Status: Active

You Are Magnificent and I Am Sorry!


Four years ago I boarded the Hogwarts express not knowing another soul, I felt out of place as everyone else around me had strong British accents and my Irish twang made me stand out like a white elephant. My ginger hair done me few favor either, until I was befriended by Fred Weasley and his brother George they asked politely if they could sit in my carriage. I was alone and didn't mind. They introduced themselves and I smiled and said hello politely. We began to exchange information and the boys informed me they were from England and took a guess I was not. I informed them I was from a small town in Mayo Ireland. The topic of the school eventually came up and I had to admit that I knew very little, my mother told me little about it and I had no clue what to expect.

The two boys looked at each other and grinned almost identical grins. They filled me in on classes and the sorting ceremony or at least what they had been told by their older brothers. I felt more relaxed once I knew what to expect. They proudly revealed that their whole family had been in Gryffindor for generations and they expected to be sorted into the same house. I felt my heart drop. If sorting was based on family I would be placed in Ravenclaw and I would be unable to maintain the friendship I hoped was forming with the two ginger boys in front of me. They noticed my frown and asked me what the matter was and I explained. Both boys let out charming laughs, I noticed that when one laughed so did the other, they were more than twins they were best friends and the other half to each other. They explained it wasn't just based on family it was based on the person individually.

A third ginger boy entered our carriage and let the twins know it was time to change into their robes. He smiled at me and introduced himself as Bill the twins’ oldest brother. I smiled and politely introduced myself as “Rhiannon Sirius O'Connor.” Just like my grandmother had taught me. The three boys smiled, Bill made small talk for awhile before excusing himself and the twins in order to get changed, advising I do the same. I pulled my back pack down from the over head and pulled out my new school uniform. I pulled down the blinds and change quickly. Before I knew it there was a knock on my door and I was met by the Weasley boys letting me know it was time to get off the train and make our way up to the school.

The boys kindly stuck by my side and I could see that no matter what house I was placed in I had made two new wonderful friends. We traveled toward the castle is simple wooden boats and as we drew closer to the well lit castle the more scared I got. We were paraded in, in front of a hall full of people and we stood silently until the sorting hat has sung it’s song and our names were called alphabetically. I stood silently my palms sweating and my stomach churning. All I could think about was letting my mum down, she expected another Ravenclaw, what if I was put in Slytherin?

“Rhiannon O'Connor” echoed throughout the hall and I nervously sat on the wooden stool and waited to the witch to place the hat on my head. I seen the twins give me reassuring smiled and I calmed myself and concentrated on the task at hand being sorted. The hat hmm’ed and ha’ed for a few moments before letting me know exactly what it was thinking. “A lot like your mother, you would do well in Ravenclaw, very well indeed, very ready mind, more like your father however, best be.” I squeezed my eyes shut and let the hat make its decision it was suppose to know best. “Gryffindor” it roared and a table decorated Gold and Scarlet cheered and welcomed me to the table.

I noticed Bill stand and offer me a seat beside him; I smiled graciously and took the seat and waited for the twins to be sorted, not long after they trotted toward the table Fred first and not too long after George. The twins took two seats opposite their brothers and I and smiled. “Told you it would be Gryffindor for us” chimed the twins in unison. I grinned at the two boys in front of me and shook my head at their cocky nature. Something that I would grow to love in the years that followed.

September 1st 1989 the day I met my best friends and the day I can honestly say my whole life changed for the better.
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New story I am going to work on over the summer whilst I have the time
