A Fool's Dance

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way..

"What would I do without you?" Tyler came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Probably wear the same clothes over and over or just go naked," I giggled, folding up a pair of his dress pants.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" He whispered in my ear, a chill running down my spine.

I bit down on my bottom lip as Tyler spun me around to face him. He pushed a piece of hair out of my eye as his finger tips trailed down the side of my face. He traced the outline of my bottom lip with his thumb as he said, "I'm going to miss you, so much."

"I'm going to miss you too," We closed the space between us as a simple kissed turned into a full on make out. Tyler backed me up against the wall as his fingers skimmed the band of my shorts.

His hands trailed down to my butt as he lightly squeezed, his lips moving from my lips to my neck and my collarbone.

"Tyler?" Freddy asked, just walking into our room. "Dude where are you?"

We stopped, looking at each other dead in the eye and started to laugh.

"Oh my god are you guys naked in there?!" Freddy sounded horrified. "Oh my god."

"Chill," I stepped out of the closet, pulling at the tank top I still had on. "Fully clothed."

"Segs isn't," Freddy pointed at the shirtless Tyler standing behind me.

"Is he ever?" I rolled my eyes picking up the folded clothes off of the bed and putting them in his suitcase.

"Put some clothes on and come have lunch with me," Freddy pleaded, "I don't want to run into that one
girl again."

I laughed as Tyler maneuvered around me and the suitcase to get dressed. "I'll see you later, love you."

He kissed me, not just a peck but one of those real kisses that last a little longer than Freddy wanted to see but all it did was make Tyler smirk.

"Love you too," I smacked his ass, smirking back at him.

"You guys are gross," Freddy scoffed.

I was almost angry as I watched Tyler pack, he didn't even say thank you after I finished packing his bag for him. I was trying so hard to be a good girlfriend and please him, it was getting exhausting.

"Good luck tonight," I crossed my legs under the blanket, feeling a little nervous.

"Thanks babe," he smiled, tossing his cologne into a smaller bag.

I smiled at his word choice but didn't think to much of it. He went to leave but stopped and turned around to face me. My heart began to race, I was unsure of what he was going to say and it was making me nervous.

"Good luck kiss?" he puckered his lips causing me to giggle. I stepped up on the tips of my toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you," I said it quietly, afraid he wouldn't say it back. I watched his eyes, they never left mine but for a second when he looked down at his feet.

"I love you too," he said, looking me in the eyes again.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, laying my head against his chest. Tyler had emotions, he had feelings and a conscious. He didn't always act like it but the way he hugged me back let me know that he truly did feel bad about the way things were going.

I don't know if he thought about the way things used to be as much as I did but something told me either he did something wrong or he realized he was being an ass.

"I'll see you later," he kissed the top of my head and joined Freddy in the living room.

I sighed, climbing back into bed and shutting my eyes.

My eyes never left Gregory and Katie during the first dance, they looked so happy and so in love. I had butterflies in my stomach thinking that could be Tyler and I someday. I was always a hopeless romantic but at wedding's it was worse.

I looked over at Tyler when their dance was over, he was looking at me with a stupid smile on his face.

"What's with the shit eating grin Segs?" Brad asked, teasing his friend.

Tyler rolled his eyes but was still smiling. Tyler was having the same thought I was or at least I hope he was. He rose his eyebrows at me as our food was brought out.

"Would you like to dance?" Tyler asked, holding his open hand out to me.

"I'd love too," I took it, setting my napkin down. He wrapped his arms around my waist as mine were around his neck.

"You looked so cute with your eyes all bright and that goofy smile on your face," Tyler whispered in my ear.

I blushed as I hid my face in Tyler's chest. If Tyler proposed to me right now I would say yes without hesitation or without a second thought.

Tyler spun me around, his arms wrapped around my waist as he laid his head on my shoulder,

"Someday that will be you," he placed a kiss on my cheek as we watched Gregory and Katie dance together again.

"Hopefully with you," I looked up at him as he leaned in to kiss me.

Tyler probably isn't thinking about marrying me anymore, he is probably thinking about getting rid of me.

I sighed, grabbing a bottle of wine and a wine glass from the kitchen as I plopped down on the couch. I turned the game on, filling my glass half way.

The puck dropped and I sipped. It was hard watching Tyler play and not just because he was struggling, and I mean struggling but also because I wanted to be mad at him but I loved him.

The camera fell on Seguin who was yelling something, probably involving the work fuck because that was his go to word. The guys were down by two so I poured another cup.

I was never much of a drinker but lately I've been stressed and upset and alone a lot of the time so I drank.

But this wasn't who I was. I was never the drinker, I was never the type to wait up for Tyler or get upset over him going out.

Something was just different this time, our whole relationship was different right now and it was out of my control.

Tyler may not have had his game under control but he definitely had me and this relationship in his control.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this chapter isn't the best especially since it took so long for me to post it. I wasn't sure how to right it or how I wanted to do this so it's kind of a filler chapter but not at the same time ya know?

Thank ya'll so much for reading, subscribing, commenting, everything! It means a lot :) and I hope I will have another, better chapter up in a few days.