Status: Finished

Bruised and Scarred.

Waiting…And Waiting…And BOOM! Goes The Dynamite

I knew I should be worried when I walked into the well known office this morning. The guys I could tell were just tired and didn’t have half a clue as to what this was about. Niall was half tired and half worried just as I was. I’m absolutely terrified at what they’ve chosen and whether they’ll give us a chance like last time to change their mind.
“Boys, Jessa, good to have you back. How was tour?”
Liam started off with a story about the orange outfits they wore and how they turned the whole crowd orange. Louis added on with some exaggerations about the rest of the shows. He then looked at me and asked, “Jessa, we’ve spent a week trying to work this out and have found the perfect plan” I’m starting to become scared that that means I’m not going to be by their side 24/7.
“You won’t be with them 24/7, but you’ll be on the same continent. We’ve arranged for you to stay with someone that we know very well and will keep you protected. Plus you’ll be able to fly out to see them anytime you want” he said with a smile on his face like this is going to solve everything. I didn’t react at all. As much as I wanted to I stayed still, hard as freaking stone. I’m going to be staying with someone that they trust, but I don’t know if I will. “What about the fans? They hacked into a security camera and know my face now. What’s going to happen when I’m not by his side?”
“We’ll play it off as you going to visit your family”
There was something about the way he said that that made me unsure that there wasn’t more to add. “And…?”
“And we’ll give Niall a short term girlfriend until the US tour is over”
At this point I was ready to kick him out the big glass window shining nicely behind him. Niall could tell I want to blow, but am holding it in as best as possible. “A short term girlfriend? When he already has a girlfriend? Why go through all of this trouble? He’s not gay, there’s nothing to hide! Is there something wrong with me?”
“No, not exactly-“
“Then what is it? Why does he need a fake girlfriend?”
“Well you see, everyone thinks the two of you are dating, which you most definitely are and I think you know if he was with someone a little better known it could be good for the band…” he trailed off probably noticing the anger displayed on my face. “We’ll give you information the day before you leave for the east coast. Until then we’ll be having a talk about the premiers”
“Will I be there for the TCA’S?”
I questioned suddenly.
“We haven’t thought about it so far in advance”
“Good day, sir”
I said before leaving before the guys. This is so messed up. Who does he think he is to give Niall a better known girlfriend? I waited patiently outside the door and one by one the long faced, tired boys trailed out of the room. We all silently made our way back to the car, not even a word on the way back.
As I do back for the US nearly the next day in our new house I get a professional e-mail with information about the people I’ll be staying with. I mean I’d be lying if I said the first name didn’t sound familiar, but I can’t understand why some woman’s name sounds familiar. I barely knew my mother, out of the womb and separated ever since. Looking over the rest of the info I guess I could put up with some central New York weather. Right as I was setting down my phone to pack more shirts Niall came in and said, “Hey, you know we don’t need to pack until tomorrow” he kindly reminded me. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but us leaving at noon today and taking a 7 and a half hour flight will put us to 5 in the morning in New York”
“Wait we’re going to New York?”
“Yep, that’s where Willy Wonka is dropping this Oompa Loompa in a small town in New York”
“Exciting. We’re going with you?”
“I’d either go alone and risk being seen by fans with pictures on twitter, and risk being vulnerable to my dad who might not be staying in one place. Or we say you guys wanted to sight see in New York before your tour and drop me off in the middle of nowhere”
“Sounds well thought out. I’m going to see if the guys have heard this yet and start packing. After that we can watch 27 Dresses…?”
At that I dropped my shirt and turned around, looking at him with a new smile on my face that had been missing all day. From there I hurried up my packing and figured I can always get more if I miss something.
Getting me out of bed is one thing, getting Niall out of bed. That shit’s on the other end of the scale. “Niall!” I shouted right next to his ear. He still didn’t wake up. He’s lucky he’s cute or his ass would be on the floor right now. Then I got a bright idea…instead of screaming at his dreamy waist I straddled his waist and planted kisses all over his face, and when he started to wake up I went down to his neck. “Morning” he mumbled sleepily. “Morning. Now get up you have an hour to get ready and in the car, and pick up the other guys” I then got off his lap so he could rush into the shower. I then went and used the kitchen that I will miss very dearly and made eggs and toast, maybe some bacon and apple juice cause I felt like it.
Honestly a 7 hour flight isn’t bad when it goes straight through. It’s the longer flights that become a pain to deal with. We managed to make it through the airport without making a big ruckus. This isn’t a busy airport for five in the morning. One big car brought us to a small house about an hour and a half from the airport. It seemed very home like just looking at it from the outside. Plenty of tree’s, a huge barn, backyard, and a…cat? I hopped out of the car and walked slowly up to the cat. “Here kitty kitty” I said to it while putting out my hand for it to sniff. The cat kind of shied away until it heard a voice come up from behind it that startled it closer to me. “Go on Kasey she’s not going to bite” I looked up and saw a face I swear I’ve only seen in photographs. “Oh, Jesse my baby girl” she exclaimed and wrapped her arms around me like we’ve known each other our whole lives. “Mom?”