

"Say it. Say it my face. Tell me I never meant anything to you. Say I was just your experiment." -Naomi
"I can't.... You know I can't. I'm sorry okay. I never meant for it to mean this much to you." -Kristen
"Mean this much?! *chuckles* How the fuck was it not supposed to mean this much. I trusted you. I did. And look what I get for that. Betrayal." -Naomi
"Naomi.... You're a amazing person. I--" -Kristen
"Stop. Stop right there. I don't want to hear it, I don't need your pitty. I don't fucking care about you.... I don't even want to see you again... Okay." -Naomi
"But I--" -Kristen
"It wasn't a question. I'm telling you now. I don't want to see you again. Stay out of my way." -Naomi

Naomi walked away. Letting the smell of her sweet perfume blow by Kristen's face one last time. As Kristen cried her tears seemed to leave a trail behind her. Naomi knew her secret. Her dirty, betraying secret. Naomi wasn't a fool, she knew what she was getting into. She just never thought it'd end up like that.
It began at the Tiffany's party. The twins of the Tiffany family household were major party animals. Always getting drunk,smoking, and sniffing up what they could. They're parents were always out of town for business reasons making it easier than it should to be throw parties. Anyways that's where all of it happened. Where Naomi and Kristen really met each other.

Flashing lights. Strobes. Blaring music. And sex, drugs, and life. Everyone was on the dance floor grinding, holding, and messing up each other.
(Kristen in the bathroom)
"Fuck!! *snorts* God. God I love cocaine." -Kristen
"Dude, that's your second line of the night. *laughs*" -Tiffany
"Hey Tiff, come over here real fast." -Jenny
"Yeah, what?" -Tiffany
"Kristen is gone. Want to have fun with it?" -Jenny
"I'm down. What do you have in mind?" -Tiffany
"Know Naomi? Well her and her girlfriend just broke up , and she is really just wanting to get fucked up to get over it. Kristen should hook up with her. It'll be a laugh in the morning." -Jenny
"Perfect. Hey Kristen!" -Tiffany
"What bitches!" -Kristen
"Truth or dare." Tiffany
"Truth." -Kristen
"How fucked are you?" -Tiffany
"Pretty fucked man." -Kristen
"Truth or Dare." -Tiffany
"Dare." -Kristen
"Dare you to hook up with Naomi!" -Tiffany
"Awe, man, just for tonight k? Oh god, can't believe I'm going to do this." -Kristen
"And let the games begin." -Jenny (smirks at Tiffany)

Kristen walked out to the dance floor, where she saw Naomi with a couple girls grinding on her. She pulls down her hair and lowers her shirt to get Naomi's attention. Now a thing about Naomi is that when in a relationship, she is a sweetheart,loyal,and amazing. But when out of one, she is the biggest player in the school. To get her attention is a privilege.
"Hey, got room for me to join?" -Kristen (biting her lip)
"Hop in here baby." -Naomi (laughing)
Kristen grabbed Naomi's shoulder's and slowly moved her body from side to side. Looking into Naomi's eyes, trying to grasp her attention, pulling her into a seductional trap.
"What're you doing?" -Naomi
"What do you mean?" -Kristen
"Are you trying to hook up or what? Cause that's what these bitches want from me, but if it was just you asking for it. I'm down." -Naomi
"I'm pretty fucked up." -Kristen
"So am I." -Naomi
"It'll mean nothing. Right?" -Kristen
"Fuck yeah it'll mean nothing. I'm here for sex and drugs. What're you here for?!" -Naomi (laughs)
"Snort a line?" -Kristen
"Add kush and vodka to that and I'm down." -Naomi

After snorting a line of cocaine, smoking, and shots they eventually left to Naomi's house. Running up into Naomi's room and shutting the door quietly, hearing only the giggles they were making in the dark. They hid under Naomi's bed cover with just a flashlight along with them.
"I've never done this before. With a girl I mean." -Kristen
"What am I to you really." -Naomi
"What do you mean?" -Kristen
"Am I like, you're girl experiment, one night stand, or are you a admirer?" -Naomi
"What if I didn't want to say. I mean I like keeping secrets." -Kristen
"So ... Admirer?" -Naomi

Kristen didn't answer. She kissed Naomi there. It wasn't too long after until they were doing more than kissing. But we don't need to go too far into detail with that.
Later in the morning Naomi woke up to holding Kristen in between her arms and legs.
"What the fuck did I do last night?" -Naomi (sits up from her bed)
"Shit, I fucked Kristen." -Naomi (chuckling and getting up)
As Naomi got up and put clothes on she finally woke up Kristen.
"Hey... Hey you little twat wake up." -Naomi (gently holding her body)
"Hmm? Oh. Oh my head." -Kristen
"Mum made breakfast, come downstairs, it'll help that headache." -Naomi
"Where are my clothes?" -Kristen
"How would I know, I'm just as hungover as you. Here, here's my favorite tee shirt. You can wear it for this morning." -Naomi (smiling and throwing the shirt)

Kristen put on the shirt and walked downstairs with Naomi into her grand kitchen. Her mother was standing in front of the oven cooking up eggs.
"Hey kids, the eggs are on the table this batch is just mine still cooking." -Heather
"Thanks mum." -Naomi
"Hey. Naomi you going to tell me who this gorgeous girl is?" -Heather (smiling with such character)
"This is Kristen, I nailed her." -Naomi (laughing while eating,head bowed down)(Kristen chokes back on her food out of shock)
"Naomi! You know better than to talk like that. You are beautiful though Kristen. Maybe you can straighten my Naomi out. After Katie-" Heather
"Mum! We don't talk about Katie okay?! I'll be back, I'm going to take a shower before I take her home." -Naomi (storms out of the kitchen)
"Sorry ,she gets like that whenever Katie is mentioned." -Heather (sitting at the breakfast table)
"What did Katie do?" -Kristen (talking with her mouth half full)
"She broke Naomi's heart. She let Naomi think she was important, made love with her, they told each other things ,told each other things... I don't even know about my own daughter. Naomi stopped doing drugs for her. Stopped drinking too. She loved her. And when Katie left to Colorado to live with her mom her and Naomi were committed in a long distance relationship. That last a good month or two more before--" -Heather
"Before the bitch cheated on me with a childhood friend. Oh wait, she was cheating on me the whole fucking time. She left for Colorado for her, not her damn mother." -Naomi (drying her hair with a towel)
"I'm sor--" -Kristen
"Sorry? Yeah so is everyone else. I don't give a fuck. Com'on I found her clothes." -Naomi (walks upstairs with Kristen)
"Here are your clothes, mind if we both change in the same room?" -Naomi (handing the clothes to Kristen, and pulling off the towel covering her damp body)
"Oh um I guess not." -Kristen (giggles nervously, trying not to glimpse at Naomi)
"I'M SORRY ABOUT KATIE." -Kristen (yells randomly)
"What?" -Naomi
"I mean. I've seen you at school. And you're a cool person. You don't deserve what she did to you. I know everyone is telling you that but, I don't know. I thought I might as well tell you too. I know we just had mindless sex last night and were both drunk but you were so passionate about her... Why is that?" -Kristen
"You're just a stranger I picked up and fucked. What makes you think that I just want to randomly tell you about my love life?" -Naomi (raising her voice)
"Cause, when are we really going to see each other again. I'm just curious." -Kristen
"I'm not opening up to someone I'm never seeing again. Now com'on lets get you home." -Naomi

The car ride was silent. Naomi driving fast to end the tension and Kristen thinking about what to say. There wasn't much she could even say, Naomi made it quiet clear she didn't want to talk about Katie.
♠ ♠ ♠
not finished.