He said it with intentions of making me feel like the whore he was insinuating I was.

"Believe it or not it wasn't me who initiated it. He kissed me and we were drunk. I was upset and we didn't have sex. I fell asleep."

"Freddy wouldn't do that to me."

"Oh my god," I sarcastically laughed, "you have got to be kidding me."

If it were possible I'm sure steam would be coming out of both of our ears. I controlled the tears as best as I could. Only letting a few out as Tyler's hurtful words spewed.

"Maybe if you had sex with me I wouldn't have to find it somewhere else. Maybe if you weren't always up my ass about things then maybe I would have been home more. Maybe if you weren't around I wouldn't be playing like shit."

I silently prayed for Freddy to come home and rescue me but after their argument that wouldn't happen.
Plus I didn't know if he was mad at me too.

"You're an ass," I said quietly, part of my hoping he heard it and the other part not.

"Excuse me," his eyebrow rose.

"You heard me," I crossed my arms, "I can't believe you are being like this. Your friends have you brain washed."

"Maybe if you kiss them too then they will turn out like Freddy and you will get everything you want."

It took all my strength to not reach out and smack him across the face.

"Go drink some more why don't you," I wiped the tear away, trying so hard not to breakdown in front of him.

"Maybe I will!"

I rolled my eyes, "Big surprise and maybe fuck some more girls right?"

"Goddamnit Avery drop it! It only happened like twice! And we were drunk," he mimicked me thinking he was a smug little shit.

"The point is you did it and didn't tell me about it. You haven't talked to me about anything lately."

Tyler sighed but the anger was still there. And I knew I was going to say something to bring it back up.

"Well excuse me for not wanting to talk about my shit career and my partying. I know you would be all over me about it."

"Tyler," I sighed, reaching for his arm that he yanked away from me, "without communication this relationship is nothing."

"It's already nothing."

"That's not true," I choked back my sobs.

"Yes it is and you know it."

"I love you," the tears were inevitable at this point.

"Avery," he stopped.

"I love you Tyler don't do this."

"I just need a break, I need to focus and we need to fix this."

"You've been nothing but mean and self absorbed since you got back from Switzerland."

"What?" he whipped his head around, glaring at me. "Excuse me for not exactly being happy with the way things have been going."

"And you think I am?"

"Well you should be. You just sit around here, doing nothing but fucking around with two different guys, going to hockey games and spending my money."

I don't know what came over me but I pushed him. I pushed him away from me, I pushed him out of anger but mostly out of hurt. It felt like I was being stabbed in the heart.

"Av," he held his ground as I pushed him again. The pushes turning into smacks against his chest.

"Do you even love me?"

Tyler didn't say anything for a while which only caused me start hitting him again. "Do you? Do you?!"

He shoved me against the wall as my eyes widen in surprise. It didn't hurt but he never but his hands on me like that.

"Fine," I looked up at the ceiling, "if this is what you want and you don't love me then I don't love you and good luck in the playoffs."

"Don't be like that," he placed his hands next to my head, "I didn't say any of that."

"You didn't have too, your acting skills are as shitty as your playing right now."

I knew what I said would strike a nerve but I still let the words leave my mouth. His face turned cold and his hand came up as fear crossed my eyes.

His fist connected with the wall next to my head as his eyes grew big at the realization of what he just did.

He stepped away from me as I slid down the length of the wall, my heart collapsing in my stomach.

"Avery," he looked at the hole in the wall and the down at me as I buried my face in my hands. He looked horrified, his voice sounding shakey.

I couldn't stop the tears or the sobs. Tyler just punched a hole in the wall next to my head which only made me question if he wished he has actually hit me.

Before I could say anything Tyler was gone, the bedroom door was still open so I could hear the front door slam shut.

I couldn't move as Marshall buried his face in my lap, my eyes never leaving the door Tyler just walked out of.

I sat there for what seemed like forever until I got up to check my phone. I only had a text from Brittany, no calls or texts from Tyler or Freddy and that broke my heart even more.

I didn't know who to call, realizing that I really didn't have anyone.

"Dougie?" I hoped he couldn't tell my voice was still shakey.

"Avery what's wrong?"

I sighed trying to collect myself before I spoke, "Can you come pick me up?"

I paced around the bedroom as I waited for the text from Dougie that he was here, afraid Tyler or Freddy would come home before I had the chance to get out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to call. Tammy and Brit both have babies and I didn't want to bother Greg or Patrice cause they have their own lives. I didn't know if Adam would have been home and I just didn't know what to do," It all came out in a rush as I climbed into the passenger seat.

"Avery, hey calm down it's okay. I'm glad you called me, what's wrong?"

"Can we get out of here?" I looked around for familiar headlights as Dougie turned the car back on.

He nodded, shifting the car into drive and pulled out of the parking lot, not saying another word.

"Tyler and I got into a fight," I offered up as he came to a stop at a red light. "It was really bad."

"Did he hit you?" His eyes filled with concern as he looked over at me.

I shook my head, biting down on my lip. "Not exactly."

"What did he do? I don't care if he is my teammate or friend, I will kill him if he laid a hand on you."

I placed my hand on his knee, trying to calm him down. "He just..punched a hole in the wall close to me but he felt guilty. I could tell."

Dougie sighed, his eyes fixed on the road and his knuckled turning white from how tight his grip was on the steering wheel.

"I'm okay, I asked for it. I should have just shut up or left."

"Don't say that. It's not your fault."

I shrugged as I watched Dougie unlock the door to his shared apartment. Adam was sprawled out on the couch, the remote on his stomach and his hand supporting his head.

"Hey Avery," he smiled, "What's wrong?"

"Just a bad fight with Tyler," I shrugged fighting the tears.

Dougie shoved Adam's leg off the couch as he motioned for me to sit.

"Is it okay if I stay here tonight?"

The guys nodded, small comforting smiles on their faces.

"I'll be out in the morning I just didn't know where to go or what to do yet but I couldn't be there in case Tyler or Freddy came home and I just didn't want to deal-"

I was cut off by Dougie, "Avery. It's fine you don't have to keep apologizing."

I nodded, trying control my emotions but I couldn't anymore. The tears started to slowly escape one at a time before they were flowing.

"Hey don't cry," Adam pulled me into his chest, "It's going to be okay."

"I'm sorry," I sniffled as he rubbed my back.

"You can stay as long as you need," Adam kissed the top of my head as Dougie brought out a pillow and a blanket for me.

I thanked them as Dougie threw the blanket over me. I didn't know what I was going to do, I didn't know anything other than Tyler.
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If you guys are still reading this I love you and thank you so much! I'm sorry it takes like 800 years for updates but I hope you like this.

I actually enjoyed writing this one which is probably weird but I don't care lol.

Thank you so much for all your comments and subscribes and recs, this all means so much to me! :)