Status: being re-worked

Dear Daisy

i need you more than i can take

I think some people are iridescent.

Now, I mean that in more than one sense. It could remind you a bit of a diamond, or glitter, or something of the sort. They shine, sparkle, glimmer and no matter which way you turn them, they keep surprising you. It's quite fascinating, really. I'm entranced by their intricacy.

It never ceases to amaze me.

On the other hand, you can never fully wipe away something iridescent. Sometimes you won't even want to, but if you do, it's an arduous struggle. Try it. Rub a pinch of craft glitter all over your hands, arms, or face. It won't be an easy task to remove all traces of it.

Well, to make a long story short...he was iridescent.

He both fascinated and frightened me. People like him don't belong with people like me, but somehow we did. Maybe I don't even have the right to refer to it as an "us", but we were. Not in the romantic way, but more as how crows can't help but go after a shiny object.

Needless to say, I was the crow.

You had me spellbound, to the point I couldn't remember my days before you. I didn't even want to. However, sparkly things lose their shine eventually. The novelty wears off and then what are you left with?

You shone so bright it hurt to look at you. I just never realized how blind you made me until I saw you for what you really were. You had gotten me hooked, and I was so wrapped up in you I couldn't escape. Honestly, though, I might've not even run if I could have.

Someone recently told me what I already knew. I need to get over it. Get over you. And I will. I know I will. I'm simply not sure when. There will come a day when I no longer think of you and hurt. I will be strong enough that you no longer control me. But you will always be a part of me. That I cannot deny.

Besides, you never forget someone iridescent.
♠ ♠ ♠
what the actual heck daisy lighten up