A Fool's Dance

This is the first thing I thought, this is the last thing that I want..

Tyler's POV

"I can't be here long," I told Jordan the second I walked through the door, "Got it?"

"I got it, I got it," Jordan clapped me on the shoulders leading me into the house.

I rolled my eyes but laughed at my friend, I had known Jordan since we were kids and even our sisters were friends. But he also knew how to get me into trouble.

"Mingle," Jordan waved me off as he disappeared into the kitchen. I chuckled and found other Tyler, Jesse, and to my surprise Freddy.

He didn't say anything to me but he did hand me a beer.

"You ready for tomorrow night?" Jesse asked, chugging his beer.

I shrugged, "I guess."

"What's the matter Segs?" Tyler asked.

I shook my head, "Nothing, how have you guys been?"

They all went around sharing stories, not really in the party mood. I waved to the guys to get another drink and go to the balcony.

"Tyler," a familiar voice came from behind me.

"Olivia," I turned around to see the blond, green eyed beauty.

"I thought that was you, what are you doing here? Don't you have like the playoffs to prepare for?"

I nodded, "I told them I was having dinner with my family, probably still going to get in trouble but oh well."

"I like a trouble maker," she winked.

Olivia was my ex-girlfriend and current fling that I had gotten in touch with a few months ago. Soon though her messages got flirty, so we met up for drinks. Nothing happened the first time but the second time things got pretty hot between us.

"How have you been?" I asked, leaning against the railing.

"Pretty good, how about yourself?"

I shrugged, "I've been better but not bad."

"Hold that thought," she held her finger up, a smile on her face as she went back inside, weaving through the crowd of people until I lost sight of her.

I sighed heavily as I turned to take in the Toronto skyline. I turned around quickly when she called for help, handing me a shot and a vodka on the rocks.

"So what's knew?" she asked taking a seat in the only chair.

"Hockey, fighting with my girlfriend and best friend, hockey, partying, hockey," I smiled.

"Fighting with your girlfriend?"

I waved it off, finishing off the rest of my beer as we fell into conversation about her new job. I knew she was going to bring up the girlfriend subject again, mostly to find out if we broke up so she could move in on me.

I went inside to get more beer, Freddy eyeing me as I pulled the sliding door shut. I really didn't need this right now.

"So you and the girl?"

I sighed, "I don't know what our relationship is anymore. I've cheated, she kissed Freddy, we fight all the time," I stopped, finally realizing what it was. "I guess I'm just bored."

"Well have you told her that?"

I shook my head. I was bored yes but I did love her, "I don't want to hurt her."

Olivia moved in closer, her hand on my bicep now, "Did you ever think all of this might be hurting her more?"

I shrugged, taking a sip of my beer. "I'm sure it is. She drinks and she sleeps on the couch, lays there like all day."

"That doesn't sound like much of a relationship to me," she twirled the fabric of my shirt around her finger, "Do you guys have sex?"

I nearly choked on my beer, she laughed as I began to cough. "Well have you?"

"I don't want to talk about this," I looked at the Toronto skyline, really not feeling this conversation.

"That explains the cheating," she had a smug smile on her face. "Face it babe, you had sex with me because you weren't getting any from your girl."

"Actually we had sex like two weeks ago."

"Pity sex," she rolled her eyes, "She was trying to save her ass because she knew you were going to find someone else."

I felt the need to defend her, "I was the one who started it. She is a great girl and is always there for me and would do anything to make me happy."

I was cut off by Olivia's mouth crashing onto mine. I pushed her off, looking around to make sure nobody saw us.

"We can't do that here," my voice was sharp and took her by surprise.

"Why not?"

"I still have a girlfriend and I don't need to get caught."

"Is she here?" she held me at arms length, "Who is going to catch you?"

I pulled away from her, not wanting to have this conversation anymore. I went back inside to find the guys, hoping that she wouldn't follow me.

Beer pong was the only game these guys seemed to know how to play but it was also one of my favorites.

"Hey Segs," Jordan called to me, "Come be on my team bro."

I walked away just as Olivia came up next to me. She rolled her eyes and joined Brown's team, probably trying to piss me off.

"You're going down Ty," she winked, a smug, shit eating grin on her face.

"Yeah, yeah," I waved her comment off as the guys looked at us.

