Now That We're Fallen......

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The celebration still going on it has been for hours. Dylan has fell asleep in my arms. I was sitting in Sidney stall. I couldn't believe. He was staying asleep. Aiden was running around with all the guys, and other kids. He would stop of a little a rub his eyes, and back to running around.
"Why you let us take them home?" Trina said "you stay and have some fun."
"I..... Doesn't Troy want to stay with Sid?"
"He's been with Sid all night and it was his idea." She said as Troy was walking up, Oliver was asleep in his arms.
"Are you guys sure?" I asked
"Yeah." Troy said "you need to have fun you been holding him all night." Troy said
"Thank you."
"No problem." I stood up.
"Let me get Aiden and tell Sid you're taking them." I said
"There you are, come here." I picked him up, "ahh you’re getting too big for this." I said "You’re going home with pappy and Grammy."
"Because it's really late, way past your guys bedtime." I said
"Sid." I said finding him talking to Marc.
"Hey babe, hey bud." He took Aiden from.
"Your parents are taking the boys home."
"So it gonna be just us." He smiled.
"And the rest of team, and everyone else." I laughed. "Gonna say goodbye."
"Yeah." We walked over. "Well they're out already." He said he kissed Oliver and Dylan on the cheeks.
"Daddy, I want to stay with you." Aiden said
"Bud, it really late, but you will see me first thing tomorrow." He kissed his forehead, and put him down. "Thanks mom, dad." Sidney said
"Congratulations honey." Trina said, Sid smiled.
"See you guys have fun!" Trina
"Bye thanks, oh Dylan's blanket is on the couch downstairs, and Oliver's is--"
"They got it, they got it." Sidney said putting his arm around me. They walked away. "Come on." He kissed my forehead.
All the guys got their showers, and everyone, went to a restaurant/bar. They was still tons of people in the streets.
We walked inside. Sid holding my hand.we sat at a table with James, Marc, Vero, Kris, his wife, Geno, and his wife. We all ate, danced, drank. Tons of people there. Sid and I kept getting slip apart. I was at the bar, trying to get a drink. When I felt a pair of hand warp around my waist, I jumped, and turned around.
"It's just me." Sidney said, putting his hands up.
"Oh." I said, rubbed my hand down his chest.
"You want some thing?" He asked
"A water."
"A water? Babe loosen up."
"No, someone needs a clear mind, and I can have fun, without alcohol." I said, wrapping a arms around him, and pulling him close, and looking up at him. He looked down.
"Yeah." I smiled.
"Hmmm." He kissed me. I grabbed his side. He put his hand through my hair. We broke apart. He looked at me.
" I can't wait to go home." He said, I laughed.

Hours later, we walked into our house. Sidney stumbled in holding the cup.
"Shh Sid, the boys are sleeping." I said
"Sorry." He laughed,
"I can't believe they let you bring it home." I said, taking my shoes off.
"Well I am the captain." He said resting his chin, on my shoulder he sticked his lips out, for a kiss. I laughed, and kissed him.
"Mawh!" He said, I smiled
"Okay, let's get you to bed." I said
"Okay." He picked up the cup.
"Be careful." I said
He made it up the steps. He walked in front of me. He opened the door to Aiden room.
"Sidney what are you doing?" I whispered
"I'm putting it in his room, so it's the first thing he see in the morning."
"Okay, just be quiet." I told him. He walked in Aiden room. He placed it next to Aiden bed. I smiled. Sidney turned around. He walked out.
"Okay, okay, go in there." I pushed him in our room. I walked into Aiden's room. I fixed his blankets, I kissed his forehead. I closed the door behind me. Then I opened the door to Oliver and Dylan room. I ran my hand though Oliver hair, and kissed his forehead. I went over to Dylan, I fixed his blanket.
"Mama." He said quietly, without opening his eyes.
"Shh little guy go back to bed." I said, then kissed his cheek. He fell back asleep.
I walked in my room.
"Baby." Sid said
"Shh." I closed the door behind me. Sid got up off the bed, and walked over to me, and started kissing my neck.
"Why not?"
"Because the boys, your parents, Taylor, and it's 4am. We need to sleep." I said,
"Okay." I smiled at him, he took off his shirt, and laid down on the bed, and started undoing his pants. I grabbed my oh and went in the bathroom. When I came out Sid was pasted out, with his pants and shoes still on. I took his shoes off. Then climbed into bed. I looked at him. I kissed his cheek.
"I love you." I whispered

