Status: New and On Going

An Iron Will

An Old Memory and a Broken Clock


The smell of the bus stop clogged her nose and invaded her mouth, landing on her tongue and making her gag. It smelled like trash, body odor and car fumes. She climbed off her neighbor's bike that she "borrowed" and walked to the ticket window, she looked up, seeing something she hoped wouldn't stop her. That something, was a someone. An older woman, unnatural orange hair, wrinkled skin and yellow cigarette stained teeth.
" What do you want, kid?", she asked. Small hands, much calmer than they should be, reached into a Power Puff Girls backpack and pulled out a wad of money.
Softly laying down the money on the counter she questioned," Where can this get me?"
Raising an eyebrow, the woman took the money with a reply of," New York City, if you want." The small girl nodded, extending her hand for a ticket. Holding out the ticket out, the woman said," Wake up, Lacie. Wake up!" Her voice changed into that of a man's deep baritone as she said again," Wake up!"

Lacie Antonia Charles woke up.


I opened my eyes to see a very familiar face smiling down at me. "Morning, Reed. What time is it?", I asked, propping myself up onto my elbows and forearms. I couldn't help examining the man who took me in seven years ago, the man who unwittingly became like my father. He had a few more lines on his face, his hair was graying aroung his temples and he looked as if the fate of the world rested on his shoulders. Which, in a way, the world did rest on his shoulders: he was Reed Richards, world renowned scientist and Mr. Fantastic, superhero extraordinaire!
" Can't you just look at a clock, Lace?", he asked chuckling.
"No, I can't. If you remember, I chucked my clock at Johnny last week. I haven't gotten a new one yet." I groaned at the memory.
I couldn't even recall what we had been fighting about. All I do remember was thinking that this wasn't going to be a fair fight because Johnny could turn me to ash on the spot if he got it into his mind. So I decided that the best defence was a good offense. I grabbed the closest thing to me and turned it into a projectile aimed for Johnny's face. It was my analog clock that sacrificed itself to give him a nosebleed and a splitting headache. I believe it was worth it.
A voice from the hall called," Why are you talking about Johnny? I mean, I know the guy is awesome but you ladies really need to get a hobby to gossip about." A man walked in, blue eyes, dark blonde hair styled to spike up in the front and a very smug expression. Eavesdropper.
"Sorry. I don't take advice from people who talk about themselves in third person. They tend to be egotistical assholes.", I said sweetly, keeping a polite smile glued on my face. Johnny opened his mouth to retort but Reed stopped him before he could.
" Enough you two. No bickering today.", we both gave him a look," No bickering before everyone has had coffee, then. Go, Johnny, we can't have you killing the birthday girl in her bed.", Reed sighed, exhausted with us. But I perked up, I'm 18 today!
" You lucked out this time, Charlie!", Johnny called over his shoulder as he left the room.
" Don't call me Charlie! My last name is Charles not my first. It's not a good nickname!." I glared after him as he went, hoping he could feel my eyes burning into his back. Reed laid one hand on my arm and stretched out his other arm to close the door behind Johnny. " Reed, what time is it?"
As casually as possible, he replied, " About 7:45, this beautiful morning." He became sheepish as my mouth popped open and my eyes narrowed.
" This is sadistic, Reed! It's my birthday! I'm the freakin' Queen of Sleeing In, it's my official title, yet you wake me up! Damnit, Reed!", I cursed. He gave me a smile and left, telling me everyone would be waiting in the kitchen. I watched him go, glowering.
"Jerk.", I grumbled as the door closed. Sighing, I rolled out of my beautiful, comfortable queen-sized bed and wandered over to my vanity. I rolled my eyes at my reflection in the mirror. Typical. I was 18, an adult, I could legally vote but I look no different. No over night change. Just long, dark brown hair( crazy from sleep currently), dark gem blue eyes with a green ring around the pupil and the same peach colored skin. No difference, except a pimple next to my left eyebrow.
I tipped my head back, focusing my eyes on the ceiling. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. I chanted this in my head, my personal mantra. Actually my personal mantra is Don't Kill Anyone, Not Worth It. I quickly did a rollcall in my mind, of how my family would help me today.
Sue will keep you from killing Johnny, Alicia will keep everyone else in check, Ben will keep you laughing, Marley and Anna will show up eventually to make you feel normal and Johnny might not be such a gigantic dumbass today. And Reed promised it will be a great day, and he doesn't lie to you. I smiled after these thoughts, calming a bit.
Keeping my eyes focused on the ceiling I called out to Roberta. " Roberta, who's in the kitchen right now?" A holographic woman woman appeared next to me, a visual of Reed's AI.
Smile perfectly in place she said, " Dr. Richards, Mrs. Richards, Mr. Grimm, Miss Masters and Mr. Storm are all currently located in the kitchen. Anything else, Miss Charles?"
" No, Roberta. That's it, thanks." Smile still perfectly in place she vanished. I still find that somewhat creepy.
I quickly switched my focus over to the make up that sat in front of me, Johnny was not going to make fun of me today. I covered the damn zit, put on black mascara and eyeliner along with some green eyeshadow that made the green in my eyes pop and a clear lip gloss. I brushed my hair and checker my reflection. Simple, but pretty. Sue will be so proud. I hopped over to the large white wardrobe for clothes.
Opening the doors I considered my options. I knew the city was going to bake today, and Sue wouldn't let us all stay in the Baxter Building on my birthday, so I choose appropriately. Dark jean shorts, a white tank top with lace and golden sandals. I gave myself a once over in the mirror, I smiled. Turning to make the bed I thought Sue will be so proud and Johnny was going to lose it.
Wait, what? I did not just think that. I don't give one crap about what Johnny thinks. He's not even a blip on the radar.
Is he? Do I, maybe, just maybe-
"No!"' I shouted, cutting off my own thoughts. I hurried over to the door and left the room. I feel sick, what is wrong with me? Pushing the elevator button so I could go up five floors to the penthouse felt draining.
In the kitchen I have to see HIM.
"No.", I say firmly, as the elevator dinged. I stepped inside, punched the button for the top floor and let the doors close. Shaking my head, all I could think was no. I don't go for pretty playboys. I most emphatically do not like the womanizer and crazy narcassistic asshole that is Johnny Storm.
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First story, guys! If your reading this I love you and I hope you liked it. Don't worry, it'll start speeding up soon enough. I could never make Phil wait for to long!! So, tell me what you think with a comment and please subscribe :)