Status: New and On Going

An Iron Will

Traveling To the Two Towers


So this is incredibly awkward. This large, black SUV contains a deadly mix of volatile variables(I do pay attention to Reed's science speak sometimes): two genius superheros who hate each other, add in a set of doppelgangers from different eras, a man that can turn into an enormous, green rage monster, combine with two deadly assassins and a soon-to-be college student. This vehicle could be a traveling Molotov Cocktail. Agent Barton sat in the passenger's seat playing with a steel-tipped arrow, while Agent Romanov drove the vehicle with a passive look on her face, almost bored. Tony and Reed sat in the row of three in front of me, separated by Bruce who couldn't stop fidgeting. I managed to find myself squished, and I mean squished, between Captain America and The Human Torch.

It was sweltering, their arms chaffed against mine in a rough, almost painful way. The tension I could feel radiating through the SUV was not eased for me by Johnny, like it normally would be. He hadn't spoken a word to me since the mall. And, it didn't look like he was inclined to start speaking to me any time soon. I sighed in frustration, not even able to roll my shoulders to relieve some of the stress that had converted into physical tension because of the tight quarters. How do two guys take up so much space? It's not like we were sitting in an old Gremlin.

I twitched my feet, the only physical outlet I had at the moment, as I thought of what was going to happen in the next...well foreseeable future.

It had been decided, after almost three hours of screaming, that everyone would move into Stark Tower while the hunt for the super villains was going on. And when it was decided everyone was going to be living there, everyone had to go. Not just the heroes. I was going, so was Alicia. We were on our way to the Baxter Building to pack our things and move out for awhile. No one was really happy about this. Except, I expect, Tony. But only because it was pissing off Reed so much.

Not even the other Avengers were happy about it. Barton lived on SHIELD headquarters, Natasha lived...wherever Natasha wanted to lived. Bruce hadn't even been in the country until a week ago and Steve lived in a little apartment by himself. None of them were exactly thrilled with living with other people that they didn't know, though, I thought their biggest concern was actually living with Tony.

I was livid. I wasn't going to say anything but I could hardly see straight I was so mad. Why did they get to dictate everything? Superheros and secret government agencies should only exist on the Saturday morning cartoons you watched as a kid. I could just go stay with Marley or Anna, but no. I was a vulnerability, I had to be controlled and watched.

Ben and Sue were still at SHIELD, working with this new group that Agent Coulson had put together. They were going to follow the yellow brick road to the City of Gigantic Egos later. Lucky bastards.

It seemed to take forever to reach the Baxter but we all made it in one piece. Johnny was the first one out, he hopped out of the car like it was about to explode and strode inside quickly. Reed and I also left the SUV, but we went at a much more leisurely pace. It was deceiving though, our act of calm acceptance. I could tell neither of us wanted to be there and I could tell Reed was going to talk to me-lecture me- more like it. Once you were around Reed long enough you developed a sixth sense about things, like when he was gearing up to give a speech that even a lying politician or lawyer would cry if faced with. That sense was a defense mechanism, so you could duck and cover, and foist him off on an unsuspecting bystander.

We walked through the lobby completely silent, Natasha had followed us in but she stopped by the reception desk. Johnny must have already gone up because he was nowhere in sight. We waited for the elevator, I kept trying to avoid Reed's gaze, my cheeks burning in anticipation. I was going to be alone in an elevator with Reed for 30 floors, great. The doors slid shut and, surprise, surprise, Reed immediately rounded on me.

"Lacie, this was unexpected-"

"No, duh, Reed."

"Let me finish. This was unexpected but it doesn't have to change anything. Anything at all. Yes, you're related to Tony Stark, but that doesn't make you anything like him, or make me care for you any less. We both know that I...don't care for him much but that will never extend to you. But you have to promise me that if he tries to get close to you you'll see through any lies he'll throw at you. He's famed for his fake smiles and destructive weapons. Just be careful, Lacie." I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, this was not what I had expected, at all.

"I know, Reed. I have to admit though, not what I expected to hear from you."

