Status: New and On Going

An Iron Will

The Prince of Nothing Meets a Liability


I sat with my head in my hands, on Tony Stark's couch. I wasn't sure how Clint had managed not to shoot him by now because I would have.

"No. I'm not sitting through that again." Clint snips through clenched teeth.

"One: Again? When have you seen it before? Two: It'll be like team bonding. Brucey agrees with me. Right?" Tony queried breezily.

Bruce looked up from the game of chess that he was playing with Reed. "Not really, Tony. Male strippers aren't my favorite movie fodder."

Natasha was watching Tony and Clint's argument with vague interest. She seemed to be inclined to side with Tony on this.

"It doesn't matter why I've seen it, just that I refuse to watch it again."

"But Magic Mike is awesome!"

Steve kept tugging on my elbow as this conversation went on. I turned to look at his confused face. He must have a really pressing question seeing as he was ignoring the death stare competition he and Johnny had been having.

Smiling faintly I murmured, "What?"

He looked embarrassed as he asked, "Males strippers? I'm not sure that I entirely get that reference."

I grinned widely "Not really a reference, Cap. It's more a profession."

His face reddened violently, "Like, the-um ladies, that take off their..." his hands gestured forward slightly, asking me to finish his sentence for myself.

" Their clothes? Yeah. Except, now guys do it too. There's this one club know what, never mind. You don't need to hear this story." It was my turn to blush. Steve gave me a slight nod of thanks before returning to his glare-off with Johnny.


"NOOO!" Clint bellowed, cutting off Tony's whine. I sighed, rubbing small circles on my temple. I turned my attention back to Steve and Johnny. My eyes grew huge. Steve looked in full command of himself but Johnny looked like he was envisioning a Fourth of July barbecue. I really didn't want to see superhero vs. superhero fight in Tony's penthouse.

"Johnny." I said quickly standing up from my seat next to Steve on the long black leather couch. Both doppelgangers looked up at me startled. Johnny's gaze quickly switched to back to aggravated again.

"What?" a snipped.

"C-can we talk?" I stammered.

"Fine. Talk." he leaned back on the couch, switching to his patented smirk.

I sighed faintly "Alone?" He examined me for a second before giving me a slight nod and rising from the couch. He strode toward the elevator on his long legs, leaving me to half-jog to keep up. I stepped into the spacious lift tentatively.

I leaned forward and hit the button that would take us down to the floor where our new rooms were. It only took a few seconds in the elevator before the doors opened back up, spilling out the heavy awkward air that had already condensed around us. Johnny walked down three doors to the left, his room for the duration of our stay. I hesitated before going into a closed space with him in his current mood but I followed, hoping to figure out what was with the 212 degree treatment.

"Okay. We're here. Alone. Talk." he said curtly, not even bothering to look at me.

"Johnny..." a million questions sprang to mind: why are you ignoring me, what's up with the death stare with Steve, what did Fury say, what's your job in all this? But the one that came out was- "Do you think I'm a liability?"

"What?" he asked looking fazed.

"Am I a liability?"

"Yes." My heart stuttered as Johnny confirmed what Reed had said earlier. I should leave, they really don't need me around. I hated feeling self-deprecating but I just couldn't help it right then. Why did I ask that? Out of everything? THAT? I don't want to know, know that the only family I have doesn't need the risk of someone like me. JARVIS' voice snapped me out of my pity party.

"Miss Stark, Mr. Storm. I hate to interrupt your conversation but Dr. Richards and Mr. Stark are both requesting your presence as Mr. Grimm and Mrs. Richards have arrived."

I blinked rapidly, clearing my eyes of something that was not tears. Not at all. "Thanks, JARVIS. We'll be-"

"We'll? No. You go. I'm gonna stay here. Tell the geniuses I said something that rhymes with duck off. And say hi to Rocky and my dear sister for me."


"Go on, now. Be a good girl and get going." he sneered, but it lacked his normal conviction.

I opened up my mouth to respond, then closed it. I spun on my heel. He doesn't need to be around me if he doesn't want to be. Closing his door I decided that him not coming up with me shouldn't hurt so much.


