Now That We're Fallen......

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Sidney and I have been married for seven almost eight years now. We have been through so much the last few. Aiden is 6 years old now, he started school the the last year. My pregnancy after aiden didn't work out, I ended up having a miscarriage, almost three months it was one of the Hardest things Sidney and I ever went though. It got us thinking and we tried to have a baby for a year, and I couldn't pregnant. We stop trying. Then two years after that Aiden was almost four, I got pregnant with now four year old Oliver Patrick Crosby. After Oliver we had now two years old Dylan Michael Crosby. Yes, three boys, we have had our hands full in the last years.
Aiden is just like his father, he follows him around always went to Practice with Sid. He was heartbroken when he started school this last year and found out he couldn't go to the practice any more. He started skating at the years of two and hasn't stopped since. He was on his first team this year, and he loved every minute of it, but Aiden had a mama boy side when we were in new places, or he gets tired, scared he always comes to me. Unlike Oliver, he also started skating at the age of two, and still skating he not out there as much as Aiden, and he was a total daddy's boy, he was always with Sid. He falls asleep next to Sid every night. When he started that, it was so hard to put Ollie to sleep when Sid was on a road trips, and it is still is here and there, it's gonna better.
Dylan hasn't gotten on skates yet but Sidney has been talking about it. Dylan is a mama's boy too. He is alway stuck to my leg. But other then that he is still really young.
All three boys look so much like Sid. Aiden is like Sids mini me. Oliver just looks like Sid but has my blue eyes. And Dylan has green eyes we have no idea where he got them from.
But the three of them are healthy, living life, and loving it. Sidney and I are doing great. We haven't been better.
It was the 3rd period in game 7 in the Stanley cup finals against The La Kings. Pens were down by one. We were sitting in the box at Consol, the boys standing next to me, Dylan is sitting on my lap. In the box with us. Trina, Troy, Taylor, Taylor boyfriend Anthony who's she been with since high school. Vero and her and Marc daughter Estelle she's Aiden age. And Marc's parents.
Sidney got the puck.
"Go Daddy!!" Dylan yelled, I smiled, looked down watch Sid go down the ice.
"Daddy, Daddy,Daddy...." The boys started yelling. Sid shot, and scored. All tied up.
"Yes!" I yelled, and jumped up holding Dylan. I held Dylan on my side, and I hugged him. I looked at Aiden and Oliver are jumping up and down. Aiden ran over and wrapped his arms around me. I sat but down and looked at him.
"Mama we're gonna win.." He said I kissed his forehead. Oliver ran over to Tory. Troy picked him up. I watched Sidney down in the ice. He was smiling, he took a drink of water, and skated to center ice.
The end of 3rd, we were going to overtime. I took a deep breath.
"Mama, I want down!" Dylan said, jumping down, and running over to his brothers. I looked at the ice, and I started biting my nails.
"I think I'm gonna have a heart attack." Vero said sitting next to me.
"Tell me about it, Aiden came up to me, and tells me that we're gonna win." I said "if we don't he is gonna be crushed."
The overtime started. Aiden came over to me. He stood between my legs to wrapped my arms around him. I put my chin in his shoulder, we looked down at the ice.
"Nervous buddy?" I asked
"Yeah." He said.
"Go Geno!" Aiden yelled. "What is he doing?" Aiden asked, as Geno lost the puck. I couldn't help but laugh at him.
It was coming to the end of the overtime. Then Sid pasted to Kunitz, Kunitz to Geno, Geno back to Kunitz, then Kunitz to Sid shot right through the five hole. Sid though his stick,and gloves off. I Jumped up, everyone did. Everyone jumped off the bench. Everyone in the box was screaming. Vero hugged me.
"They did it." She said, she went to Marc's parents. Taylor ran up and hugged me. She let go, of me, and ran back over to Anthony I looked Trina and Tory hugging. I looked at the Aiden, Oliver, and Dylan. Aiden, Oliver were jumping up, and down. Dylan was standing there he look so scared, and looked like he was going to cry. I kneel down.
"Mama, Mama! We won, We won." Aiden yelled.
"We did." I smiled hugged him, tears started coming in my eyes. Oliver ran over. I hugged him. I kissed both of their cheeks, they ran over to Trina and Troy.
"Hey little guy." I pulled him over to me, he was crying "you scared?" I asked he nodded and rubbed his eyes. "Awe come here" I picked him up, and stood up. He cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back.
"Brittany." Troy said and hugged me. "What wrong with him?" He looked at Dylan and rubbed his back.
"He scared. too loud." I said
"We should make our way down the the ice." He said
"Okay." I said "Aiden, Oliver." I yelled.
"I got him." Troy said picking up, Oliver.
"Aiden." I said
"I got him. Britt" Taylor said
"Okay thank you! Aiden stay with Aunt Taylor." I told him.
"I will." He said, Dylan hugged me tighter.
"Shhhh." I said "Dylan we're gonna go see daddy." I said

