A Fool's Dance

Give me love like never before, 'cause lately I've been craving more..

The guys were on the brink of elimination as the game went into overtime. It was do or die time and I was pretty sure I was dying.


I glanced in Freddy's direction, he had this look, like he wanted to tell me something but stopped himself.

I scrunch my nose at him as the puck dropped and my hands covered my eyes. Freddy smiled but didn't laugh at me like he usually did. I sighed, turning my attention back to the game.

Tears filled my eyes as the boys hugged each other and their families. I fought with myself to go down there, to be with Tyler on the ice as the cup was passed around.

I could see him looking around for me, he tried to make it not noticeable but I knew him. Our condition was, you win the cup and I come back to you.

But now, I was having second thoughts. Nothing was wrong in the first place, he just needed to focus so that's what this break was about but now he would want to party.

Partying only leads to trouble, especially at nineteen.

I looked down at my phone to see a text from Cassidy, only it was Tyler on his sisters phone. He was still searching and I was still avoiding him.

"Come on Avery, please?"

"Tyler," I sighed.

"We made a deal, a promise, you can't break that."

I hesitated, not sure what to say.

"I love you Avery which means you have to be down here."

I hung up, rushing through the arena to get to him. I pushed past disappointed Canucks fans, getting dirty looks and rude remarks spat at me but I kept going.

I saw Tyler out on the ice, the cup making it's rounds. When Tyler saw me he skated over to me, lifting me up and skating back out on to the ice. He kissed me like there weren't thousands of people watching, like there weren't thousands of fan girls shrieking across the country, like nothing even mattered.

"You are second prettiest thing here, babe." I playfully punched him but nodded in agreement, "And I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

That Tyler was long gone. Just like our relationship was, it was becoming to much work to fight for it.

We all jumped up out of our seats as Bergeron scored the game winning goal, with the help of his trusty line mates Tyler and Marchy. Freddy squeezed me as the entire building began to buzz.

The greatest comeback in the history of sports. No doubt about it. Freddy lifted me up and spun me around before dropping me and high fiving the guys around him.

There was still part of me that wasn't happy. I wasn't happy for Tyler, I wanted to hug all the other guys and congratulate them but not Tyler. And I hated that feeling.

I left the arena excited but the second I was near Freddy's car I started to fall apart. I was going to have to stay with him even longer now, I couldn't leave him now. I also couldn't leave when the boys were finally moving onto the second round.

"Avery you okay?" Dougie asked taking a seat next to me.

I took a deep breath as I nodded, there weren't any tears yet.

"Smile, we are moving on," he nudged my shoulder with his as I gave him a small smile.

I faked the best smile I could, I didn't want to bring Dougie down and I was happy but I was also ready to sleep for days.

"This relationship is exhausting Dougie," I sighed, swallowing back the lump in my throat. "So exhausting."

Dougie wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his chest, "So leave."

I shook my head, biting back my lip. "I love him and I know deep down he loves me."

"Avery," Dougie sighed.

Just as he was about to say something we heard Freddy coming our way. I took a couple deep breaths as Dougie unlocked his car.

"Ready?" Freddy asked, still buzzing from the game.

I collapsed on the couch for the fifth night in a row, it should have been Tyler but it was easier this way.

"I can make Tyler sleep on the couch if you want," Freddy smiled causing me to giggle.

I shrugged, "It doesn't matter where I sleep as long as I sleep."

Freddy held his hand out for me, "Come on," he nodded in the direction of his room.

"Don't worry this is strictly platonic." I laid my head on Freddy's chest as he pulled the blanket over me.

I rolled my eyes but smiled. The smile quickly disappeared when I realized this should be Tyler not his best friend. "He parties to much."

"He does to many bad things," Freddy twirled my hair around his finger, "Especially to you."

"What do you mean?"

Freddy continued to run his hand through my hair as he flipped through channels, not answering my question.

"Freddy," I propped up on my elbow, "What are you talking about?"

He motioned for me to lay my head back down as he began to talk, "He isn't here with you now, he makes you sleep on the couch, he's cheated on you, he doesn't care about what you do to yourself."

I took it all in, "how many times?"

Freddy hesitated or at least I hope he hesitated and he wasn't counting. After a while he spoke, "I wasn't going to say anything, I was hoping he would but while we were in Toronto he hooked up with his ex."

I wanted to cry but I wouldn't let it happen. I bit down on my lip, nearly drawing blood, to stop myself from crying. The only reason that I wanted to cry was because I wasn't surprised. It was like I expected it.

"I would never cheat on you," Tyler intertwined our fingers as we looked up at the stars. "And I could never forget about you."

I looked over at him, a stupid grin on my face as Tyler's thumb rubbed mine. "You're going to have girl throwing themselves at you left and right. Are you sure you aren't going to be tempted?"

He chuckled and looked over at me now, "Sure I'll be tempted but I know I have you."

I rolled my eyes but squeezed his hand tighter as he leaned in to kiss me. "I mean it."

I should have known that it was to good to be true but I was and am in love. At the time I know he meant it but I didn't think about as he got older.

"Avery?" Freddy whispered.

"Yeah?" I heard my voice crack and a tear slide down my cheek.

He wiped the tear away and continued messing with my hair as I laid my arm across his stomach.

I sat up so quickly in bed I nearly gave myself whiplash. I looked around and realized I was in fact, in Freddy's bed but he wasn't in here.

"Good morning beautiful," Freddy smiled, bringing in a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs and bacon.

I smiled, my heart flipping in my chest. It really shouldn't be doing that because this is Freddy, we had burping contests and spitting contests. He was my guy best friend and this was foreign to me.
"Good morning," I smiled.
I wanted to ask where Tyler was but instead I watched Freddy as he sat down next to me, taking in his gesture.

I realized that this is what I've been wanting for months. I've just wanted someone to fall asleep with, to actually pay attention to me.

And I know Tyler can't give me the love I've been craving and that killed me.
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I'm so sorry guys! I didn't forget about you guys or this story and I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best but the next one will be good :)

Thank you all for sticking with me and liking this story! It means so much to me and hockey is right around the corner so woo! :D