Now That We're Fallen......

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Later that week, we were finishing up packing. I was running back and forth between boys room, our, and the laundry room.
"Babe, can not find the boys swimming suits." Sid yelled from the laundry room. I was walking back to the laundry room. "Babe" Sid yelled, walking out of the laundry room, we slammed into each other.
"Oh ow." I said
"Oh oh, are you okay?" He asked
"Yeah, I'm okay." I said, walking in the room. I grabbed the suit in the bottom of a basket.
"Oh." He laughed, I smiled at him. He put his arms around me.
"Sidney, we have to finish packing, and we have to get the boys ready." I said, he kissed my neck.
"Oh, yeah by the way." I said grabbing his hands. " I stopped taking my birth control."
"I love you." He said
"I love you too." I laughed
"Aiden Stop! Mama!!!" Oliver yelled, he put his head in my shoulder.
"I got them." Sid said, and went into Aiden room. I went in the our room.
"Woah, Stop!" I heard Sidney yell. "Stop." Then Sid walked in with Aiden under one arm, and Oliver under the another one. "You sit here." He sat Oliver down, "and you here, don't move, don't talk."
"What happen?" I asked
"They were punching each other."
"What is up with you two lately? Nothing but fighting."
"He started it." Oliver said
"No, I didn't."
"Woah woah, stop!" I said, I closed a suit case, and zipped it up.
"I'll take these downstairs." Sid said
"Okay." I said, he grabbed the suitcases. "You two stay there." I said I walked into Dylan's room, he was sitting on the floor.
"Hey, cutie, what wrong?" I asked, he looked at me.
"Nothing." He shook his head. I felt his forehead. He was little warm.
"Come here." I picked him up. He put his head on my shoulder. I went downstairs.
"What's wrong?" Sid asked
"I think his getting sick." I said
"Really?" He took Dylan from me.
"You want to stay down here, and watch TV with him? I'll finish packing."
"You sure?"
"Come on, dude, lets get you some juice." Sid said I walked back upstairs.
I finished packing. I went downstairs. Aiden and Oliver were out of timeout. I walked in the living room. Dylan was asleep on Sid. Sid was watching TV. I kissed Sid temple.
"Hi." I whispered.
"How long has he been asleep?" I asked
"He just fell asleep, you know he is a little warm."
"Yeah." I said "poor baby gonna have to get on a plane tomorrow."
"He might feel better by tomorrow."
"I hope so." I ran my hand thur Dylan's hair. Sid picked him up, and laid him down on the couch.
I started cooking dinner. Sidney and boys were playing outside. I heard crying coming from living room. I whipped off my hands, and went in the living room. Dylan was sitting up on the couch, rubbing his eyes crying.
"Shh, big guy." I felt his forehead "oh, your really warm." I pick him up, and went to the kitchen. I took his temperature. 101.5 it's not to bad. Not bad enough to call the doctors.
"Mama." He cried
"Hey, what hurts?" I asked
"My tummy." He cried.
"Anything else?"
"My head." He touched his forehead.
"Okay." I sat him on the floor. I got out some medicine out. I fought with him to take it. I finally got him to take it. Sidney walked in the boys ran pass him.
"Slow down." I said, Dylan head was on my shoulder.
"How's he doing?" Sid asked
"I have him some medicine, he said his tummy, and his head hurts." I said
"Daddy." Dylan reach for him. Sid took him.
"I'm gonna change him out of these clothes."
"Okay." I said and went back to cooking.
I finished cooking, I gave Aiden, and Oliver their plates. Sidney got Dylan a apple juice, and had him laying down on the couch.
"Okay, he down." Sid said, I handed him a plate.
"Thanks." He got his food.

I had the boys bathe, changed, and ready for bed. Dylan fever went down. But now he's really cold. I covered Dylan as I lift their room. I yawned, putting my hair up, walking in our room. Sidney was watching TV. I curled in next to him.
"Hello." He said, putting his arm around.
"Hi." I said, I kissed his cheek. "We really need to go to sleep."
"Yeah, I know, we did have to get the earliest flight." He said. I got under the covers.
"Yeah." I said.

The next morning, the alarm went off.
"Turn it off." Sid whined, coving his face. I got up.
"Get up." I told him.
"Yes." I grabbed his hands, an pulled them down. Kissed his cheek.
"Fine." He said, and smiled. We got up, and changed. I got the boys up, and changed while Sid put the bags in the car.Dylan's fever was gone, he said he felt better, but he looked very tired and weak. We got everything to the car, and the boys.

We got to cole houbour hours later. We got everything unpacked for the most part.
"Mama,can we play outside?" Aiden jumped up and down
"Bud, we're going to grandma, and grandpa."
"Yeah, you can play outside over there." Sid said, he picked up, Dylan off the couch.
"Let's get in the car." I said.