I flopped onto the bed with a groan as she left. I shouldn't be acting like this, especially when I don't feel any of what I'm saying. All I could do was stare at the ceiling pensively. Since when did I let things like this get to me? I'm the human torch for Christ's sake! I sleep with plenty of hot,young women. And this is Lacie! Lacie!

I groaned again, this time loudly. My frustration was at a boiling point and i could feel my skin start to steam. She was so damn aggravating! Why was she all buddy-buddy with the patriot and the archer? When did that happen? And why?

Even though I don't have a problem with her all cuddly with the I do. He doesn't even know her. More importantly: She doesn't know him! Maybe he isn't the embodiment of America and all things wholesome. Maybe, maybe he was a necrophiliac or..I'm being stupid. He's perfect. She deserves someone like him. Not someone like me.

Well, if I can't-, my thoughts were cut off as my door slid open again. The heavy foot fall clued me in on who it was.

"Hey, Rock Biter. What's up?" I drawled, not moving an inch.

"I should ask you." came the grumbly reply " Lacie comes up alone, all upset. Saying you would come up later. What'd you do hothead?"

I snorted "Me? Nothing. Maybe she saw my porn collection and got offended, like Sue did. Though, to be fair, I did warn Sue that-"

"Johnny. Enough. Alicia told me."

My heart skipped faintly "Told you what?" Please, if there is a god, any god, please no.

"That you've got a thing for Charlie. But, I guess I can't call her that since her last name ain't Charles no more."

"Just go-HEY!" I yelled sharply as Ben ripped me up from the bed. His expression was hard, harder than his normally rocky exterior anyway.

"Stop it with the angsty bullshit, kid. Just man up, and tell her." keeping a firm grip on my shirt ,as he 'advised' me, Ben dragged me out of my room and out into the hallway. I could tell we were going back to the penthouse instead of the nearest bar to drown my problems in beer and questionable women with even shakier morals when he started patting me down in an attempt to make me look more composed. I laughed raggedly as we got into the lift and leaned against the back wall.

"Easier said than done, big guy. Easier said." but I straightened up, fixing what Ben screwed up with his clumsy pat down. Maybe he was right. Or, Alicia was right in any case. The big guy didn't normally let me down. It was another short ride but what the doors opened up to made me start crying with laughter and had me wishing I'd gotten here even faster.



It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely
For Not for very much longer

The speakers pounded out I could barely watch as two of my teammates and Lacie and the Invisible Woman danced. It was so different from anything I'd seen before, and not truly appealing to me.

I've got to keep control
I remember doing the Time Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me

And the void would be calling

As they started singing along, at least Lacie and Tony did, I got a twinge of discomfort in my stomach. These words were too familiar to me. I know that it was just a song but it seemed much more than that. Even if Bruce dancing around half-limp wasn't foretelling doom, it felt that way.

Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

It's just a jump to the left

And then a step to the right

With your hands on your hips

You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane
Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

I shook my head, starting to enjoy myself just a little when Lacie started pelvic-no! She could be my great-grandchild. It's just not okay. But that traitorous part roared in disagreement when she sent me a smile when Bruce passed Tony in score.

It's so dreamy
Oh, fantasy free me
So you can't see me
No, not at all
In another dimension
With voyeuristic intention
Well secluded, I see all

I swallow faintly, I got that reference. All four of them were getting into it, Dr. Richards was even on the side lines challenging Tony to a dance after this round. But not my pessimism was all but a nagging whisper in my mind as I focused on them dancing. Or, as I focused on the pretty brunette swaying her hips. And I don't mean Tony.

With a bit of a mind flip

You're into the time slip

And nothing can ever be the same

You're spaced out on sensation

Like you're under sedation

Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

Lacie had just jumped into the lead with a perfect, combo or something, and Tony was vigorously complaining while Bruce kept singing and dancing. Mrs. Richards was laughing as Bruce and Tony had to 'thrust' together. The elevator sounded faintly at that point. Richards called out a greeting, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed, otherwise. Except for the booms of laughter, maybe. One voice was rough and full, the other lively and energetic. I stiffened faintly.