Sid's POV
I threw my stick, and gloves in the air, and jumped up. Geno, Kunitz jumped on me. Then everyone on the bench. We were all screaming. This might be some of our third Stanley Cup, but it will always first feel like the first. Even better I have all three if my boys here, my parents, Tay, and of course Brittany. We shook hands, and went back to hugging, and screaming. Until the MPV trophy came out we were all huddle up not able to keep the smile off our faces. I look back the benches. I seen Aiden with Tay, Dad holding Oliver. Mom, and then Brittany holding Dylan who face was deep in her neck. He was scared. I smiled at them, just thinking how lucky I am. I turned back around.
"The Winner of the Conn Smythe Trophy is Sidney Crosby!" I smiled, and skate up there. Got my picture taken. I lifted above my head smiled and waved to everyone. Went back over to everyone. I skated over to the bench, i handed the trophy to my dad. "Keep it safe, Bud." i said to Aiden, and skated back over to all the guys. They announced the Stanley cup.
"Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Penguins, the captain Sidney Crosby this is your third Stanley Cup." He said I skated up to him. "All with the penguins, Congratulations." We both picked it up. Got a picture. He said okay go ahead. I lifted above my head, and screamed.
"WoooooHoooo." I skated towards the guys. "Fuck yeah!!" I said nodding. I skated down the ice. I looked at Aiden, Oliver they were bowing standing next to each other on the bench.Dylan still in Britt's arms. I kissed the cup, I turned around.
"Geno!" I yelled, he came up, I handed it off to him. He smiled
"Thanks Sid." He went on and screamed. I went over and found Dan. We hugged. after everyone got a chance with the cup. We got the group picture. After, I turned around all of our family was on the ice.
"Daddy!" Aiden yelled I kneel in front of Aiden, and Oliver. I picked them both up.
"Daddy, you won." Oliver said
"We did.Ollie." I smiled
"Daddy, you get another ring." Aiden smiled, he loves looking at my other ones.
"I do, Bud."
"Sid." Dad said he put his hand my shoulder, and pulled us all into a hugged.
"Pappy, that hurts." Ollie said, Dad took him.
"I'll be back." I told him.
"Sidney." Mom said, I kissed her cheek. I hugged Taylor.
"Buddy, I'm gonna see mama, and Dylan. I'll be right back." I put him down with Taylor "stay with Aunt Taylor." I said I turned to Brittany. She smiled, tears in her eyes.
"Hey." I said
"Dylan, look it daddy." She kissed his forehead.
"Hey, little guy, there no reason to be scared." He looked up at me. "No reason to be scared I'm here, Mama, Pappy and Grammy." I said, I took him, from Brittany. "Hey Dylan,Daddy Won remember when we were talking about winning the trophy?" I asked
"Yeah." He said
"That why anyone is so loud, because we got the trophy, okay?"
"Okay." He said, still unsure. I look but at Britt. She grabbed my face.
"I am so proud of you. You have no idea." She kissed me. "So proud." She said in between kisses. I pulled her closer, with my free arm. She hugged me. She looks up at me.
"So how's it feel?" She asked
"Amazing!" I laughed. We turned around and went over to everyone else.
"Sid" James yelled
"Okay, I gotta go see you guys in the locker room." I handed Dylan back to Brittany.
"But Daddy." Aiden said
"I'll see you in the locker room, bud."
"I got to go. Aiden." I said, kissing his forehead. He face fell. I felt so bad. He was so excited for today.

Britt's POV
Sid skated away. I kneeled down.
"Come here Bud." I said, Aiden walked over , Dylan jumped out of my arms. Over to Tory, "I know you want to be with daddy right now. Buddy." I said putting my hands on his Waist. "daddy's got to be with his team right now. Okay." I seen over his shoulder Sidney lifting up the cup, and Sidney stated skating over towards us. "Look buddy." I turned him around. Sidney was just in front of him. He put the cup in front of Aiden, His jaw dropped. He smiled at and looked at Sid, he kneel to Aiden level, looking at Aiden, Aiden was taller then the cup now.
"Daddy." Oliver came over and grabbed Sidney arm. Sidney turned around.
"Dylan." He said, "come here" Tory put him down. He almost fell, Sid caught him before he hit his face off the ice. "Oh I got you little guy." Sidney put him on his lap.
"So what do you think, Bud?" I asked
"Awesome!!" Aiden yelled. We all laughed.
"Ollie?" I asked, reaching for him, and pulled him closed to me.
"so cool." He said, I smiled, and kissed his cheek.
"Dylan?" Sidney asked,
"It's so big." He said sitting there looking at it. He reached forward and touched it. I looked at Sid, he looked up and at me. I smiled. He winked at me. People stated taking pictures.
"You want to take your guys picture?" Trina asked
"Oh yes please." I said, handing her my phone. Sidney pulled Aiden close. We smiled. Sidney stood up, holding Dylan.
"Sid! Locker room." Someone yelled, Sid nodded. He kissed Dylan on the forehead, and handed him over to me. He ruffled Aiden and Oliver hair.
"I'll see you guys in the locker room." He smiled, he leaned over, and kissed me. He took off his hat and put it on Aiden head. I smiled he picked up the cup, and skated away.