Now That We're Fallen......

Chapter 4

"I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed me, and we rolled over, and went to sleep.

"Daddy, Mama." I heard a little voice say. "Mama." I slowly open my eyes.
"Hey, dude." Sid said "let mama sleep." He reach over me, and pick him up.
"I'm up." I said, I rolled over, Dylan was laying between us.
"What's up, Dyl." Sid asked
"I can't sleep." Sid covered him up. I watched Sid, he cuddled with Dylan, I smiled. He is a great dad, maybe even a better dad then he is a hockey player. I kissed Dylan's forhead, and I leaned over him, I whispered in Sid's ear.
"Yes." He leaned back and looked at me.
"Yes?" He asked
"Yes, to the question you asked me earlier."
"Oh. Oh yes?"
"Yes." I smiled, and kissed his cheek. I laid back down.
"Yes." He smiled. I giggled.
"Go to sleep, bud." I said to Dylan.

The next morning, I rolled over Dylan was asleep on Sid's side. Then I heard the bathroom door open, I looked up.
"Good morning." He whispered
"Morning." I said, he slid under the blankets behind me, and put his arms around me.
"I love you." He whispered, I smiled.
"You know what them words mean to me everyday."
"The same they mean to me."
"I love you." I said, he kissed my neck. I rolled over and faced him. I kissed him.
"Daddy!" Oliver yelled.
"Are you sure about doings this?" He asked
"Doing what?"
"Having another kid?"
"You don't seem sure?"
"Babe, I am."
"But you don't your not.."
"Daddy!" Oliver came running in. Sid kept his eyes on me. Oliver climbed up on the bed. "Daddy."
"Shhh, Ollie, Dylan's sleeping, what's up?"
"Daddy can we go play outside?"
"How about breakfast first?"
"But mama."
"But mama nothing." I said sitting up, and grabbing him. "Come on." I said stepped over Sid.
"Britt." Sid said, I looked at him.
"We'll talk." I said, and I went and got Aiden, and went and made breakfast.
I just finished breakfast, Oliver, and Aiden started eating.
"Look who's up." Sid said walking in the holding Dylan.
"My handsome boy." I said
"I know." Sid said
"Not you." I laughed hitting his shoulder. "Want your chocolate milk?" I asked Dylan, he nodded, and rubbed his eyes.
"I'll get it." Sid said, I took Dylan and sat him at the table.
After Sidney went got them changed, I cleaned the kitchen up. I went downstairs, where we opened the doors that open right into the back yard.
"Nothing like having every toy outside." I said
"Yeah, tell me about it." Sid said, I looked at him, then back outside.
"Britt." I looked at him. "If you really aren't sure or if you don't want to do this we don't have to."
"I want to."
"I do." I said, "I know, i didn't seem sure, but I know I love my kids, and would love another."
"Yeah, I mean I wasn't sure I wanted kids before I got pregnant with Aiden. Then when i found out I pregnant I was more then happy." I said "and then his heartbeat, and sonogram." I said, I put my arms around him. He smiled.
"We're gonna do this."
"Yes." I said, he smiled, and kissed me. I laughed.
"Hey who know, maybe we'll have a girl."
"You really want a girl?"
"Yeah, I really do."
"Awe, that's cute."
"Shut up." He said, I laughed
We went out and played with the boys.
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Sorry guys I deleted the story by mistake I uploaded the first 4 chapters. Chapter 5 coming soon!!