"Grandma." Oliver ran in the house, Aiden followed.
"Boys, stop running." Sidney said carrying Dylan.
"My boys." Trina said, hugged them. I put our bag down. I rubbed Dylan's back.
"What's wrong with him?" Tory asked
"He was sick yesterday, he just getting over it." Sidney said, walking in the living room, laying him on the couch.
"Are you cold?" Sid asked, he nodded.
"I'm gonna get a blanket."
"Uh oh. Little man, don't you feel good." Trina said
"No." I said
"Here you go." Sid covered him up.
"Mama, Daddy, can we go outside now." Aiden asked
"Yeah, come on." Sid said Trina got up and walked in the kitchen.
"I'll be in the other room, okay Dyl." He nodded, I turned on some cartoons. Taylor and Anthony walked in.
"Hey, Britt."
"Tay." I hugged her.
"Where are my adorable nephews?"
"Aiden, and Oliver are outback, and Dylan's not feeling good. He's in the living room laying down." I said
"Oh." She walked in the living room.
"Hey umm Britt. Is Sid outback too? I need to talk to him." Anthony asked
"Ahh yeah, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, thank." He walked away.

I was helping Trina with dinner. Then Dylan started screaming. I dropped my knife on the counter, and ran in the living room.
"Hey, hey." I said "what's wrong." I grabbed him, trying to get him stop moving. I touch his forehead his was burning up. "Sidney!" I yelled, taking the blanket off of him.
"What's wrong?" Trina asked
"He's burning up, can you get Sid?" I asked "shhhh." I picked him up.
"Shhh." I rocked him back and froth. "Ahhh, I got you."
"What's wrong?" Sid ran inside.
"He's burning up." He touched his forehead.
"Oh my god." He said "we're going to the hospital." He took Dylan from me.
"Umm we're --"
"Go! We got the boys." Trina cut me off.
"Okay, thank you." I said, holding back tears and running outside. Sidney was putting him in his carseat.

We were sitting in the hospital waiting room. Sidney was walking back and froth. I was sitting there watching him.
"Sid." I whispered, he looked at me. "Sid-" I started crying.
"Shhh." He wrapped his arms around me. "He's gonna be fine."
"But we just thought he had a cold, the flu."
"And he might, it might just bee a little then we thought because he's he still just a baby."
"Our baby." I said grabbing Sid's arm.
"Yeah, ours." He hugged me.
"Mr. and Miss. Crosby." A doctors walked up to us. We stood up.
"Yes." I said
"Dylan has the flu, umm he gonna fine, but because he's so young we gonna keep him over night, watch him, and get his fever to go down." Sid let out a long breath.
"But he's gonna be okay?" Sid asked
"Yeah, he should be fine."
"Can I see him?" I asked
"Yeah, I 'll take you to his room."

We walked in Dylan's room.
"hey big guy." Sid said
"You're gonna be okay."
"Yeah, all these people are here to make you feel better." I said, running my hand though his hair.
"Stay here?" He asked
"Yeah, we'll both be here." Sid said, "I'm gonna go call my mom." He touched my shoulder.

That night, Sid and I was sitting on couch in Dylan room. My head on Sid's chest.
"You up?" Sid asked
"Yeah." I said sitting up.
"Umm so today Anthony asked me and my dad for permission to marry Tay."
"Oh my god." I smiled "what did you say?"
"I said yes, we both did."
"Oh my.."
"My little sister is gonna get married." I looked at him at smiled.
"Do you know when he gonna ask her?" I asked
"He was gonna do it last night he wanted all of us to be there, but I don't if he did it or not."
"Do you remember when she starting dating him?" I asked
"Yeah, you were pregnant with Aiden."
"That's crazy, we're old." I laughed
"No, we're not." He kissed my forehead.
"Do you think she'll say yes?" I asked
"Oh yeah. I mean they have been together for what almost seven years, which doesn't mean anything, just They have to love each other."
"By the way being together for seven years, means something."
"I know, I mean she not gonna say yes just because they have been together for seven years." He said
"Oh okay."

The next morning.
"Mama." I opened my eyes. Sid was standing next to Dylan's bed.
"Mmmm. Are you felling better?" I stood up.
"Yeah." Sid put his hand on my back.
"How is the big guy doing?" The doctor walked in the room.
"I think he looked better." I said
"He does, lets check you out, eh" The doctor did his thing.
"His tempture has down he looks good. Let me sign some papers and your be ready to go." He said
"Okay, thank you." Sid said

We walked into Sid's parents.
"Mama, Daddy!!." Oliver yelled
"Mama." Aiden hugged my waist.
"Hey, buddy, did you have fun with grandma, and grandpa?" Sid asked holding Dylan on his side.
"Is Dylan okay?" Aiden asked
"Yeah, he's gonna be okay." I said "are you two ready to go home?"
"Okay go outside, with daddy while I talk to grandma." I told them. They ran past Sid and out the door. I smiled "Trina thank you so much!"
"It no problem at all, he's gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, hes just gotta rest now, thank you again."
"Your welcome." She said