Well I was walking down the street
Just a having a think
When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink
He shook-a me up, he took me by surprise
He had a pick up truck and the devil's eyes
He stared at me and I felt a change
Time meant nothing, never would again

Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

It's just a jump to the left

And then a step to the right

With your hands on your hips

You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane
Let's do the Time Warp again
Let's do the Time Warp again

The song ended with more crazed dance steps, but I wasn't fully paying attention now. Johnny was walking toward the group, strutting next to the...Ben Grimm. I'd read up on all of the members of the Fantastic Four( SHIELD has files on everyone) so I knew about their team, except for Lacie. But SHIELD was probably trying to keep her hidden. Johnny's profile- a lot like Tony's actually. With no genius thrown in.

"What was that, Sue? You and Reed pulling others into your mating rituals? I'm both relieved and insulted that I wasn't invited." the Torch snarked. Ben and Tony started chuckling, while everyone else started grimacing. Lacie walked over to me, panting slightly after her fourth round of Just Dance.

"You up for a round yet, soldier?" she asked, her lips twitching up slightly. That almost pulled a real smile from my lips. Since I 'woke up' I'd only smiled, really smiled,once not the half-way obligated smile I learned to give in this time. It was when I realized Tony was okay, that he hadn't died for us all when he flew into that portal. The day I learned that Stark was the one to pull the sacrifice play.

I only let out the shadow of one when I answered. "I'll leave that to you. Not really how I want to dance my first time."

Her eyes widened slightly "You've never-" Right then a loud wooshing sound boomed from the outside deck of Stark Tower.

Tony cried out in exasperation "Of course, he's a day early! Why am I surprised?"



I gasped at the lights that spiraled down from the sky. The spiraled down fiercely, singing out almost audibly. No, they really were making a sound. The color pulsed on the right side of majestically. If anyone tried to describe it to me, they would have failed. Miserably.

What I wasn't expecting was the figure it brought with it. No. Scratch that.

Two figures.

"What the hell!?" Tony yelled "He brought that guy back? Right. Because what we need is another homicidal, psychopathic lunatic on the loose while we're hunting two other assholes just like him."

I narrowed my eyes, wondering exactly who the second guy was. I obviously recognized the tall, strapping blonde man as Thor. From what I saw on the news reels, Thor was like Fabio except from Norse myth. Blue eyes like lightning, strong features and hair that could be in a shampoo commercial. Not to mention his body. Not that I would mention his body. Not that I have.

I hang out with Johnny too much. He's a bad influence. Not that I mind being influenced by him

Eugh. That sounded disgusting, even in my head.

The other man was also tall, very very tall. But he had long raven colored hair, pale clear skin with no facial hair like his companion's beard. When they walked into the penthouse I could make out his eyes even from the distance we were apart. The were a bright emerald green, but they had a look that I couldn't quite place. But I wasn't sure I liked it.

"Friends! I have missed you! How have you and Midgard fared in my absence?" Thor/Fabio boomed.

"Peachy. What the hell is this, Thor?" Tony gritted out.

"What is what, Man of Iron?" he asked innocently, brows drawn together in confusion.

"I believe," the dark haired man sneered "that he speaks of me."

"You bet your ass I am, princess." Tony barked back.

Reed stepped forward "Who is this? Stark?"

"I, you pathetic Midgardian," the emerald-eyed snake hissed " am your rightful King, but the Prince of Nothing." He added this last past as, almost, a whisper.

Natasha and Clint spoke at the same time, on the same wavelength. "He tried to take over the world last year."

My eyes widened, oh God. Then, my heart started having a fucking spaz attack because he turned, he looked straight at me and saw everything. He almost started purring as he grinned:

"And, who might you be, fair maid? I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting." he started forward "I am Loki."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry that this update took so long! My computer deleted the first two drafts and I got frustrated! Hope you're still reading:)
