Before Arriving Mystic Falls

In an orange grove in Italy

In an orange grove in Italy, Belladonna

Klaus knew she would be here. Her last letter had said something of the last time about orange grove. So he knew where she had to be. He smiled taking the letter out of his breast pocket. He read it for how many times he couldn't remember. He only recalled taking a flight straight to Italy without telling anyone.
And before he knew it his legs had carried him here.

" Katerina I know you're here somewhere." he called out once he stepped onto the ground.

Whispers in the wind carried her words to him. " Come and find me." she had giggled back.

He had smiled softly and then went to search for her.

Katherine feeling nostalgic had worn one of her old outfits when they had met in Italy. It was a red and orange light dress he had found her one night in the town. This time he had found her hiding in a orange tree. He had laughed at her and then opened his arms for her to come down to him.

Looking at her the wind had brushed at her hair a memory floating gently into his mind watching her smile down to him. His heart beat watching her not being able to come up with words of how he felt right here in this exact moment. But he knew anyhow...the sun had caught her hair and the light behind her illuminated her
smile and she looked like a...well now that's his secret) to him.

Without warning she had called out. " Catch me." Interrupting his thought. Startled by her words he looked up.

She had come falling (flying) out of the tree right into him.
He had caught her while she wrapped her arms hugging him laughing. He wrapped his arms around her chuckling at her greeting towards him. Klaus kissed her lightly (afraid he would crush her.)

They laughed heartily laying on the ground. She layed on his arm like a pillow as they watched the sky.
He told her. " Let's stay here.' she had looked at him in question. " For now." he touched his finger to her cheek. She nodded her head in understanding of not wanting to return back to the world of reality.

They stayed laying on the ground until twilight came, even then they laid together until evening and Klaus pointed out the stars to her. She listened smiling as he talked about the stars and their possible stories. When she nearly fell asleep turning to her side towards him he had taken a quick glance at her and smiled at her so gently that neither had she seen him smile at her like that before, for also because she had her eyes closed. He had waited for her to fall asleep before stroking her cheek with tip of his fingers. Not wanting to wake her.

Silly Klaus worried he would harm her.

He had stroked her hair towards her neck. Listening to her breath in the same manner of a human's. Klaus watched her sleep being reminded. He had looked up to sky creasing his eyebrows in wonder why she did that. Feeling his discomfort she had began to frown in her sleep as if sensing his unease. He had sensed her's that he had turned his head back to her and whispered in her ear calmly " Shhh it's nothing love, go back to sleep." Hearing his voice soothe her frown had turned back to her normal face.

He smiled once again watching her relax from the sound of his voice and watched her sleep peacefully through out the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Typed this very early in morning of June 6, 2013. Song inspired this: Florence and The Machine - Cosmic Love
(Just browsing and heard this song. A scene popped up while listening to this song. Thought it was sweet. Both the song and scene.Hehe.)
I know grammar error there and so.....