Now That We're Fallen......

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

We showed up at the arena. Dylan was fully awake now. I carried Dylan into the arena. Sid was tying Oliver skates.
"Hey." I said putting Dylan down, and touching Sid's back.
"Hey, babe."
"Hey." He stood up, and kissed me.
"I'll meet you out there, Ollie." He said "hey, little guy." He picked up Dylan. "I got a surprise for you." He said "here." He handed him back to me.
"Oh Daddy, got a surprise for you." I said, as Sidney reached down in a box that was sitting next to where Oliver was sitting. He pulled out a pair if tiny skates.
"Awwe." I said "your own skates just like Aiden and Ollie." I said, Dylan smiled and wiggled out of my arms. He ran over to Sid. He picked him, and sat him down.
"I'm gonna skate like Aiden, and Ollie."
"Yeah, dude." Sid said putting them on him. "Are you excited?"
"Yeah. Mama you gonna watch?"
"Oh yeah, I'm not gonna miss this." I said, Sid headed me, his shoes. I pulled out a jacket for Dylan. Sid finished tying his skates. He stood him up. I was wobbling a little
"Come here." I laughed, I kneel down and put on his jacket.
"You're fussing." Sid said
"He closer to the ice then you, he gonna get cold." I said
"Okay." He said
I was standing at the bench with Trina. Sid trying to teach Dylan to skate was the cutest, and as I was with Oliver, and Aiden. Dylan was holding on to a five gallon bucket. Sid skating backwards in front of him.
"Brittany." I turned around, V was standing in the ranwayz. "Come here." I walked down and followed her. Her and a few wives were standing there.
"What's going on?" I asked
"We were thinking about doing something for the guys, just us and the guys." Vero said
"Okay,like what?"
"We were thinking about a surprised dinner."
"Yeah, that sounds great."
"We were thinking about tomorrow night, because the parade is the following day."
"Okay, is there anything I can do?" I asked
"Nope, I'll get everything set,and text everyone with details. We'll all meet before, and we'll get the guys there somehow." Chris Kunitz wife said
"Okay." I said, when I heard cries, I turned around, Sidney was carrying Dylan, holding his sleeve to Dylan's mouth.
"It's okay." Sid said
"Okay! What happened?" I followed him in the locker room. Sid sat him down on a table, and ran into another room, Dylan lip was bleeding.
"Oh sweetie, shhhh, it's gonna be okay. Shh." I said, rubbing his hands. Sid came back with some paper towels.
"Shhh little guy." Sid said, and started cleaning him up.
"What happened?" I asked
"He let go of the bucket, slip and hit his lip off of it." Sid cleaned him off.
"Is he okay?" I asked, Sid checked his lip.
"Oh yeah, he's fine, dude you're gonna be fine." He told still Dylan.
"Mama!" He screamed.
"Shhh." I picked him up. Sid rubbed his back.
"How about we get these skates off of you." Sid said
"Yeah, you want your skates off?" I asked, Dylan nodded. I sat down with him on my lap. Sid kneel down, and took them off.
"Is that better?" Sid asked
"Yeah" Dylan said
"Yeah." Sid said. "How about I hold you, and I skate round?" Sid asked, wiping Dylan face off. He slowly stopped crying. Dylan nodded. "Okay, lets go get your shoes." Sid said, I kissed Dylan cheek. Sid took him. I rubbed Sid back, and followed him out of the locker room.

Later we walked in the house. I yawned.
"Tired?" Sid asked, I nodded.
"I'm gonna make some tea." Trina said. "Brittany do you want some?"
"Umm yes please." I said "Sid can you get the boys ready for bed?"
"Yupp, come on boys. Upstairs." He said, he picked up, Dylan. I walked in the kitchen.
"Trina." I said
"Umm, tomorrow can you watch the boys?" I asked
"Sure, where are guys going?
"Well he doesn't know he going anywhere. The wives sat up a dinner for all the guys.."
"Oh that's great. Their love that. Of course we'll watch them."
"Thank you." I said, and she handed me a cup.
I went upstairs, Sid trying to get Dylan's pj on.
"I got them." I said putting my cup on the dresser. I got them on him. Said goodnight to him, and Aiden. I went back in Dylan and Oliver room. Sid was laying next to Oliver.
"Sid." I whispered.
"He's almost asleep." He said, I nodded. I went a got changed. A little bit later Sid walked in.
"thank you"
"thank you for what?" i asked
"For the thing the wives put together for tomorrow just for the guys no kids, nothing against you no wives, just the guys and the cup."
"Umm yeah, you're umm welcomes." I said
"You did know about it right?"
"Yeah." I lied. He kissed me, and walked in the bathroom. I grabbed my phone, and I had text message from Vero explaining everything is wives were saying we have a meeting together, about the parade. We leave before the guys.