"If I win, you go home with me," she crossed her arms as everyone tuned in now.

"Um, no."

"Quit being such a chicken shit Ty."

"I'm not a chicken shit."

"Then let's make this a bet."

She was really starting to get under my skin, getting my competitive juices flowing. "Fine, you're on."

The smug smile returned as the game began. With each shot, she smirked as we stood there in disbelief. We were about to get beat by a girl.

"I can't believe we lost," Jordan was embarrassed. "It is my party and we fuckin' lost."

I was as pissed and embarrassed as he was. Not only was my hockey game off but so was my drinking game.

I walked away from Jordan's drunken wrath and the laughs from the bystanders. I wasn't suppose to lose and I wasn't suppose to make a bet in the first place.

"You better get ready for a wild ride Ty," she giggled.

"Why are you out here?" It came out harsher than intended.

Olivia was drunk, you could tell by the way she swayed as she tried to walk over to me.

"You're bored, you wouldn't have made that bet then."

"No I'm not."

"Then why did you make the bet? Why are you out here with me now?"

She had a point. I was bored being someone's boyfriend, I wanted to be free to do what I wanted and not feel guilty the next day.

"You want me," she winked, grabbing onto my bicep for the hundredth time that night.

"That's what you think," I rolled my eyes, heavy sarcasm in your voice.

"I'm not becoming a masseuse for nothing," she grabbed onto my bicep. "I'm going to loosen you up tonight baby."

"I better make sure to tell coach not to let you anywhere near the boys," I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I don't want any of them," she whispered into my ear as her hand slipped into my back pocket.

I didn't believe her. She was always chasing after my friends or teammates when we were dating. That's just how she was, she wasn't the type to really settle down and stay faithful.

And I think that's what I loved about Avery. She hasn't tried to get with my teammates, even with all my friends living or coming in and out of our apartment she wasn't done anything like Olivia has.

"I won so let's go," she pulled me through the crowd. I nearly knocked over three people trying to hide from Freddy.

She didn't even wait until we she shut the cab door before being all over me. She lunged at me, her hands and lips roaming my body.

A wave of regret washed over me as we fell onto her bed, my hands tangled in her hair. But I couldn't stop, the alcohol and desire taking over.

It was wrong but so right as her hands rubbed my shoulders and down my back. "I have to be back at the hotel tonight."

"Shh," she continued, my mind wandering. Next thing I knew she was on top of me, kissing down my stomach but I just wasn't feeling it.

"Olivia," I sighed.

"Don't," she held her finger to my lips.

"Seriously, I can't do this," I stumbled to my feet as she pulled me back onto the bed.

"You were into in the cab," she kissed my neck in between words.

I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. I wanted to leave and never see her again but part of me wanted her.

I tried to leave again, "I'll tell her we fucked. And it was your idea. You made the bet."

She had a smug grin on her face as I glared in her direction. She twirled her hair around her pointer finger, looking at me with the most innocent yet sexiest look she has ever had.

She had turned into a sexy woman.

I snuck back into the hotel, as quiet as possible. Hoping nobody would see me or hear me. If I was caught I would be benched for sure.

I wanted to punch a hole through the wall, I just put so much on the line for no reason. I had zero reason to sleep with her.

"Segs?" Dougie said, his voice thick with sleep.

"Sorry, just going to the bathroom," I lied hoping he would believe me.

"My ass," I knew he was rolling his eyes as he sat up in bed. "Where the hell have you been?"

I slid out of my clothes and into bed, "It's 3 in the morning go back to sleep."

"Dude," Dougie rubbed his eyes, "Seriously? You're putting you're career and girl on the line for what."

"I told you we aren't talking about this right now," My voice rose.

"Whatever man, you better hope nobody finds out."

"This is the last time."

Dougie laughed sarcastically as he rolled away from me. I never thought I'd get this from Dougie, all the other guys have given me shit but never Dougie.

I sighed, burying my face into the pillow. "Seriously, I wish it didn't happen."
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Oh my god guys I'm so so sorry it took me so long and then this chapter isn't even the best :( but I hope you enjoy it and I hope I will be able to have another up within the week but I'm not going to make a promise so I end up being a promise breaker.

If you're still here thank you all so much for everything! <3 And how do you like hearing it from Tyler's POV? I mean if I did it better you might like it more but it's not awful right? lol