The next morning, I woke up, I rubbed my eyes. I rolled over and yawned Sidney's face was pressed against his pillow, his mouth was open, and he was snoring. I smiled at him. I run hand though his hair.
"Sid." I said. "Sidney."
"Mama, Daddy!" Oliver run in the room, followed my Dylan then Aiden. They jumped on our bed.
"What?" Sidney jumped "oh." He said, and grabbed his head. I laughed. " not funny." He said.
"Daddy, The Stanley Cup is in my room." Aiden said, Dylan sat on my lap, I laid back and wrapped him in my arms. Oliver was laying between us.
"I know, Bud I put it in there."
"You remember that." I said
"Be quiet." He looked over at me. I smiled
"I'm sorry. I told them to leave you two alone." Trina said standing in the door way.
"It's okay."
"Babys I thought you were helping me make breakfast?" Trina asked them.
"Oh are you helping Grammy make breakfast?" I asked Dylan.kissing his forehead.
"Yes." He giggled
"Well you guys better get downstairs, Daddy and I will be down." I said.
"Okay." Aiden said, and they ran out of the room. We laughed, Trina shut the door. I looked over at Sid.
"Good Morning, handsome." I said, he looked at me, and smiled
"Morning, Beautiful." He leaned over and kissed me.
"So whats the plan for today?" I asked "Mr. Stanley Cup."
"We'll I got to go the arena, and there'll tell me there." He said "I wish I could stay here all day with you guys all day.."
"Yeah, right!"
"No, really." He laughed "my dad is coming with me, and I think I'm taking Aiden."
"And what about Oliver, and Dylan?" I asked
"I mean...... I want to take them I really do. I want them to be apart of it all, but Dylan is still-"
"Yeah, Dylan is still kinda young I understand that, Oliver is old a enough to know if something not right."
"What are saying?" Sid asked, sitting up, I sat up too.
"I'm saying, you kind of play fav.....well you kinda ahh."
"I do not play favorite!" He said
"Yeah, you kinda do."
"No I don't!" He yelled, getting up. He grabbed his head.
"Sid, yeah you do, and I understand why Aiden older, he all into hockey now, he's you, but you need to remember that you have two other little boys."
"Brittany, I love all three of them the same."
"I never said, you didn't I know you love them boys, they're everything to you, but ever since Aiden started on his first team, you've showed him more, you've taken him to the rink, and Oliver is a total daddy's boy. You know that?" He looked at me. "I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, I'm not. Just wanted to let you know because I don't think you realized you were doing it." He shakes his head.
"I...I crap. I didn't." He sat on the bed. I put my hands on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry." I whispered
"No, nothing to be sorry about."
"Yeah, There is , this is supposed to be a happy time. "
"No, it's fine. I'm glad you said something, I most likely would have never know." I kissed his cheek.
"Mama." We looked at the door. Dylan was standing in the doorway, Hugging the wall.
"Dylan." I said
"Hey little guy." Sid got up, and picked him up. He sat back down on the bed. "What's up?" Dylan didn't say anything. "Are you gonna talk to me?...huh." He started tickling him. Dylan started laughing. I smiled at them,
"MAMA!! DADDY!!" Aiden yelled, from downstairs.
"We better get down there." I said
"Okay." He said, he picked Dylan up and put him over his shoulder.
"Daddy." He laughed, I smiled.
We went downstairs. We finished breakfast, I wiping Dylan face off.
"Hey Ollie." Sid said "you wanna come with me, Aiden, and Pappy to the rink today?"
"Yeah!" Oliver said, jumped out of his chair. Sid smiled.
"You get changed." He said.
"And lets go get you changed" I told Dylan picking him up. I changed Dylan. Oliver came out of his room.
"Mama, can I wear one of daddy hats?" He asked
"Sure can." I walked in our room. Sid was put on a black t-shirt.
"Hmm look at you." I said, he smiled " Oliver wants to wear one of your hats." I said
"Okay. You know where there at."
"Does it matter which one?" I asked
"Nope." He said, I grabbed a black hat. "Oliver!" I called for him.
He came running in. "Here ya go big man." I said, and I tighten it around his head. "There ya go." I smiled
"Thanks." He said "are you ready Daddy?"
"Yeah, dude,are you?"
"Yeah come on."
"Okay." He smiled "I'll talk to you later." He turned to me.
"Okay, text me" I said, he nodded, and kissed me.
"Aiden, are you ready?" Sidney yelled, going out of the room.