The next day, I was getting ready. I had on a black dress, with sliver glitter pumps on. I looked at myself In the mirror one more time, fixed my hair grabbed my clutch. I was running late. I went in Aiden room, were Aiden and Oliver were playing.
"Mama, you look pretty." Oliver said
"Yeah, mama." Aiden said
"Awe thank you. Cuties." I said "come here give me kisses." They give me kisses. "Be good for Grammy, and pappy."
"Okay." They said. I went downstairs. Dylan was playing in the living room.
"Hey sweetie, give me kisses." I kissed his cheek. "Be good." I said.
"Sid I'm leaving, I love you. See you later."
"Woah. Woah." He said. I stopped
"Crap." I said under my breath.
"Where are you going?" He asked
"The girls were having a meeting about the parade tomorrow." I said
"Oh umm the boys?"
"You're parents are watching them."
"Okay, why didn't you tell me?" He asked
"I must have forgot. Look babe I gotta--."
"Your really dressed up for a meeting with the girls. "
"We're going to dinner."
"Okay, love you, have fun. Dress nice." I said, leaned in and kissed him. I turned around.
"Love you too." He said, i walked out. When I got outside. I took a deep breath.

I showed up at the place.
"You're late." V said
"I know, I started getting ready late, and then Sidney stopped me. Anything need done?"
"Nope it was already done, when we got here."

Not even 20 minutes later, we heard some of the guys outside of the room.
"They said are room isn't ready yet." James Neal said "we have to wait until everyone here's."
"Well everyone here?" Geno asked
"No, flower, and Sid not here."
" of course." V whispered to me. I smiled
"Sid!!!" They all yelled
"about time." Geno said
"Sorry, Oliver wouldn't let me leave. What are we doing?"
"Marc always late, you know that." I whispered to V.
"Yeah, I know."

"Well look who decided to show up." Sid said
"What are you guys doing out here?" Marc asked
"Waiting for you, can we go in now?" Kris asked
"I guess. They said when everyone gets here." James said
They opened the door.
"Congratulations!!" We all yelled. The the guys jumped a couple put their hands up like they were gonna punch someone. We all started to laughed
"What?" Someone yelled. I smiled. Everyone coupled up. I walked up to Sid.
"You little sneak." He said, I smiled "you." He picked me up. I laughed. He put me down. "I knew you were acting weird." He said
"Were you surprised?" I asked
"Yes." He said
"Good." I smiled. I wrapped my arms around him. He kissed me. "I really haven't got to tell you how proud I am of you."
"No, Sidney I am so proud of you, you worked so hard for this, just like the ones before but the point is you never give up, even if you've already done it, you try just as hard to have it again." I said, he looked at me, and smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled, leaned up and kissed him.
"Oh, by the way, you look beautiful." I smiled "no! You look hot." I rolled my eyes.
"Thank you." I smiled

We all finished eating.
"This night has been great." He said
"First night in a while just us, not counting the night we won."
"Yeah." I smiled, grabbed his knee.
"I was thinking since we're already out and the boys are taken care of, I'll call my mom just to make just to make sure." He said "you and I can get a hotel room."
"A hotel room?" I asked
"Yeah. When the last time we really made love?" He whispered
"I like to think every time." I said
"I didn't mean it like that, I meant us not worrying about the boys, or my next game, anything like that, just us!" He said
"Okay." I said
"Okay." He smiled " going to call my mom."
He came back,
"We're good." He said, I smiled I grabbed his hand.
"Come on" I said
"Now?" He asked I nodded. I grabbed my clutch. We hurried out of the room, before anyone saw us.