"I didn't think this is where I was going with it, either." We smiled at each other, Reed relaxed and seemed at ease. For a second I did too until started thinking about what he had just said. I could have lost him? For him to make that speech he would've had to consider changing. Right? Or am I just being paranoid? Reed wouldn't do that, he couldn't.

"Lacie? Lace?" Reed called, interrupting my inner breakdown. Coming back to myself I realized he had his hands on my shoulders and had been shaking me. "You in there?"

"Sorry, Reed. What'd you say?"

"I asked how much you think we should pack. How much are you packing? Are you just bringing clothes? Do you think Sue-"

"Calm down, Stretch." I chuckled, quoting Tony from earlier. "Sue can take care of herself and I don't think she'll care what you pack. As long as you don't complain to her that you forgot something. I'm gonna pack what I want, a few bags because who knows how long we're gonna be there. And, no, I'm not just packing clothes. I'll bring some stuff to keep myself occupied, though you're not going to have that problem." Reed nodded as I spoke, soaking up every word I said. He differed to me during anything not science or crime fighting related.

"That sounds you think I'll need a tux?"

I thought about "Maybe, knowing all the random things you guys get pulled into, but I'm sure you can come back. We're not under house arrest." He didn't answer "Right? Reed?"

"We are supposed to stay at Stark's unless we get called to fight or get approval from SHIELD to go out somewhere. Though, I doubt Stark will listen. He'll be going out with...people...all hours of the night." He shifted faintly, looking at me hesitantly. Like I didn't know he was a man-whore. Even more so, now that he and Virginia Potts have broken up, according to the tabloids at least "I doubt you're going to be able leave that much. Including Tony, you could be used as leverage against at least five of us. Probably more when the rest of the Avengers get to know you, you're a liability."

"I am n-!"

"Lacie, you are! Imagine if Sue ,or Ben or Alicia or Johnny or I, were taken by someone, and we couldn't get away. That person would threaten you by threatening us. What would you do?"

"I'd go all Liam Neeson on their ass! Or, find someone who could."

"But if they threatened to kill us immediately if you did? If they would be constantly torturing us while we were in their grasp?"


"No, Lacie. I wouldn't let that happen. I would do whatever I could do to get you out, to keep you safe. I would give them state secrets,even let them have me instead. It wouldn't be a choice for me, it would be a natural reaction. Like breathing." My heart lurched at the look on Reed's face, he looked stripped bare. He had turned thirty only a few years ago, and he could easily be called handsome, but around his eyes everything, everything that had happened, showed. His gaze was wise and weary, the lines around his eyes weren't all laugh lines, they illustrated nights of constant ponder and work.

I didn't say anything but I nodded softly. He gave me a half-smile as the elevator stopped and opened. He didn't need to say anything else. I wouldn't let myself be the reason that Reed or Johnny, or anyone else, was harmed. He had made his point.


Sitting on my bed I felt like I was ten again, except I didn't want to leave. Back then, I hated my life. I was tired of being scared of the people my mom brought home. I was tired of being scared of myself for hating my own mother. Now, I loved my life. I had a family and friends that I cared for and looked forward to seeing every day, no matter how annoying I might find them at times.

I flopped back, jostling the bags I packed not five minutes before. Most of my clothes were in the bags, I had my pictures I had acquired in the the past seven years(along with the only picture I had of my mother and I) and just everyday things. But I had to leave so much... that reminded me.


A short blonde haired woman appeared next to my bed, smiling her trademark ,Jack Nicholson "Here's Johnny!", smile. It would be odd though. Not waking up to her constant, programmed cheerfulness.

"Yes, Miss Charles? How may I be of assistance?"

I looked at her for a second. Not sure if I should ask what I wanted to...but I needed him.

"Where's Johnny?"



God, I need to get drunk. This fucking super soldier. How in the hell is he perfect? The all American boy? I don't think so.

I went up to the penthouse to get my dad's old coffee mug, and there was Captain Democracy and that creepy archer.

Legolas was flipping channels on our flat screen, "Do you think I have time to turn on the mud wrestling tournament before Nat wants us back in the car?"

"Mud wrestling?"