Later, after I got a shower, and got dress. I walked downstairs Dylan was sitting in the living room, playing.
"Hey cutie." I said, I ran his hand in his hair.
"Hi mama." He said, and went back to playing. I smiled. I walked in the kitchen. Trina was drinking coffee.
"Feel better?" She asked
"Yes, did Taylor and Anthony go with them?"
"Yeah. What time did you guys get he last night?"
"Yeah, I really surprised you didn't hear him, or the boys didn't wake up."
"He had fun?" She asked
"Yeah, and as he should."
"Yeah, we're so proud of him."
"Me too, I really am. His smile when he when he gets so happy... It's just...."
"I know what you mean. " she said
"Why'd you stay behind?" She asked, as I grabbed a water out of the frig.
"Ahh let Aiden, Oliver, and Sid have some time, and Sid doesn't really know what they are doing today."
"Mama." Dylan ran in the kitchen. "Can I have some Juice?"
"You sure can." I said, I filled his cup. I handed it to him.
"Be careful." I said
"Thank you." He said, and he walked back in the living room.
"He's so content."
"Oh I know, he's so calm, and he can sit in there for hours, and play by himself. Nothing like his brothers." I said
"You're a good mom." She said
"Oh Trina."
"No. I mean it, you have came so far, since you and Sidney got together, and your a great mother."
"Thank you."
"It seems like it came so natural."
"Yeah, and you know what the weird thing is, I never thought and really didn't want kids until, I met Sidney."
"Yeah, I just when I looked at him, I seem all this, well maybe not three boys, but I love my boys." I smiled
"I can't believe, you guys have three boys, and all under the age of eight." I laughed, and nodded "every time you two told us it was a boy, I just kept telling Tory there gonna have they hands full."
"Oh yeah, we do. sometimes I feel like I'm a chicken running around with no head."
"Kids have that effect."
"Thank you again, for taking them last night."
"No problem, sweetie anytime were in Town we would love to take them, lets you guys out of the house."
"Thanks." I smiled.

Later I put Dylan down for his nap. I covered him with his blanket, and kissed his forehead. I walked out of his room, and my phone rang. It was Sidney
"Hello." I said
"Hey babe, what are you doing?"
"I just put Dylan down for his nap."
"Okay, we'll their have a family thing down here at six." He sad, I looked at the clock, it was four o'clock. "There going be skating, food,Dj."
"Okay, well be down as soon as he wakes up, are the boys having fun?" I asked
"A blast, there a few kids here."
"Any wives?"
"A couple."
"Sorry, I didn't come"
"no problem, I didn't know what we were doing, and I really didn't ask you."
"So when we come down, do the boys need anything, their skates?"
"No, their skates are already in the back of my car."
"Oh that's right."
"Yeah, so your coming down?"
"Of course. Baby. Where else would I go?"
" okay" he laughed.

I went downstairs, told Trina what was going on. We sat downstairs talked. When it was time to leave, I went upstairs. I put some stuff together. I went into Dylan's room. He was still sleeping. I sat on the edge of his bed.
"Dylan, sweetie." I rubbed his arm. "Dylan." He rolled over. He rubbed his eyes. "Hey, you gotta get up, we gonna go see Daddy, Oliver, and Aiden." He wasn't opening his eyes. I took his blanket off of him.
"Little guy." I picked him. He warped his legs, and arms around me, and laid his head on my shoulder. I went downstairs.
"Are you ready?" Trina asked "aww he still asleep?"
"Kind of." I said. "I can you grab his bag."
"Thanks." I said, I grabbed my bag, and Dylan shoes, and we were out the door.