"Two semi-naked women, rolling around in the mud. It's pretty awesome." Captain Underwear blushed fiercely.

"No, no. I d-don't think we should. Natasha-" He stuttered off, because I took this time to cough and cut off the Captain, before he could sound like even more of a virgin.

"Turn it on," I drawled,Both of them turned around
" I have twenty bucks on Red Ruby." The archer smiled widely, but the Captain gave me a hard stare. I couldn't help comparing myself to the guy. Sure, we looked alike in the facial area but the body? This guy was a behemoth! He would crush a woman. I'm tall, this guy was Goliath, and I'm fit, but this guy was like on steroids. No, this guys was steroids in human form.

"You're the Human Torch?" he asked, sounding all "no nonsense".

"I guess, I mean, I am pretty hot, not to mention hard to handle. So, yeah, they call me the Human Torch."

A feminine voice laughs from behind me "That's pretty lame, Johnny." I hadn't heard the elevator, and I couldn't help grimacing before I turned around. I wasn't sure how I was feeling about Lacie right now.

"Well, cliche works for a reason, Lacie." her brows pinched together, she clearly noticed that I called Lacie. I only call her that when I'm serious or actually mad.

"Johnny? Can I talk to you? In private?" she asked tentatively, almost scared. And I would have said yes, except for one thing.

She looked at that damn super soldier, making sure he was okay with her talking to me. Like she needed his approval. I'm not going to obsess over everything and make myself jealous over nothing, especially when it's Lacie. She's just Lacie. Not anything that special. Right?

"We can talk later. I'm sure Reed is waiting for us." I brushed past her, to signal the elevator. I had to stop myself from wrapping an arm around her when her expression deflated at my answer. I was always there when someone hurt her, but now it was me.

The four of us clambered into the elevator. I watched as she walked between them, looking so at ease. Then, I noticed something else, something I was pissed that I had forgotten about. I asked her and she flamed red.

"Why do you have a crutch again?"


That was the most awkward elevator ride ever. Johnny must be really mad at me because he laughed along with Clint, instead of burning him to a crisp, when he found out Clint had tripped me and sprained my ankle. At least Steve reprimanded them both for it, but that made Johnny even more prickly. What was wrong with him?

Now, we were all back in the SUV, driving to Stark Tower. Same positions as before, but the anger and tension in the car was now concentrated in one specific area. Between Johnny, Steve and I. I'm not sure exactly what was going on but I could physically feel it. It was thick and it hung heavy on my skin, pressing on my chest, suffocating me. Steve seemed to know that Johnny was sending daggers his way, so he was sitting straight(more than usual) and glaring right back.

Reed kept glancing back at us, clearly aware that something was wrong. Clint was now polishing his arrows and Natasha still had that passive/bored look on her face. Tony was texting on his phone, his fingers moving fast, but not as fast as Reed's can.

Night had completely fallen on the city but it just made the streets brighter, at least the streets we were driving through. No one saw anything out of the ordinary as we drove through the packed, but less than usual, streets. No one had any idea that a car full of superheros ,who had all saved the world at one point or another, were driving straight through them. It almost felt unfair. Every one of them was kept in the dark, to protect them, but still, kept blind in the dark.

I didn't take much time to get to Stark Tower but it almost felt worse when we arrived. It was alien here. We drove into an underground garage, directly under the Tower. Natasha parked the car and we sat their, except Tony.

"Let's go! So much to do tonight." Tony chatted, getting out of the car. He kept talking but he closed the door so I wasn't exactly sure what he was saying. I'm seriously related to this guy?

"Stark's right." the red-head said from the front seat, looking like she wasn't particularly happy about admitting this.

Faint grumbles sounded, but no one argued. We all piled out of the car, following Tony. We were greeted by his smug smile, sunglasses still on his face.

"Welcome to the dungeons of Stark Tower."
♠ ♠ ♠
Definently "Hammer Time" next chapter, if you get my hint!! Sorry I'm a few days late. My dad went into the hospital(It should be okay) and I spent the end of the week/weekend there. Soooooo


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But seriously, I love comments!